Interface MatrixAligner<S extends Sequence<C>,C extends Compound>

Type Parameters:
S - each element of the alignment profile is of type S
C - each element of a sequence is a Compound of type C
All Superinterfaces:
Aligner<S,C>, Scorer
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMatrixAligner, AbstractPairwiseSequenceAligner, AbstractProfileProfileAligner, AnchoredPairwiseSequenceAligner, GuanUberbacher, NeedlemanWunsch, SimpleProfileProfileAligner, SmithWaterman

public interface MatrixAligner<S extends Sequence<C>,C extends Compound> extends Aligner<S,C>
Defines an Aligner which builds a score matrix during computation.
Mark Chapman
  • Method Details

    • getScoreMatrix

      int[][][] getScoreMatrix()
      Returns the entire score matrix built during alignment. The first dimension has the length of the first (query) sequence + 1; the second has the length of the second (target) sequence + 1; the third has length equal to the number of scores stored per pairing of an element from each Sequence.
      the score matrix
    • getScoreMatrixAsString

      Returns a depiction of the score matrix as a String. This may include additional description such as labels for each dimension: element from query sequence, element from target sequence, and meaning of each score.
      the score matrix as a character sequence