Class EntityFinder


public class EntityFinder extends Object
Heuristical finding of Entities (called Compounds in legacy PDB format) in a given Structure. Entities are the groups of sequence identical NCS-related polymer chains in the Structure. This is related to SeqRes2AtomAligner but it is intended for raw PDB/mmCIF files where possibly no SEQRES is given.
Jose Duarte
  • Field Details


      public static final double RATIO_GAPS_FOR_MISMATCH
      Above this ratio of mismatching residue types for same residue numbers we consider the 2 chains to have mismatching residue numbers and warn about it
      See Also:

      public static final double IDENTITY_THRESHOLD
      Identity value for 2 chains to be considered part of same entity
      See Also:

      public static final double GAP_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD
      Gap coverage value (num gaps over length of sequence) for each chain of the match: 2 chains with more gap coverage than this value will not be considered part of the same entity
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • findPolyEntities

      public static List<EntityInfo> findPolyEntities(List<List<Chain>> polyModels)
      Utility method that employs some heuristics to find the EntityInfos for the polymeric chains given in constructor. To be used in case the information is missing in PDB/mmCIF file
    • createPurelyNonPolyEntities

      public static void createPurelyNonPolyEntities(List<List<Chain>> nonPolyModels, List<List<Chain>> waterModels, List<EntityInfo> entities)
      Given all chains of all models find entities for the nonpolymers and water chains within them, assigning entity ids, types and descriptions to them. The result is written back to the passed entities List.
      nonPolyModels -
      waterModels -
      entities -