002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
016 * at:
017 *
018 *      http://www.biojava.org/
019 *
020 */
021package org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.internal;
023import java.io.FileWriter;
024import java.io.IOException;
025import java.util.ArrayList;
026import java.util.Collections;
027import java.util.List;
028import java.util.Random;
030import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Atom;
031import org.biojava.nbio.structure.StructureException;
032import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.Block;
033import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignment;
034import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignmentEnsemble;
035import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.util.MultipleAlignmentScorer;
036import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.util.MultipleAlignmentTools;
037import org.biojava.nbio.structure.jama.Matrix;
038import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.utils.SymmetryTools;
039import org.slf4j.Logger;
040import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
043 * Optimizes a symmetry alignment by a Monte Carlo score optimization of the
044 * repeat multiple alignment. The superposition of the repeats is not free
045 * (felxible), because it is constrained on the symmetry axes found in the
046 * structure. This is the main difference to the {@link org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.mc.MultipleMcMain} algorithm in
047 * biojava. Another major difference is that the free Pool is shared for all
048 * repeats, so that no residue can appear to more than one repeat at a time.
049 * <p>
050 * This algorithm does not use a unfiform distribution for selecting moves,
051 * farther residues have more probability to be shrinked or gapped. This
052 * modification of the algorithm improves convergence and running time.
053 * <p>
054 * Use call method to parallelize optimizations, or use optimize method instead.
055 * Because gaps are allowed in the repeats, a {@link MultipleAlignment} format
056 * is returned.
057 *
058 * @author Aleix Lafita
059 * @since 4.1.1
060 *
061 */
062public class SymmOptimizer {
064        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
065                        .getLogger(SymmOptimizer.class);
067        private Random rnd;
069        // Optimization parameters
070        private int Rmin = 2; // min aligned repeats per column
071        private int Lmin; // min repeat length
072        private int maxIter; // max iterations
073        private double C = 20; // probability of accept bad moves constant
075        // Score function parameters
076        private static final double Gopen = 20.0; // Penalty for opening gap
077        private static final double Gextend = 10.0; // Penalty for extending gaps
078        private double dCutoff;
080        // Alignment Information
081        private MultipleAlignment msa;
082        private SymmetryAxes axes;
083        private Atom[] atoms;
084        private int order;
085        private int length; // total alignment columns (block size)
086        private int repeatCore; // core length (without gaps)
088        // Aligned Residues and Score
089        private List<List<Integer>> block; // residues aligned
090        private List<Integer> freePool; // residues not aligned
091        private double mcScore; // alignment score to optimize
093        // Variables that store the history of the optimization - slower if on
094        private static final boolean history = false;
095        private static final int saveStep = 100;
096        private static final String pathToHistory = "results/symm-opt/";
097        private List<Long> timeHistory;
098        private List<Integer> lengthHistory;
099        private List<Double> rmsdHistory;
100        private List<Double> tmScoreHistory;
101        private List<Double> mcScoreHistory;
103        /**
104         * Constructor with a seed MultipleAlignment storing a refined symmetry
105         * alignment of the repeats. To perform the optimization use the call or
106         * optimize methods after instantiation.
107         *
108         * @param symmResult
109         *            CeSymmResult with all the information
110         */
111        public SymmOptimizer(CeSymmResult symmResult) {
113                this.axes = symmResult.getAxes();
114                this.rnd = new Random(symmResult.getParams().getRndSeed());
115                this.Lmin = symmResult.getParams().getMinCoreLength();
116                this.dCutoff = symmResult.getParams().getDistanceCutoff();
118                MultipleAlignmentEnsemble e = symmResult.getMultipleAlignment()
119                                .getEnsemble().clone();
120                this.msa = e.getMultipleAlignment(0);
122                this.atoms = msa.getAtomArrays().get(0);
123                this.order = msa.size();
124                this.repeatCore = msa.getCoreLength();
126                // 50% of the structures aligned (minimum) or all (no gaps)
127                if (symmResult.getParams().isGaps())
128                        Rmin = Math.max(order / 2, 2);
129                else
130                        Rmin = order;
132                maxIter = symmResult.getParams().getOptimizationSteps();
133                if (maxIter < 1)
134                        maxIter = 100 * atoms.length;
135        }
137        private void initialize() throws StructureException, RefinerFailedException {
139                if (order == 1)
140                        throw new RefinerFailedException(
141                                        "Non-symmetric seed alignment: order = 1");
142                if (repeatCore < 1)
143                        throw new RefinerFailedException(
144                                        "Seed alignment too short: repeat core length < 1");
146                // Initialize the history variables
147                timeHistory = new ArrayList<>();
148                lengthHistory = new ArrayList<>();
149                rmsdHistory = new ArrayList<>();
150                mcScoreHistory = new ArrayList<>();
151                tmScoreHistory = new ArrayList<>();
153                C = 20 * order;
155                // Initialize alignment variables
156                block = msa.getBlock(0).getAlignRes();
157                freePool = new ArrayList<>();
158                length = block.get(0).size();
160                // Store the residues aligned in the block
161                List<Integer> aligned = new ArrayList<>();
162                for (int su = 0; su < order; su++)
163                        aligned.addAll(block.get(su));
165                // Add any residue not aligned to the free pool
166                for (int i = 0; i < atoms.length; i++) {
167                        if (!aligned.contains(i))
168                                freePool.add(i);
169                }
170                checkGaps();
172                // Set the MC score of the initial state (seed alignment)
173                updateMultipleAlignment();
174                mcScore = MultipleAlignmentScorer.getMCScore(msa, Gopen, Gextend,
175                                dCutoff);
176        }
178        /**
179         * Optimization method based in a Monte-Carlo approach. Starting from the
180         * refined alignment uses 4 types of moves:
181         * <p>
182         * <ul>
183         * <li>1- Shift Row: if there are enough freePool residues available.
184         * <li>2- Expand Block: add another alignment column.
185         * <li>3- Shrink Block: move a block column to the freePool.
186         * <li>4- Insert gap: insert a gap in a position of the alignment.
187         * </ul>
188         * @throws StructureException
189         * @throws RefinerFailedException
190         *             if the alignment is not symmetric or too short.
191         */
192        public MultipleAlignment optimize() throws StructureException,
193                        RefinerFailedException {
195                initialize();
197                // Save the optimal alignment
198                List<List<Integer>> optBlock = new ArrayList<>();
199                List<Integer> optFreePool = new ArrayList<>();
200                optFreePool.addAll(freePool);
201                for (int k = 0; k < order; k++) {
202                        List<Integer> b = new ArrayList<>();
203                        b.addAll(block.get(k));
204                        optBlock.add(b);
205                }
206                double optScore = mcScore;
208                int conv = 0; // Number of steps without an alignment improvement
209                int i = 1;
210                int stepsToConverge = Math.max(maxIter / 50, 1000);
211                long initialTime = System.nanoTime()/1000000;
213                while (i < maxIter && conv < stepsToConverge) {
215                        // Save the state of the system
216                        List<List<Integer>> lastBlock = new ArrayList<>();
217                        List<Integer> lastFreePool = new ArrayList<>();
218                        lastFreePool.addAll(freePool);
219                        for (int k = 0; k < order; k++) {
220                                List<Integer> b = new ArrayList<>();
221                                b.addAll(block.get(k));
222                                lastBlock.add(b);
223                        }
224                        double lastScore = mcScore;
225                        int lastRepeatCore = repeatCore;
227                        boolean moved = false;
229                        while (!moved) {
230                                // Randomly select one of the steps to modify the alignment.
231                                // Because of biased moves, the probabilities are not the same
232                                double move = rnd.nextDouble();
233                                if (move < 0.4) {
234                                        moved = shiftRow();
235                                        logger.debug("did shift");
236                                } else if (move < 0.7) {
237                                        moved = expandBlock();
238                                        logger.debug("did expand");
239                                } else if (move < 0.85) {
240                                        moved = shrinkBlock();
241                                        logger.debug("did shrink");
242                                } else {
243                                        moved = insertGap();
244                                        logger.debug("did insert gap");
245                                }
246                        }
248                        // Get the properties of the new alignment
249                        updateMultipleAlignment();
250                        mcScore = MultipleAlignmentScorer.getMCScore(msa, Gopen, Gextend,
251                                        dCutoff);
253                        // Calculate change in the optimization Score
254                        double AS = mcScore - lastScore;
255                        double prob = 1.0;
257                        if (AS < 0) {
259                                // Probability of accepting bad move
260                                prob = probabilityFunction(AS, i, maxIter);
261                                double p = rnd.nextDouble();
263                                // Reject the move
264                                if (p > prob) {
265                                        block = lastBlock;
266                                        freePool = lastFreePool;
267                                        length = block.get(0).size();
268                                        repeatCore = lastRepeatCore;
269                                        mcScore = lastScore;
270                                        conv++; // no change in score if rejected
272                                } else
273                                        conv = 0; // if accepted
275                        } else
276                                conv = 0; // if positive change
278                        logger.debug(i + ": --prob: " + prob + ", --score: " + AS
279                                        + ", --conv: " + conv);
281                        // Store as the optimal alignment if better
282                        if (mcScore > optScore) {
283                                optBlock = new ArrayList<>();
284                                optFreePool = new ArrayList<>();
285                                optFreePool.addAll(freePool);
286                                for (int k = 0; k < order; k++) {
287                                        List<Integer> b = new ArrayList<>();
288                                        b.addAll(block.get(k));
289                                        optBlock.add(b);
290                                }
291                                optScore = mcScore;
292                        }
294                        if (history) {
295                                if (i % saveStep == 1) {
296                                        // Get the correct superposition again
297                                        updateMultipleAlignment();
299                                        timeHistory.add(System.nanoTime()/1000000 - initialTime);
300                                        lengthHistory.add(length);
301                                        rmsdHistory.add(msa.getScore(MultipleAlignmentScorer.RMSD));
302                                        tmScoreHistory.add(msa
303                                                        .getScore(MultipleAlignmentScorer.AVGTM_SCORE));
304                                        mcScoreHistory.add(mcScore);
305                                }
306                        }
308                        i++;
309                }
311                // Use the optimal alignment of the trajectory
312                block = optBlock;
313                freePool = optFreePool;
314                mcScore = optScore;
316                // Superimpose and calculate final scores
317                updateMultipleAlignment();
318                msa.putScore(MultipleAlignmentScorer.MC_SCORE, mcScore);
320                // Save the history to the results folder of the symmetry project
321                if (history) {
322                        try {
323                                saveHistory(pathToHistory);
324                        } catch (Exception e) {
325                                logger.warn("Could not save history file: " + e.getMessage());
326                        }
327                }
329                return msa;
330        }
332        /**
333         * This method translates the internal data structures to a
334         * MultipleAlignment of the repeats in order to use the methods to score
335         * MultipleAlignments.
336         *
337         * @throws StructureException
338         * @throws RefinerFailedException
339         */
340        private void updateMultipleAlignment() throws StructureException,
341                        RefinerFailedException {
343                msa.clear();
345                // Override the alignment with the new information
346                Block b = msa.getBlock(0);
347                b.setAlignRes(block);
348                repeatCore = b.getCoreLength();
349                if (repeatCore < 1)
350                        throw new RefinerFailedException(
351                                        "Optimization converged to length 0");
353                SymmetryTools.updateSymmetryTransformation(axes, msa);
354        }
356        /**
357         * Method that loops through all the alignment columns and checks that there
358         * are no more gaps than the maximum allowed: Rmin.
359         * <p>
360         * There must be at least Rmin residues different than null in every
361         * alignment column. In case there is a column with more gaps than allowed
362         * it will be shrinked (moved to freePool).
363         *
364         * @return true if any columns has been shrinked and false otherwise
365         */
366        private boolean checkGaps() {
368                List<Integer> shrinkColumns = new ArrayList<>();
369                // Loop for each column
370                for (int res = 0; res < length; res++) {
371                        int gapCount = 0;
372                        // Loop for each repeat and count the gaps
373                        for (int su = 0; su < order; su++) {
374                                if (block.get(su).get(res) == null)
375                                        gapCount++;
376                        }
377                        if ((order - gapCount) < Rmin) {
378                                // Add the column to the shrink list
379                                shrinkColumns.add(res);
380                        }
381                }
383                // Shrink the columns that have more gaps than allowed
384                for (int col = shrinkColumns.size() - 1; col >= 0; col--) {
385                        for (int su = 0; su < order; su++) {
386                                Integer residue = block.get(su).get(shrinkColumns.get(col));
387                                block.get(su).remove((int) shrinkColumns.get(col));
388                                if (residue != null)
389                                        freePool.add(residue);
390                                Collections.sort(freePool);
391                        }
392                        length--;
393                }
395                if (shrinkColumns.size() != 0)
396                        return true;
397                else
398                        return false;
399        }
401        /**
402         * Insert a gap in one of the repeats into selected position (by higher
403         * distances) in the alignment. Calculates the average residue distance to
404         * make the choice. A gap is a null in the block.
405         *
406         * @throws StructureException
407         * @throws RefinerFailedException
408         */
409        private boolean insertGap() throws StructureException,
410                        RefinerFailedException {
412                // Let gaps only if the repeat is larger than the minimum length
413                if (repeatCore <= Lmin)
414                        return false;
416                // Select residue by maximum distance
417                updateMultipleAlignment();
418                Matrix residueDistances = MultipleAlignmentTools
419                                .getAverageResidueDistances(msa);
421                double maxDist = Double.MIN_VALUE;
422                int su = 0;
423                int res = 0;
424                for (int col = 0; col < length; col++) {
425                        for (int s = 0; s < order; s++) {
426                                if (residueDistances.get(s, col) != -1) {
427                                        if (residueDistances.get(s, col) > maxDist) {
428                                                // geometric distribution
429                                                if (rnd.nextDouble() > 0.5) {
430                                                        su = s;
431                                                        res = col;
432                                                        maxDist = residueDistances.get(s, col);
433                                                }
434                                        }
435                                }
436                        }
437                }
439                // Insert the gap at the position
440                Integer residueL = block.get(su).get(res);
441                if (residueL != null) {
442                        freePool.add(residueL);
443                        Collections.sort(freePool);
444                } else
445                        return false; // If there was a gap already in the position.
447                block.get(su).set(res, null);
448                checkGaps();
449                return true;
450        }
452        /**
453         * Move all the block residues of one repeat one position to the left or
454         * right and move the corresponding boundary residues from the freePool to
455         * the block, and viceversa.
456         * <p>
457         * The boundaries are determined by any irregularity (either a gap or a
458         * discontinuity in the alignment.
459         */
460        private boolean shiftRow() {
462                int su = rnd.nextInt(order); // Select the repeat
463                int rl = rnd.nextInt(2); // Select between moving right (0) or left (1)
464                int res = rnd.nextInt(length); // Residue as a pivot
466                // When the pivot residue is null try to add a residue from the freePool
467                if (block.get(su).get(res) == null) {
469                        int right = res;
470                        int left = res;
471                        // Find the boundary to the right abd left
472                        while (block.get(su).get(right) == null && right < length - 1) {
473                                right++;
474                        }
475                        while (block.get(su).get(left) == null && left > 0) {
476                                left--;
477                        }
479                        // If they both are null the whole block is null
480                        if (block.get(su).get(left) == null
481                                        && block.get(su).get(right) == null) {
482                                return false;
483                        } else if (block.get(su).get(left) == null) {
484                                // Choose the sequentially previous residue of the known one
485                                Integer residue = block.get(su).get(right) - 1;
486                                if (freePool.contains(residue)) {
487                                        block.get(su).set(res, residue);
488                                        freePool.remove(residue);
489                                } else
490                                        return false;
491                        } else if (block.get(su).get(right) == null) {
492                                // Choose the sequentially next residue of the known one
493                                Integer residue = block.get(su).get(left) + 1;
494                                if (freePool.contains(residue)) {
495                                        block.get(su).set(res, residue);
496                                        freePool.remove(residue);
497                                } else
498                                        return false;
499                        } else {
500                                // If boundaries are consecutive swap null and position (R or L)
501                                if (block.get(su).get(right) == block.get(su).get(left) + 1) {
502                                        switch (rl) {
503                                        case 0: // to the right
504                                                block.get(su).set(right - 1, block.get(su).get(right));
505                                                block.get(su).set(right, null);
506                                                break;
507                                        case 1: // to the left
508                                                block.get(su).set(left + 1, block.get(su).get(left));
509                                                block.get(su).set(left, null);
510                                                break;
511                                        }
512                                } else {
513                                        // Choose randomly a residue in between left and right to
514                                        // add
515                                        Integer residue = rnd.nextInt(block.get(su).get(right)
516                                                        - block.get(su).get(left) - 1)
517                                                        + block.get(su).get(left) + 1;
519                                        if (freePool.contains(residue)) {
520                                                block.get(su).set(res, residue);
521                                                freePool.remove(residue);
522                                        }
523                                }
524                        }
525                        return true;
526                }
528                // When the residue is different than null
529                switch (rl) {
530                case 0: // Move to the right
532                        int leftBoundary = res - 1;
533                        int leftPrevRes = res;
534                        while (true) {
535                                if (leftBoundary < 0)
536                                        break;
537                                else {
538                                        if (block.get(su).get(leftBoundary) == null) {
539                                                break; // gap
540                                        } else if (block.get(su).get(leftPrevRes) > block.get(su)
541                                                        .get(leftBoundary) + 1) {
542                                                break; // discontinuity
543                                        }
544                                }
545                                leftPrevRes = leftBoundary;
546                                leftBoundary--;
547                        }
548                        leftBoundary++;
550                        int rightBoundary = res + 1;
551                        int rightPrevRes = res;
552                        while (true) {
553                                if (rightBoundary == length)
554                                        break;
555                                else {
556                                        if (block.get(su).get(rightBoundary) == null) {
557                                                break; // gap
558                                        } else if (block.get(su).get(rightPrevRes) + 1 < block.get(
559                                                        su).get(rightBoundary)) {
560                                                break; // discontinuity
561                                        }
562                                }
563                                rightPrevRes = rightBoundary;
564                                rightBoundary++;
565                        }
566                        rightBoundary--;
568                        // Residues at the boundary
569                        Integer residueR0 = block.get(su).get(rightBoundary);
570                        Integer residueL0 = block.get(su).get(leftBoundary);
572                        // Remove residue at the right of the block and add to the freePool
573                        block.get(su).remove(rightBoundary);
574                        if (residueR0 != null) {
575                                freePool.add(residueR0);
576                                Collections.sort(freePool);
577                        }
579                        // Add the residue at the left of the block
580                        residueL0 -= 1; // cannot be null, throw exception if it is
581                        if (freePool.contains(residueL0)) {
582                                block.get(su).add(leftBoundary, residueL0);
583                                freePool.remove(residueL0);
584                        } else {
585                                block.get(su).add(leftBoundary, null);
586                        }
587                        break;
589                case 1: // Move to the left
591                        int leftBoundary1 = res - 1;
592                        int leftPrevRes1 = res;
593                        while (true) {
594                                if (leftBoundary1 < 0)
595                                        break;
596                                else {
597                                        if (block.get(su).get(leftBoundary1) == null) {
598                                                break; // gap
599                                        } else if (block.get(su).get(leftPrevRes1) > block.get(su)
600                                                        .get(leftBoundary1) + 1) {
601                                                break; // discontinuity
602                                        }
603                                }
604                                leftPrevRes1 = leftBoundary1;
605                                leftBoundary1--;
606                        }
607                        leftBoundary1++;
609                        int rightBoundary1 = res + 1;
610                        int rightPrevRes1 = res;
611                        while (true) {
612                                if (rightBoundary1 == length)
613                                        break;
614                                else {
615                                        if (block.get(su).get(rightBoundary1) == null) {
616                                                break; // gap
617                                        } else if (block.get(su).get(rightPrevRes1) + 1 < block
618                                                        .get(su).get(rightBoundary1)) {
619                                                break; // discontinuity
620                                        }
621                                }
622                                rightPrevRes1 = rightBoundary1;
623                                rightBoundary1++;
624                        }
625                        rightBoundary1--;
627                        // Residues at the boundary
628                        Integer residueR1 = block.get(su).get(rightBoundary1);
629                        Integer residueL1 = block.get(su).get(leftBoundary1);
631                        // Add the residue at the right of the block
632                        residueR1 += 1; // cannot be null
633                        if (freePool.contains(residueR1)) {
634                                if (rightBoundary1 == length - 1)
635                                        block.get(su).add(residueR1);
636                                else
637                                        block.get(su).add(rightBoundary1 + 1, residueR1);
638                                freePool.remove(residueR1);
639                        } else {
640                                block.get(su).add(rightBoundary1 + 1, null);
641                        }
643                        // Remove the residue at the left of the block
644                        block.get(su).remove(leftBoundary1);
645                        freePool.add(residueL1);
646                        Collections.sort(freePool);
647                        break;
648                }
649                checkGaps();
650                return true;
651        }
653        /**
654         * It extends the alignment one position to the right or to the left of a
655         * randomly selected position by moving the consecutive residues of each
656         * repeat (if present) from the freePool to the block.
657         * <p>
658         * If there are not enough residues in the freePool it introduces gaps.
659         */
660        private boolean expandBlock() {
662                boolean moved = false;
664                int rl = rnd.nextInt(2); // Select between right (0) or left (1)
665                int res = rnd.nextInt(length); // Residue as a pivot
667                switch (rl) {
668                case 0:
670                        int rightBoundary = res;
671                        int[] previousPos = new int[order];
672                        for (int su = 0; su < order; su++)
673                                previousPos[su] = -1;
675                        // Search a position to the right that has at minimum Rmin
676                        while (length - 1 > rightBoundary) {
677                                int noncontinuous = 0;
678                                for (int su = 0; su < order; su++) {
679                                        if (block.get(su).get(rightBoundary) == null) {
680                                                continue;
681                                        } else if (previousPos[su] == -1) {
682                                                previousPos[su] = block.get(su).get(rightBoundary);
683                                        } else if (block.get(su).get(rightBoundary) > previousPos[su] + 1) {
684                                                noncontinuous++;
685                                        }
686                                }
687                                if (noncontinuous < Rmin)
688                                        rightBoundary++;
689                                else
690                                        break;
691                        }
692                        if (rightBoundary > 0)
693                                rightBoundary--;
695                        // Expand the block with the residues at the repeat boundaries
696                        for (int su = 0; su < order; su++) {
697                                Integer residueR = block.get(su).get(rightBoundary);
698                                if (residueR == null) {
699                                        if (rightBoundary == length - 1)
700                                                block.get(su).add(null);
701                                        else
702                                                block.get(su).add(rightBoundary + 1, null);
703                                } else if (freePool.contains(residueR + 1)) {
704                                        Integer residueAdd = residueR + 1;
705                                        if (rightBoundary == length - 1) {
706                                                block.get(su).add(residueAdd);
707                                        } else
708                                                block.get(su).add(rightBoundary + 1, residueAdd);
709                                        freePool.remove(residueAdd);
710                                } else {
711                                        if (rightBoundary == length - 1)
712                                                block.get(su).add(null);
713                                        else
714                                                block.get(su).add(rightBoundary + 1, null);
715                                }
716                        }
717                        length++;
718                        moved = true;
719                        break;
721                case 1:
723                        int leftBoundary = res;
724                        int[] nextPos = new int[order];
725                        for (int su = 0; su < order; su++)
726                                nextPos[su] = -1;
728                        // Search a position to the right that has at minimum Rmin
729                        while (leftBoundary > 0) {
730                                int noncontinuous = 0;
731                                for (int su = 0; su < order; su++) {
732                                        if (block.get(su).get(leftBoundary) == null) {
733                                                continue;
734                                        } else if (nextPos[su] == -1) {
735                                                nextPos[su] = block.get(su).get(leftBoundary);
736                                        } else if (block.get(su).get(leftBoundary) < nextPos[su] - 1) {
737                                                noncontinuous++;
738                                        }
739                                }
740                                if (noncontinuous < Rmin)
741                                        leftBoundary--;
742                                else
743                                        break;
744                        }
746                        // Expand the block with the residues at the repeat boundaries
747                        for (int su = 0; su < order; su++) {
748                                Integer residueL = block.get(su).get(leftBoundary);
749                                if (residueL == null) {
750                                        block.get(su).add(leftBoundary, null);
751                                } else if (freePool.contains(residueL - 1)) {
752                                        Integer residueAdd = residueL - 1;
753                                        block.get(su).add(leftBoundary, residueAdd);
754                                        freePool.remove(residueAdd);
755                                } else {
756                                        block.get(su).add(leftBoundary, null);
757                                }
758                        }
759                        length++;
760                        moved = true;
761                        break;
762                }
763                if (moved)
764                        return !checkGaps();
765                return moved;
766        }
768        /**
769         * Deletes an alignment column at a randomly selected position.
770         *
771         * @throws StructureException
772         * @throws RefinerFailedException
773         */
774        private boolean shrinkBlock() throws StructureException,
775                        RefinerFailedException {
777                // Let shrink moves only if the repeat is larger enough
778                if (repeatCore <= Lmin)
779                        return false;
781                // Select column by maximum distance
782                updateMultipleAlignment();
783                Matrix residueDistances = MultipleAlignmentTools
784                                .getAverageResidueDistances(msa);
786                double maxDist = Double.MIN_VALUE;
787                double[] colDistances = new double[length];
788                int res = 0;
789                for (int col = 0; col < length; col++) {
790                        int normalize = 0;
791                        for (int s = 0; s < order; s++) {
792                                if (residueDistances.get(s, col) != -1) {
793                                        colDistances[col] += residueDistances.get(s, col);
794                                        normalize++;
795                                }
796                        }
797                        colDistances[col] /= normalize;
798                        if (colDistances[col] > maxDist) {
799                                // geometric distribution
800                                if (rnd.nextDouble() > 0.5) {
801                                        maxDist = colDistances[col];
802                                        res = col;
803                                }
804                        }
805                }
807                for (int su = 0; su < order; su++) {
808                        Integer residue = block.get(su).get(res);
809                        block.get(su).remove(res);
810                        if (residue != null)
811                                freePool.add(residue);
812                        Collections.sort(freePool);
813                }
814                length--;
815                checkGaps();
816                return true;
817        }
819        /**
820         * Calculates the probability of accepting a bad move given the iteration
821         * step and the score change.
822         * <p>
823         * Function: p=(C-AS)/(C*sqrt(step)) Added a normalization factor so that
824         * the probability approaches 0 when the maxIter is reached.
825         */
826        private double probabilityFunction(double AS, int m, int maxIter) {
828                double prob = (C + AS) / (C * Math.sqrt(m));
829                double norm = (1 - (m * 1.0) / maxIter); // Normalization factor
830                return Math.min(Math.max(prob * norm, 0.0), 1.0);
831        }
833        /**
834         * Save the evolution of the optimization process as a csv file.
835         */
836        private void saveHistory(String folder) throws IOException {
838                String name = msa.getStructureIdentifier(0).getIdentifier();
839                FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(folder + name
840                                + "-symm_opt.csv");
841                writer.append("Step,Time,RepeatLength,RMSD,TMscore,MCscore\n");
843                for (int i = 0; i < lengthHistory.size(); i++) {
844                        writer.append(i * saveStep + ",");
845                        writer.append(timeHistory.get(i) + ",");
846                        writer.append(lengthHistory.get(i) + ",");
847                        writer.append(rmsdHistory.get(i) + ",");
848                        writer.append(tmScoreHistory.get(i) + ",");
849                        writer.append(mcScoreHistory.get(i) + "\n");
850                }
852                writer.flush();
853                writer.close();
854        }