002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
016 * at:
017 *
018 *      http://www.biojava.org/
019 *
020 */
021package org.biojava.bibliography;
023import java.util.Hashtable;
025import org.biojava.utils.candy.CandyFinder;
026import org.biojava.utils.candy.CandyVocabulary;
029 * <p>
030 * This interface defines supporting utilities for working with
031 * bibliographic repositories.
032 * </p>
033 *
034 * <p>
035 * The fundamental part of this interface deals with the controlled
036 * vocabularies. However, the <tt>BibRefSupport</tt> interface is here
037 * just a gateway to other Java interfaces defined in a separate
038 * package {@link org.biojava.utils.candy}.
039 * </p>
040 *
041 * <p>
042 * The controlled vocabularies are used in order to find names of
043 * all available attributes of the given bibliographic repository, to
044 * find all possible values of some attributes, and to specify
045 * availability of the ordering and searching criteria. Here belong
046 * methods {@link #getVocabularyFinder getVocabularyFinder}, {@link
047 * #getSupportedValues getSupportedValues}, and {@link
048 * #getSupportedCriteria getSupportedCriteria}.
049 * </p>
050 *
051 * <p>
052 * The other <em>raison d'etre</em> for the BibRefSupport interface is
053 * to have a place where some common constants can be put in. The
054 * constants specify common vocabulary names (examples are {@link
055 * #RESOURCE_TYPES} or {@link #JOURNAL_TITLES}, explicitly defined
056 * bibliographic resource types (for example, {@link #TYPE_BOOK} or
057 * {@link #TYPE_ARTICLE}), and few other things.
058 * </p>
059 *
060 * <p>
061 * And finally, there are some methods allowing to improve an
062 * efficient access to the supporting resources by calling explicitly
063 * {@link #connect connect} and {@link #disconnect disconnect}.
064 * </p>
065 *
066 * <p>
067 * It was an intention to separate completely methods dealing with
068 * bibliographic repositories (as defined in interface {@link
069 * BibRefQuery}) and methods helping with other things (as defined
070 * here). This <em>box of bricks</em> approach helps to use different
071 * communication protocols for bibliographic and supporting
072 * repositories. For example, the performance can be sometimes
073 * improved when the client loads separately all controlled
074 * vocabularies and use them locally while the access to the
075 * bibliographic repository is still remote.
076 * </p>
077 *
078 *<H3>The implementation is advised to used the following constructor</h3>
079 *
080 * <p>
081 *<pre>
082 *    public NameOfAnImplementation (String[] args, Hashtable props) {...}
083 *</pre>
084 *    where both <tt>args</tt> and <tt>props</tt> contain implementation
085 *    specific parameters and properties. However, some properties are
086 *    more probable to be used - the suggested names for them are defined
087 *    also in this interface (e.g. {@link #INIT_PROP_LOG}).
088 * </p>
089 *
090 * <p>
091 * The use of this constructor makes easier to load dynamically different
092 * supporting implementations.
093 * </p>
094 *
095 * @author <A HREF="mailto:senger@ebi.ac.uk">Martin Senger</A>
096 * @author Matthew Pocock
097 * @version $Id$
098 * @since 1.3
099 */
101public interface BibRefSupport {
103    //
104    // names for global vocabulary names
105    //
107    /**
108     * A vocabulary name. The vocabulary contains stringified names of
109     * all citation types stored in the repository. The names of types
110     * that are explicitly defined by this interface should be equal
111     * to the constant strings for types (such as {@link #TYPE_BOOK}).
112     */
113    static final String RESOURCE_TYPES     = "resource_types";
115    /**
116     * A vocabulary name. Some bibliographic repositories consist of
117     * {@link BiblioEntryStatus#repositorySubset several
118     * databases}. Their list can be provided by this vocabulary.
119     */
120    static final String REPOSITORY_SUBSETS = "repository_subsets";
122    /**
123     * A vocabulary name. The vocabulary contains available
124     * {@link BiblioSubject#subjectHeadings subject headings}.
125     */
126    static final String SUBJECT_HEADINGS   = "subject_headings";
128    /**
129     * A vocabulary name. The vocabulary contains available languages
130     * used in {@link BibRef#language} and {@link BiblioDescription#language}.
131     */
132    static final String LANGUAGES          = "languages";
134    /**
135     * A vocabulary name. The vocabulary contains journal titles as
136     * used in {@link BiblioJournal#name}.
137     */
138    static final String JOURNAL_TITLES     = "journal_titles";
140    /**
141     * A vocabulary name. The vocabulary contains journal
142     * abbreviations as used in {@link BiblioJournal#abbreviation}.
143     */
144    static final String JOURNAL_ABBREV     = "journal_abbreviations";
146    /**
147     * A vocabulary name. The vocabulary contains names of properties
148     * that characterize a citation as a {@link
149     * BiblioEntryStatus#properties repository/database record}.
150     */
151    static final String ENTRY_PROPERTIES   = "entry_properties";
153    //
154    // names for (some) bibliographic resource types
155    //
157    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
158    static final String TYPE_BOOK            = "Book";
160    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
161    static final String TYPE_ARTICLE         = "Article";
163    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
164    static final String TYPE_BOOK_ARTICLE    = "BookArticle";
166    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
167    static final String TYPE_JOURNAL_ARTICLE = "JournalArticle";
169    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
170    static final String TYPE_PATENT          = "Patent";
172    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
173    static final String TYPE_THESIS          = "Thesis";
175    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
176    static final String TYPE_PROCEEDING      = "Proceeding";
178    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
179    static final String TYPE_TECH_REPORT     = "TechReport";
181    /** A name of a bibliographic resource type. */
182    static final String TYPE_WEB_RESOURCE    = "WebResource";
184    //
185    // names for (some) other corners of a bibliographic repository
186    //
188    /** A name of a provider type. */
189    static final String PROVIDER_PERSON       = "Person";
191    /** A name of a provider type. */
192    static final String PROVIDER_ORGANISATION = "Organisation";
194    /** A name of a provider type. */
195    static final String PROVIDER_SERVICE      = "Service";
197    /** A name of a provider type. */
198    static final String GENERIC_PROVIDER      = "Provider";
200    //
201    // names for (some) attribute names
202    //
204    /**
205     * <p>
206     * A part of a vocabulary name. It is usually coupled together
207     * with a bibliographic resource type to give a full vocabulary
208     * name. For example: {@link BibRefSupport#TYPE_JOURNAL_ARTICLE
209     * JournalArticle}/ATTR_PROPERTIES.
210     * </p>
211     *
212     * <p>
213     * The vocabulary contains property names for the given resource
214     * type as defined in {@link BibRef#properties}.
215     * </p>
216     */
217    static final String ATTR_PROPERTIES = "properties";
219    /**
220     * A vocabulary name, or a part of a vocabulary name.
221     * The vocabulary contains all allowed keys in
222     * {@link BiblioScope#properties}.
223     */
224    static final String ATTR_SCOPE      = "scope";
226    /**
227     * A vocabulary name, or a part of a vocabulary name.
228     * The vocabulary contains all allowed keys in
229     * {@link BibRef#format}.
230     */
231    static final String ATTR_FORMAT     = "format";
233    //
234    // names characterizing attributes
235    //
237    /**
238     * <p>
239     * A role of an attribute.
240     * </p>
241     *
242     * <p>
243     * The introspection mechanism (provided by using controlled
244     * vocabularies) allows to find what attributes are available in
245     * the repository. The attributes which can be used in query
246     * methods should be identified by putting this constant into
247     * their vocabulary entry (somewhere in the {@link
248     * org.biojava.utils.candy.CandyEntry#description description} field).
249     * </p>
250     */
251    static final String ROLE_ATTR_QUERYABLE   = "queryable";
253    /**
254     * <p>
255     * A role of an attribute.
256     * </p>
257     *
258     * <p>
259     * The introspection mechanism (provided by using controlled
260     * vocabularies) allows to find what attributes are available in
261     * the repository. The attributes which can be used in retrieval
262     * methods should be identified by putting this constant into
263     * their vocabulary entry (somewhere in the {@link
264     * org.biojava.utils.candy.CandyEntry#description description} field).
265     * </p>
266     */
267    static final String ROLE_ATTR_RETRIEVABLE = "retrievable";
269    /**
270     * <p>
271     * A property name ("<b>log</b>").
272     * </p>
273     * 
274     * <p>
275     * Used for passing an instance dealing with logging.
276     * </p>
277     */
278    static final String INIT_PROP_LOG = "log";
280    /**
281     * <p>
282     * A property name ("<b>bibrefsupport</b>").
283     * </p>
284     * 
285     * <p>
286     * Used for passing an instance of a class implementing this
287     * interface. It is recommended to pass this property, for
288     * example, in the constructor of an implementation of the {@link
289     * BibRefQuery} interace}.
290     * </p>
291     */
292    static final String INIT_PROP_SUPPORT = "bibrefsupport";
295    /**************************************************************************
296     * <p>
297     * It creates a connection to an object providing the supporting
298     * utilities, or/and it makes all necessary initialization steps
299     * needed for further communication.
300     * </p>
301     * 
302     * <p>
303     * However, there should be no need to call this method
304     * explicitly, the other methods should do it automatically before
305     * they need to use any supporting utility.
306     * </p>
307     * 
308     * @throws BibRefException if the connection/initialization cannot
309     * be established
310     *************************************************************************/
311    void connect()
312        throws BibRefException;
314    /**************************************************************************
315     * It checks if a utility object is available. The semantic of 
316     * <em>available</em>depends on the implementation.
317     *
318     * @return true if it is ready
319     *************************************************************************/
320    boolean isReady();
322    /**************************************************************************
323     * It closes connection with a utility object. Implementations may
324     * choose to use this method for freeing resources.
325     *************************************************************************/
326    void disconnect();
328    /**************************************************************************
329     * <p>
330     * It returns an object representing a central place where all
331     * controlled vocabularies can be received from and shared by all
332     * users.
333     * </p>
334     * 
335     * <p>
336     * The controlled vocabularies are used for finding names of
337     * all available attributes of the given bibliographic repository,
338     * for finding all possible values of some attributes, and for
339     * specifying availability of the ordering and searching criteria.
340     * </p>
341     * 
342     * @return an instance implementing {@link CandyFinder} interface
343     * @throws BibRefException if the vocabulary finder cannot be found
344     *************************************************************************/
345    CandyFinder getVocabularyFinder()
346        throws BibRefException;
348    /**************************************************************************
349     * <p>
350     * It returns a controlled vocabulary containing all possible
351     * values of the attribute given in <tt>attrName</tt> in the
352     * context given in <tt>resourceType</tt>. It is up to the
353     * implementation to define the context.
354     * </p>
355     * 
356     * <p>
357     * Specifically, for <tt>attrName</tt> equals to {@link
358     * #ATTR_PROPERTIES} it returns a vocabulary containing attribute
359     * names available for the given citation type.
360     * </p>
361     * 
362     * @param resourceType is usually a name of a citation type (e.g. "Book",
363     *        "JournalArticle"), see {@link #TYPE_BOOK}, etc., but can define
364     *        other contexts as well (e.g. "Person" as defined by constant
365     *        {@link #PROVIDER_PERSON})
366     * @param attrName a name of an attribute whose values should be
367     *        available from the returned vocabulary
368     * @return a controlled vocabulary
369     * @throws BibRefException if there is no such vocabulary available, or
370     *        something else wrong happened
371     *************************************************************************/
372    CandyVocabulary getSupportedValues (String resourceType, String attrName)
373        throws BibRefException;
375    /**************************************************************************
376     * <p>
377     * It returns all supported searching and sorting criteria for the
378     * whole bibliographic repository.
379     * </p>
380     * 
381     * @see #getSupportedCriteria(String) getSupportedCriteria for a repository subset
382     * @return available criteria
383     * @throws BibRefException if something bad happened
384     *************************************************************************/
385    BiblioCriterion[] getSupportedCriteria()
386        throws BibRefException;
388    /**************************************************************************
389     * <p>
390     * It returns all supported searching and sorting criteria in the given
391     * repository subset.
392     * </p>
393     * 
394     * @see #getSupportedCriteria getSupportedCriteria regardless of repository subsets
395     * @param repositorySubset a name of a repository subset as used in
396     *                         {@link BiblioEntryStatus#repositorySubset}, and
397     *                         as (possibly) defined in the controlled
398     *                         vocabulary {@link #REPOSITORY_SUBSETS}
399     * @return available criteria
400     * @throws BibRefException if there is no such repository subset, or
401     *        something else wrong happened
402     *************************************************************************/
403    BiblioCriterion[] getSupportedCriteria (String repositorySubset)
404        throws BibRefException;
406    /*************************************************************************
407     * <p>
408     * It merges all given collections together. The result should
409     * eliminate redundancy - which usually means removing the same
410     * citations.
411     * </p>
412     * 
413     * <p>
414     * The merging process can be influenced by specifying some
415     * <tt>properties</tt> (but they are not defined by this
416     * interface, they depend on the implementation).
417     * </p>
418     * 
419     * <p>
420     * <em>
421     * Note that the merging is independent on the repository, or repositories
422     * where the collections come from. The main raison d'etre is actually
423     * to allow to merge collections from different repositories. But it
424     * opens the question what to do with the resulting collection (how to
425     * query it, for example, if it is a "virtual" collection). So it can
426     * be quite difficult to implement this method :-(.
427     * </em>
428     * </p>
429     * 
430     * @param collections to be merged together
431     * @param properties define features how to do merging
432     * @return a merged collection
433     * @throws BibRefException if merging failed (which may also happen when
434     *         any of the collection is too large)
435     *************************************************************************/
436    BibRefQuery union (BibRefQuery[] collections, Hashtable properties)
437        throws BibRefException;