This document describes the steps required to install and start the
Dazzle server. Some knowledge of the DAS system is
assumed (see the DAS
specification), but the
default settings should work fine. NOTE: If you already downloaded
and built Dazzle according to the instructions
here, the first few sections of the following
discussion are redundant and you should go to the #Configuring
datasources section.
For instruction how to write a Dazzle plugin using Eclipse see
Dazzle requires a runtime environment for the Java 2 platform, standard
edition (J2SE) version 1.5 or later. It also requires a servlet
container complying with the servlets 2.3 specification (a servlet
container is a Java-aware web server). Dazzle was developed using the
Tomcat 5.x servlet container, and this is recommended. It has also been
tested successfully using Resin.
The webapp structure
Servlet containers work with bundles of code and data known as webapps.
To deploy Dazzle, you must create a webapp with a well-defined
structure. The required files and directories are shown below:
web.xml Deployment descriptor, used by the servlet container.
biojava.jar BioJava library
bytecode.jar (Required for BioJava)
dazzle.jar DazzleServer code
dazzlecfg.xml Data-sources configuration file
stylesheet.xml Default DAS stylesheet
welcome.html Welcome message, included front page
You can add your own data files to this structure, either at the top
level or in your own directories. If you are using a datasource plugin
which isn't included in the core Dazzle package, you can either package
it as a JAR file (if it isn't already) and place it in the WEB-INF/lib
directory, or place raw .class files in the WEB-INF/classes directory.
You can download a complete \`skeleton' webapp with all these files in
place from the Dazzle homepage. In this case, you just need to unpack
the skeleton, configure your datasources, then follow the deployment
instructions below. Alternatively, you can download the source and
compile your own. If so, you will need the following:
- BioJava (current version)
- Available from .
- BioJava bytecode library
- Binaries can be downloaded from or built from
[source code](Get source "wikilink").
- servlet.jar
- The Java Servlet 2.3 API files. This should be included with
your Servlet container distribution. These are only needed for
compiling Dazzle: when you deploy the servlet, it should
automatically pick up servlet API classes from the servlet
The current Dazzle sourcecode is available from the BioJava Subversion
repository. Follow the instructions there to connect to the server and
check out the dazzle module. You will need to copy all the libraries
above into the dazzle directory, then use the supplied ANT build-script
to compile the code.
Configuring datasources
Dazzle relies on small datasource plugins to supply sequence and feature
data, and also to customize the DAS messages. Each Dazzle installation
includes one or more data sources. These are defined in an XML
configuration file, **dazzlecfg.xml**. A typical example is shown below:
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
Each datasource element has two required attributes: a unique ID, and
the fully-qualified Java class-name of the plugin. The datasource
element can contain any number of property elements, which set some
property of the plugin. Property elements are always named after the
data-type of the property to be set, and have two attributes: name and
value. The set of properties recognized by a given plugin should be
listed in the plugin documentation. (NOTE: The format of the property
elements may change in a future release to match the SOAP encoding
Some properties are commonly recognized by many plugins:
` * name`
` * description`
` * version - the version of the database being served`
` * stylesheet - a path to a DAS stylesheet, relative to the top level of the webapp`
` * mapMaster`
The mapMaster attribute is recognized by all annotation server plugins.
It should be set to a URL pointing to the reference server whose
sequences are annotated by this data source. Note that this must always
be an absolute URL, even if the reference datasource is contained within
the same Dazzle webapp.
See for an overview of plugins included in the standard
Dazzle distribution.
Packaging and deployment
Once you are happy with your configuration file, and you've added any
extra resource files that are needed, you should package the webapp as a
WAR file. WAR files are just normal Java ARchives (JAR files) which
contain a WEB-INF directory and a web.xml file (as show in the directory
tree, above). To create this file, change into the directory where you
have been building your webapp (dazzle/dazzle-webapp), and type:
` jar cf ../das.war * `
By convention, webapps containing DAS servers are called das.war, but
this isn't strictly necessary. Note, however, that the DAS client
support in Ensembl expects all DAS URLs to end /das/, so naming your
webapp something else may prevent you accessing your data via ensembl.
Details of deploying webapps vary between containers. If you are using
Tomcat, simply copy the das.war file into the ${TOMCAT\_HOME}/webapps/
directory, then re-start the server. Note that Tomcat creates temporary
directories for each deployed webapp (e.g. a das/ directory
corresponding to das.war). If you are replacing an existing webapp with
a newer version, you should shut down the server then delete the
temporary directory before deploying the new webapp.
When the webapp is deployed, you can test it with your favourite DAS
browser. You can also try visiting the root page (for instance,
<http://my-server:8080/das/>) using a web browser -- you should see a
welcome page listing the available data sources. Note that the welcome
page can be customized by editing the welcome.html file in your webapp.
If something goes wrong, most servlet containers will create a log file
containing the details of the errors. In the case of Tomcat, the log
file is usually called ${TOMCAT\_HOME}/logs/localhost\_log\_.txt.
For other containers, consult your vendor. If you need to submit a bug
report, please locate the relevant log file and include it with your
Ready made plugins
A number of plugins are available to quickly set up a DAS source without
having to write any code. See for an overview of these
Deployment on the Google App Engine
- Check tutorial [
here](Dazzle:deployment_google_app_engine "wikilink")