002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
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016 * at:
017 *
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019 *
020 */
021package org.biojava.nbio.structure.contact;
024import java.util.ArrayList;
025import java.util.Arrays;
026import java.util.Collection;
027import java.util.List;
029import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
031import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Atom;
032import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Calc;
036 * A grid to be used for calculating atom contacts through a spatial hashing algorithm.
037 * <p>
038 * The grid is composed of cells of size of the cutoff so that the distances that need to be calculated
039 * are reduced to those within each cell and to the neighbouring cells.
040 * <p>
041 * Usage, for generic 3D points:
042 * <pre>
043 *  Point3d[] points = ...;
044 *  Grid grid = new Grid(8.0);
045 *  grid.addCoords(points);
046 *  List&lt;Contact&gt; contacts = getIndicesContacts();
047 * </pre>
048 * Usage, for atoms:
049 * <pre>
050 *  Atom[] atoms = ...;
051 *  Grid grid = new Grid(8.0);
052 *  grid.addCoords(atoms);
053 *  AtomContactSet contacts = getAtomContacts();
054 * </pre>
055 *
056 * @author Jose Duarte
057 *
058 */
059public class Grid {
061        /**
062         * The scale: we use units of hundredths of Angstroms (thus cutoffs can be specified with a maximum precision of 0.01A)
063         */
064        private static final int SCALE=100;
066        private GridCell[][][] cells;
068        private double cutoff;
069        private int cellSize;
071        private Point3d[] iAtoms;
072        private Point3d[] jAtoms;
074        private Atom[] iAtomObjects;
075        private Atom[] jAtomObjects;
077        // the bounds in int grid coordinates
078        private int[] bounds;
080        // the i and j bounding boxes in original double coordinates
081        private BoundingBox ibounds;
082        private BoundingBox jbounds;
084        private boolean noOverlap; // if the 2 sets of atoms are found not to overlap then this is set to true
086        /**
087         * Creates a <code>Grid</code>, the cutoff is in the same units as the coordinates
088         * (Angstroms if they are atom coordinates) and can
089         * be specified to a precision of 0.01.
090         * @param cutoff
091         */
092        public Grid(double cutoff) {
093                this.cutoff = cutoff;
094                this.cellSize = (int) Math.floor(cutoff*SCALE);
095                this.noOverlap = false;
096        }
098        private int getFloor(double number) {
099                return (cellSize*((int)Math.floor(number*SCALE/cellSize)));
100        }
102        private int xintgrid2xgridindex(int xgridDim) {
103                return (xgridDim-bounds[0])/cellSize;
104        }
106        private int yintgrid2ygridindex(int ygridDim) {
107                return (ygridDim-bounds[1])/cellSize;
108        }
110        private int zintgrid2zgridindex(int zgridDim) {
111                return (zgridDim-bounds[2])/cellSize;
112        }
114        /**
115         * Adds the i and j atoms and fills the grid. Their bounds will be computed.
116         * Subsequent call to {@link #getIndicesContacts()} or {@link #getAtomContacts()} will produce the interatomic contacts.
117         * @param iAtoms
118         * @param jAtoms
119         */
120        public void addAtoms(Atom[] iAtoms, Atom[] jAtoms) {
121                addAtoms(iAtoms, null, jAtoms, null);
122        }
124        /**
125         * Adds the i and j atoms and fills the grid, passing their bounds (array of size 6 with x,y,z minima and x,y,z maxima)
126         * This way the bounds don't need to be recomputed.
127         * Subsequent call to {@link #getIndicesContacts()} or {@link #getAtomContacts()} will produce the interatomic contacts.
128         * @param iAtoms
129         * @param icoordbounds
130         * @param jAtoms
131         * @param jcoordbounds
132         */
133        public void addAtoms(Atom[] iAtoms, BoundingBox icoordbounds, Atom[] jAtoms, BoundingBox jcoordbounds) {
134                this.iAtoms = Calc.atomsToPoints(iAtoms);
135                this.iAtomObjects = iAtoms;
137                if (icoordbounds!=null) {
138                        this.ibounds = icoordbounds;
139                } else {
140                        this.ibounds = new BoundingBox(this.iAtoms);
141                }
143                this.jAtoms = Calc.atomsToPoints(jAtoms);
144                this.jAtomObjects = jAtoms;
146                if (jAtoms==iAtoms) {
147                        this.jbounds=ibounds;
148                } else {
149                        if (jcoordbounds!=null) {
150                                this.jbounds = jcoordbounds;
151                        } else {
152                                this.jbounds = new BoundingBox(this.jAtoms);
154                        }
155                }
157                fillGrid();
158        }
160        /**
161         * Adds a set of atoms, subsequent call to {@link #getIndicesContacts()} or {@link #getAtomContacts()} will produce the interatomic contacts.
162         * The bounding box of the atoms will be computed based on input array
163         * @param atoms
164         */
165        public void addAtoms(Atom[] atoms) {
166                addAtoms(atoms, (BoundingBox) null);
167        }
169        /**
170         * Adds a set of atoms, subsequent call to {@link #getIndicesContacts()} or {@link #getAtomContacts()} will produce the interatomic contacts.
171         * The bounds calculated elsewhere can be passed, or if null they are computed.
172         * @param atoms
173         * @param bounds
174         */
175        public void addAtoms(Atom[] atoms, BoundingBox bounds) {
176                this.iAtoms = Calc.atomsToPoints(atoms);
177                this.iAtomObjects = atoms;
179                if (bounds!=null) {
180                        this.ibounds = bounds;
181                } else {
182                        this.ibounds = new BoundingBox(iAtoms);
183                }
185                this.jAtoms = null;
186                this.jAtomObjects = null;
187                this.jbounds = null;
189                fillGrid();
190        }
192        /**
193         * Adds the i and j coordinates and fills the grid. Their bounds will be computed.
194         * Subsequent call to {@link #getIndicesContacts()} will produce the
195         * contacts, i.e. the set of points within distance cutoff.
196         *
197         * Subsequent calls to method {@link #getAtomContacts()} will produce a NullPointerException
198         * since this only adds coordinates and no atom information.
199         * @param iAtoms
200         * @param jAtoms
201         */
202        public void addCoords(Point3d[] iAtoms, Point3d[] jAtoms) {
203                addCoords(iAtoms, null, jAtoms, null);
204        }
206        /**
207         * Adds the i and j coordinates and fills the grid, passing their bounds (array of size 6 with x,y,z minima and x,y,z maxima)
208         * This way the bounds don't need to be recomputed.
209         * Subsequent call to {@link #getIndicesContacts()} will produce the
210         * contacts, i.e. the set of points within distance cutoff.
211         *
212         * Subsequent calls to method {@link #getAtomContacts()} will produce a NullPointerException
213         * since this only adds coordinates and no atom information.
214         * @param iAtoms
215         * @param icoordbounds
216         * @param jAtoms
217         * @param jcoordbounds
218         */
219        public void addCoords(Point3d[] iAtoms, BoundingBox icoordbounds, Point3d[] jAtoms, BoundingBox jcoordbounds) {
220                this.iAtoms = iAtoms;
221                this.iAtomObjects = null;
223                if (icoordbounds!=null) {
224                        this.ibounds = icoordbounds;
225                } else {
226                        this.ibounds = new BoundingBox(this.iAtoms);
227                }
229                this.jAtoms = jAtoms;
230                this.jAtomObjects = null;
232                if (jAtoms==iAtoms) {
233                        this.jbounds=ibounds;
234                } else {
235                        if (jcoordbounds!=null) {
236                                this.jbounds = jcoordbounds;
237                        } else {
238                                this.jbounds = new BoundingBox(this.jAtoms);
240                        }
241                }
243                fillGrid();
244        }
246        /**
247         * Adds a set of coordinates, subsequent call to {@link #getIndicesContacts()} will produce the
248         * contacts, i.e. the set of points within distance cutoff.
249         * The bounding box of the atoms will be computed based on input array.
250         * Subsequent calls to method {@link #getAtomContacts()} will produce a NullPointerException
251         * since this only adds coordinates and no atom information.
252         * @param atoms
253         */
254        public void addCoords(Point3d[] atoms) {
255                addCoords(atoms, (BoundingBox) null);
256        }
258        /**
259         * Adds a set of coordinates, subsequent call to {@link #getIndicesContacts()} will produce the
260         * contacts, i.e. the set of points within distance cutoff.
261         * The bounds calculated elsewhere can be passed, or if null they are computed.
262         * Subsequent calls to method {@link #getAtomContacts()} will produce a NullPointerException
263         * since this only adds coordinates and no atom information.
264         * @param atoms
265         * @param bounds
266         */
267        public void addCoords(Point3d[] atoms, BoundingBox bounds) {
268                this.iAtoms = atoms;
269                this.iAtomObjects = null;
271                if (bounds!=null) {
272                        this.ibounds = bounds;
273                } else {
274                        this.ibounds = new BoundingBox(iAtoms);
275                }
277                this.jAtoms = null;
278                this.jAtomObjects = null;
279                this.jbounds = null;
281                fillGrid();
282        }
284        /**
285         * Creates the grid based on the boundaries defined by all atoms given (iAtoms and jAtoms)
286         * and places the atoms in their corresponding grid cells.
287         * Checks also if the i and j grid overlap, i.e. the enclosing bounds of
288         * the 2 grids (i and j) are no more than one cell size apart. If they don't
289         * overlap then they are too far apart so there's nothing to calculate, we set
290         * the noOverlap flag and then {@link #getIndicesContacts()} will do no calculation at all.
291         */
292        private void fillGrid() {
294                if (jbounds!=null && !ibounds.overlaps(jbounds, cutoff)) {
295                        //System.out.print("-");
296                        noOverlap = true;
297                        return;
298                }
300                findFullGridIntBounds();
302                cells = new GridCell[1+(bounds[3]-bounds[0])/cellSize]
303                                    [1+(bounds[4]-bounds[1])/cellSize]
304                                    [1+(bounds[5]-bounds[2])/cellSize];
306                int i = 0;
307                for (Point3d atom:iAtoms) {
309                        int xind = xintgrid2xgridindex(getFloor(atom.x));
310                        int yind = yintgrid2ygridindex(getFloor(atom.y));
311                        int zind = zintgrid2zgridindex(getFloor(atom.z));
312                        if (cells[xind][yind][zind]==null) {
313                                cells[xind][yind][zind] = new GridCell(this);
314                        }
315                        cells[xind][yind][zind].addIindex(i);
316                        i++;
317                }
319                if (jAtoms==null) return;
321                int j = 0;
322                for (Point3d atom:jAtoms) {
324                        int xind = xintgrid2xgridindex(getFloor(atom.x));
325                        int yind = yintgrid2ygridindex(getFloor(atom.y));
326                        int zind = zintgrid2zgridindex(getFloor(atom.z));
327                        if (cells[xind][yind][zind]==null) {
328                                cells[xind][yind][zind] = new GridCell(this);
329                        }
330                        cells[xind][yind][zind].addJindex(j);
331                        j++;
332                }
334        }
336        /**
337         * Calculates an int array of size 6 into member variable bounds:
338         * - elements 0,1,2: minimum x,y,z of the iAtoms and jAtoms
339         * - elements 3,4,5: maximum x,y,z of the iAtoms and jAtoms
340         */
341        private void findFullGridIntBounds() {
342                int[] iIntBounds = getIntBounds(ibounds);
344                bounds = new int[6];
345                if (jbounds==null) {
346                        bounds = iIntBounds;
347                } else {
348                        int[] jIntBounds = getIntBounds(jbounds);
349                        bounds[0] = Math.min(iIntBounds[0],jIntBounds[0]);
350                        bounds[1] = Math.min(iIntBounds[1],jIntBounds[1]);
351                        bounds[2] = Math.min(iIntBounds[2],jIntBounds[2]);
352                        bounds[3] = Math.max(iIntBounds[3],jIntBounds[3]);
353                        bounds[4] = Math.max(iIntBounds[4],jIntBounds[4]);
354                        bounds[5] = Math.max(iIntBounds[5],jIntBounds[5]);
355                }
356        }
358        /**
359         * Returns an int array of size 6 :
360         * - elements 0,1,2: minimum x,y,z (in grid int coordinates) of the given atoms
361         * - elements 3,4,5: maximum x,y,z (in grid int coordinates) of the given atoms
362         * @return
363         */
364        private int[] getIntBounds(BoundingBox coordbounds) {
365                int[] bs = new int[6];
366                bs[0] = getFloor(coordbounds.xmin);
367                bs[1] = getFloor(coordbounds.ymin);
368                bs[2] = getFloor(coordbounds.zmin);
369                bs[3] = getFloor(coordbounds.xmax);
370                bs[4] = getFloor(coordbounds.ymax);
371                bs[5] = getFloor(coordbounds.zmax);
372                return bs;
373        }
375        /**
376         * Returns all contacts, i.e. all atoms that are within the cutoff distance.
377         * If both iAtoms and jAtoms are defined then contacts are between iAtoms and jAtoms,
378         * if jAtoms is null, then contacts are within the iAtoms.
379         * @return
380         */
381        public AtomContactSet getAtomContacts() {
383                AtomContactSet contacts = new AtomContactSet(cutoff);
385                List<Contact> list = getIndicesContacts();
387                if (jAtomObjects == null) {
388                        for (Contact cont : list) {
389                                contacts.add(new AtomContact(new Pair<Atom>(iAtomObjects[cont.getI()],iAtomObjects[cont.getJ()]),cont.getDistance()));
390                        }
392                } else {
393                        for (Contact cont : list) {
394                                contacts.add(new AtomContact(new Pair<Atom>(iAtomObjects[cont.getI()],jAtomObjects[cont.getJ()]),cont.getDistance()));
395                        }
396                }
398                return contacts;
399        }
401        /**
402         * Returns all contacts, i.e. all atoms that are within the cutoff distance.
403         * If both iAtoms and jAtoms are defined then contacts are between iAtoms and jAtoms,
404         * if jAtoms is null, then contacts are within the iAtoms.
405         * @return
406         * @deprecated use {@link #getAtomContacts()} instead
407         */
408        @Deprecated
409        public AtomContactSet getContacts() {
410                return getAtomContacts();
411        }
413        /**
414         * Returns all contacts, i.e. all atoms that are within the cutoff distance, as simple Contact objects containing the atom indices pairs and the distance.
415         * If both iAtoms and jAtoms are defined then contacts are between iAtoms and jAtoms,
416         * if jAtoms is null, then contacts are within the iAtoms.
417         * @return
418         */
419        public List<Contact> getIndicesContacts() {
421                List<Contact> list = new ArrayList<>();
423                // if the 2 sets of atoms are not overlapping they are too far away and no need to calculate anything
424                // this won't apply if there's only one set of atoms (iAtoms), where we would want all-to-all contacts
425                if (noOverlap) return list;
428                for (int xind=0;xind<cells.length;xind++) {
429                        for (int yind=0;yind<cells[xind].length;yind++) {
430                                for (int zind=0;zind<cells[xind][yind].length;zind++) {
431                                        // distances of points within this cell
432                                        GridCell thisCell = cells[xind][yind][zind];
433                                        if (thisCell==null) continue;
435                                        list.addAll(thisCell.getContactsWithinCell());
437                                        // distances of points from this box to all neighbouring boxes: 26 iterations (26 neighbouring boxes)
438                                        for (int x=xind-1;x<=xind+1;x++) {
439                                                for (int y=yind-1;y<=yind+1;y++) {
440                                                        for (int z=zind-1;z<=zind+1;z++) {
441                                                                if (x==xind && y==yind && z==zind) continue;
443                                                                if (x>=0 && x<cells.length && y>=0 && y<cells[x].length && z>=0 && z<cells[x][y].length) {
444                                                                        if (cells[x][y][z] == null) continue;
446                                                                        list.addAll(thisCell.getContactsToOtherCell(cells[x][y][z]));
447                                                                }
448                                                        }
449                                                }
450                                        }
451                                }
452                        }
453                }
455                return list;
456        }
458        /**
459         * Fast determination of whether any atoms from a given set fall within
460         * the cutoff of iAtoms. If {@link #addAtoms(Atom[], Atom[])} was called
461         * with two sets of atoms, contacts to either set are considered.
462         * @param atoms
463         * @return
464         */
465        public boolean hasAnyContact(Point3d[] atoms) {
466                return hasAnyContact(Arrays.asList(atoms));
467        }
468        public boolean hasAnyContact(Collection<Point3d> atoms) {
469                for(Point3d atom : atoms) {
470                        // Calculate Grid cell for the atom
471                        int xind = xintgrid2xgridindex(getFloor(atom.x));
472                        int yind = yintgrid2ygridindex(getFloor(atom.y));
473                        int zind = zintgrid2zgridindex(getFloor(atom.z));
475                        // Consider 3x3x3 grid of cells around point
476                        for (int x=xind-1;x<=xind+1;x++) {
477                                if( x<0 || cells.length<=x) continue;
478                                for (int y=yind-1;y<=yind+1;y++) {
479                                        if( y<0 || cells[x].length<=y ) continue;
480                                        for (int z=zind-1;z<=zind+1;z++) {
481                                                if( z<0 || cells[x][y].length<=z ) continue;
483                                                GridCell cell = cells[x][y][z];
484                                                // Check for contacts in this cell
485                                                if(cell != null && cell.hasContactToAtom(iAtoms, jAtoms, atom, cutoff)) {
486                                                        return true;
487                                                }
488                                        }
489                                }
490                        }
491                }
492                return false;
493        }
495        public double getCutoff() {
496                return cutoff;
497        }
499        /**
500         * Tells whether (after having added atoms to grid) the i and j grids are not overlapping.
501         * Overlap is defined as enclosing bounds of the 2 grids being no more than one cell size apart.
502         * @return true if the 2 grids don't overlap, false if they do
503         */
504        public boolean isNoOverlap() {
505                return noOverlap;
506        }
508        protected Point3d[] getIAtoms() {
509                return iAtoms;
510        }
512        protected Point3d[] getJAtoms() {
513                return jAtoms;
514        }