Interface Triple

All Superinterfaces:
Annotatable, Term
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Triple extends Term
A triple in an ontology. This is two terms and a relationship between them, similar to RDF and other similar logic systems.

For documentation purposes, a Triple may provide a name. However, a Triple may also be named as "(subject, object, predicate)" if no specific name is provided.

Thomas Down, Matthew Pocock
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    Basic in-memory implementation of a Triple in an ontology This can be used to implement Ontology.createTriple
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Check to see if an object is an equivalent Triple.
    Return the object term of this triple.
    Return a Term which defines the type of relationship between the subject and object terms.
    Return the subject term of this triple
    The hashcode for a Triple.

    Methods inherited from interface org.biojava.nbio.ontology.utils.Annotatable


    Methods inherited from interface org.biojava.nbio.ontology.Term

    addSynonym, getDescription, getName, getOntology, getSynonyms, removeSynonym, setDescription
  • Method Details

    • getSubject

      Return the subject term of this triple
      the subject term
    • getObject

      Return the object term of this triple.
      the object term
    • getPredicate

      Return a Term which defines the type of relationship between the subject and object terms.
      the predicate
    • hashCode

      int hashCode()
      The hashcode for a Triple.

      This must be implemented as:

       return getSubject().hashCode() +
       31 * getObject().hashCode() +
       31 * 31 * getPredicate().hashCode();
      If you do not implement hashcode in this way then you have no guarantee that your Triple objects will be found in an ontology and that they will not be duplicated.
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      boolean equals(Object obj)
      Check to see if an object is an equivalent Triple.

      Two triples are equivalent if they have the same subject, object and predicate fields.

       if (! (o instanceof Triple)) {
           return false;
       Triple to = (Triple) o;
       return to.getSubject() == getSubject() &&
              to.getObject() == getObject() &&
              to.getPredicate() == getPredicate();
      If you do not implement equals in this way then you have no guarantee that your Triple objects will be found in an ontology and that they will not be duplicated.
      equals in class Object