BioJava:Download 1.5

This page offers downloads for the BioJava 1.5 release. BioJava 1.5 runs on Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4.2 (or later) platforms.

A release candidate for the next verision of BioJava (1.6) is available from . This is the first BioJava release running with Java 1.5 (or later).

Complete Download

A complete download is available as one tar file (16Mb). The file contains all binaries, required jars, docs, source, test, demos and apps as gzipped tar files.

BioJava binaries

A complete binary distribution is available as one large gzip file (3.5Mb). It contains the biojava.jar as well as the apps.jar, demos.jar and the supporting libraries.

The apps.jar contains some simple example apps built with biojava. The demos.jar contains some simple demo programs (some are a bit dated). Refer to the cookbook for more up to date examples.

Support libraries

  • bytecode.jar: Required to run biojava
  • commons-cli.jar: Only required to compile and use some of the demos
  • commons-collections-2.1.jar: only required for some demos and BioSQL access (and building biojava.jar)
  • commons-dbcp-1.1.jar: Only required for legacy BioSQL access (and building biojava.jar)
  • commons-pool-1.1.jar: Only required for legacy BioSQL access (and building biojava.jar)

Source Files

The full source distribution is available as a gzip file (7.8Mb) that can be built using ant.


Documentation is available as a gzip file (4.5Mb) that includes the javadocs for the API, demos and apps.

Latest builds

To get the very latest version of BioJava that is automatically built from the latest CVS version, please go here. Also available is the nightly BioJava javadoc

CVS access

the CVS repository can be browsed at:

An RSS of biojava-live is available

To obtain an anonymous CVS checkout do the following:

  cvs -d login

  • When prompted, the password is ‘cvs’
  • Each project CVS repository can have many different packages available for download. You may need to browse the web interface for a bit to determine the packages of interest. After a successful login you may “checkout” the project package you are interested in.

The following command should be executed as one line.

  cvs -d checkout biojava-live

  • The login and checkout procedure should only have to be done once. To update the source directories in the future it should be possible just to enter the top level directory and issue the following command:

  cvs update -dP

Getting older versions

  • The legacy release of 1.4 can be found here
  • The legacy release 1.3 can be found here.
  • Older releases of BioJava can be found in the download area.