002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
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019 *
020 */
023 * <p>AbstractULAlignment is an abstract base class for alignments
024 * where the constituent sequences have unequal lengths.</p>
025 *
026 * @author David Waring
027 * @author Mark Schreiber (docs and some minor changes)
028 */
030package org.biojava.bio.alignment;
032import java.io.Serializable;
033import java.util.AbstractList;
034import java.util.ArrayList;
035import java.util.Comparator;
036import java.util.Iterator;
037import java.util.List;
038import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
039import java.util.Set;
040import java.util.SortedSet;
041import java.util.TreeSet;
042import java.util.Vector;
044import org.biojava.bio.BioError;
045import org.biojava.bio.symbol.AbstractSymbolList;
046import org.biojava.bio.symbol.Alphabet;
047import org.biojava.bio.symbol.IllegalSymbolException;
048import org.biojava.bio.symbol.Location;
049import org.biojava.bio.symbol.LocationTools;
050import org.biojava.bio.symbol.RangeLocation;
051import org.biojava.bio.symbol.Symbol;
052import org.biojava.bio.symbol.SymbolList;
054public abstract class AbstractULAlignment extends AbstractSymbolList implements
055                UnequalLengthAlignment {
057        protected Alphabet alphabet;
059        /**
060         * this will return the ambiguity symbol associated with all symbols in that
061         * column
062         */
064        public Symbol symbolAt(int index) {
065                try {
066                        return alphabet.getSymbol(new ColAsList<Symbol>(index));
067                } catch (IllegalSymbolException ire) {
068                        throw new BioError(
069                                        "Somehow my crossproduct alphabet is incompatible with column "
070                                                        + index, ire);
071                }
072        }
074        public List<String> labelsAt(int column) {
075                return labelsInRange(new RangeLocation(column, column));
076        }
078        public List<String> labelsInRange(Location loc) {
079                List<String> labels = getLabels();
080                Location seqLoc;
081                String label;
082                List<String> labelList = new Vector<String>();
084                for (Iterator<String> labelIterator = labels.iterator(); labelIterator
085                                .hasNext();) {
086                        label = labelIterator.next();
087                        seqLoc = locInAlignment(label);
088                        if (LocationTools.overlaps(loc, seqLoc)) {
089                                labelList.add(label);
090                        }
091                }
092                return labelList;
093        }
095        public Iterator<SymbolList> symbolListIterator() {
096                return new Alignment.SymbolListIterator(this);
097        }
099        protected void debug(String s) {
100                System.out.println(s);
101        }
103        /**
104         * leftMost and rightMost return labels. If there are more than one that
105         * start at the same location it returns the longest, if they are the same
106         * length it returns the first one it found;
107         */
108        public Object leftMost() {
109                List<String> labels = getLabels();
110                Object leftMost = null;
111                Object label;
112                Location leftLoc = null;
113                Location loc = null;
115                for (Iterator<String> labelIterator = labels.iterator(); labelIterator
116                                .hasNext();) {
117                        label = labelIterator.next();
118                        loc = locInAlignment(label);
119                        if (leftMost == null) {
120                                leftMost = label;
121                                leftLoc = loc;
122                                // loc = loc;
123                        }
124                        if (loc.getMin() < leftLoc.getMin()) {
125                                leftMost = label;
126                                leftLoc = loc;
127                        } else if (loc.getMin() == leftLoc.getMin()) {
128                                if ((loc.getMax() - loc.getMin()) > (leftLoc.getMax() - leftLoc
129                                                .getMin())) {
130                                        leftMost = label;
131                                        leftLoc = loc;
132                                }
133                        }
134                }
135                return leftMost();
136        }
138        public Object rightMost() {
139                List<String> labels = getLabels();
140                Object rightMost = null;
141                Object label;
142                Location rightLoc = null;
143                Location loc = null;
145                for (Iterator<String> labelIterator = labels.iterator(); labelIterator
146                                .hasNext();) {
147                        label = labelIterator.next();
148                        loc = locInAlignment(label);
149                        if (rightMost == null) {
150                                rightMost = label;
151                                rightLoc = loc;
152                                // loc= loc;
153                        }
154                        if (loc.getMin() > rightLoc.getMin()) {
155                                rightMost = label;
156                                rightLoc = loc;
157                        } else if (loc.getMin() == rightLoc.getMin()) {
158                                if ((loc.getMax() - loc.getMin()) > (rightLoc.getMax() - rightLoc
159                                                .getMin())) {
160                                        rightMost = label;
161                                        rightLoc = loc;
162                                }
163                        }
164                }
165                return rightMost();
166        }
168        /**
169         * Retrieves a subalignment specified by the location.
170         * <p>
171         * <b>WARNING:</b> It is assumed that the location is contiguous. If the
172         * location is non-contiguous it may be preferable to use a block iterator
173         * to retrieve each sub location independently.
174         * 
175         * @see #subAlignment(Set labels, int min, int max)
176         */
177        public Alignment subAlignment(Set<String> labels, Location loc)
178                        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
179                return new SubULAlignment(labels, loc);
180        }
182        /**
183         * Retreives a subAlignment
184         * 
185         * @param labels
186         *            the labels of the <code>SymbolLists</code> to be in the
187         *            Alignment
188         * @param min
189         *            the left most coordinate
190         * @param max
191         *            the right most coordinate
192         * @return an Alignment
193         * @throws NoSuchElementException
194         *             if one of the values in <code>labels</code> is not in the
195         *             parent alignment
196         */
197        public Alignment subAlignment(Set<String> labels, int min, int max)
198                        throws NoSuchElementException {
199                return subAlignment(labels, LocationTools.makeLocation(min, max));
200        }
202        /**
203         * 
204         * @param comp
205         * @return
206         */
207        public SortedSet<String> orderedLables(Comparator<String> comp) {
208                TreeSet<String> orderedSet = new TreeSet<String>(comp);
209                orderedSet.addAll(getLabels());
210                return orderedSet;
211        }
213        // ////////////////////////////////////////////
214        // ////////////////////////////////////////////
215        // INNER CLASSES
216        // ////////////////////////////////////////////
217        // ////////////////////////////////////////////
219        private final class ColAsList<T extends Symbol> extends AbstractList<T>
220                        implements Serializable {
221                /**
222                 * Generated serial version identifier
223                 */
224                private static final long serialVersionUID = 4923954639110962683L;
225                private final int col;
226                private List<String> labels;
228                /**
229                 * 
230                 * @param col
231                 */
232                public ColAsList(int col) {
233                        this.col = col;
234                        labels = getLabels();
235                }
237                // protected ColAsList() {
238                // this.col = 0;
239                // }
241                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
242                public T get(int indx) {
243                        return (T) symbolAt(labels.get(indx), col);
244                }
246                /*
247                 * (non-Javadoc)
248                 * @see java.util.AbstractCollection#size()
249                 */
250                public int size() {
251                        return labels.size();
252                }
253        }
255        /**
256         * Orders by location left to right. If they both start at the same location
257         * (o1.getMin() == o2.getMin()) it the larger of the two considered to the
258         * Left
259         */
261        public class LeftRightLocationComparator<T> implements Comparator<T> {
262                public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
263                        int ret = 1;
264                        Location loc1, loc2;
265                        loc1 = locInAlignment(o1);
266                        loc2 = locInAlignment(o2);
267                        if (loc1.getMin() > loc2.getMin()) {
268                                ret = 1;
269                        } else if (loc1.getMin() < loc2.getMin()) {
270                                ret = -1;
271                        } else if (loc1.getMin() == loc2.getMin()) {
272                                int s1 = (loc1.getMax() - loc1.getMin()) + 1;
273                                int s2 = (loc2.getMax() - loc2.getMin()) + 1;
274                                if (s1 == s2) {
275                                        ret = 1;
276                                } else {
277                                        ret = s2 - s1;
278                                }
279                        }
280                        // debug (" result " + ret);
281                        return ret;
282                }
283        }
285        // /////////////
286        // This inner class should take care of all subAlignments
287        // /////////////
289        public class SubULAlignment extends AbstractSymbolList implements
290                        UnequalLengthAlignment {
291                private int start, end;
292                private List<String> subLabels; // will be left null if constructed with null
294                // Set of labels
296                // this allows labels added to underlying Alignment to be seen
297                // unless it was constructed with a Set of labels NOT
299                protected SubULAlignment(Set<String> labels, Location loc)
300                                throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
301                        this.start = loc.getMin();
302                        this.end = loc.getMax();
303                        if (start < 1 || end > AbstractULAlignment.this.length()) {
304                                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
305                        }
306                        if (labels != null) {
307                                subLabels = new ArrayList<String>();
308                                subLabels.addAll(labels);
309                        } else {
310                                subLabels = AbstractULAlignment.this
311                                                .labelsInRange(new RangeLocation(start, end));
312                        }
314                }
316                /**
317                 * realPosition is the position in the underlying Alignment
318                 * corresponding to a position in the subAlignment
319                 */
321                private int realPosition(int pos) {
322                        return pos + start - 1;
323                }
325                // ///////////////////////
326                // methods from Interface UnequalLengthAlignment
327                // //////////////////////
328                public int length() {
329                        return end - start + 1;
330                }
332                /**
333                 * The location of an individual SymbolList relative to overall
334                 * Alignment
335                 */
336                public Location locInAlignment(Object label) {
337                        Location origLoc = AbstractULAlignment.this.locInAlignment(label);
338                        int min = origLoc.getMin() - start + 1;
339                        int max = origLoc.getMax() - start + 1;
340                        return new RangeLocation(min, max);
341                }
343                public Alignment subAlignment(Set<String> labels, Location loc)
344                                throws NoSuchElementException {
345                        int min = realPosition(loc.getMin());
346                        int max = realPosition(loc.getMax());
347                        // if the Subalignment has a limited subLabel we want to keep labels
348                        // of the sub sub aligment limited to that list too
350                        if (labels == null) {
351                                labels = new TreeSet<String>(subLabels);
352                        } else {
353                                Vector<String> l = new Vector<String>(labels);
354                                labels = new TreeSet<String>(listIntersection(l, subLabels));
355                        }
356                        // debug (" labels now " + labels);
357                        return new SubULAlignment(labels, new RangeLocation(min, max));
358                }
360                protected List<String> listIntersection(List<String> s1, List<String> s2) {
361                        List<String> common = new Vector<String>(s1);
363                        for (Iterator<String> i = s1.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
364                                Object label = i.next();
365                                if (!s2.contains(label)) {
366                                        common.remove(label);
367                                }
368                        }
369                        return common;
370                }
372                public List<String> labelsAt(int column) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
373                        return labelsInRange(new RangeLocation(column, column));
374                }
376                public List<String> labelsInRange(Location loc)
377                                throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
378                        // debug ("looking for labelsInRange " + loc.getMin() + "-" +
379                        // loc.getMax());
380                        int min = realPosition(loc.getMin());
381                        int max = realPosition(loc.getMax());
382                        if (min < start || max > end) {
383                                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
384                        }
385                        return listIntersection(subLabels, AbstractULAlignment.this
386                                        .labelsInRange(new RangeLocation(min, max)));
387                        // List aLabels = AbstractULAlignment.this.labelsInRange(new
388                        // RangeLocation(min,max));
389                        // List sLabels = AbstractULAlignment.this.labelsInRange(new
390                        // RangeLocation(min,max));
391                        // for (Iterator i = aLabels.iterator();i.hasNext();){
392                        // Object label = i.next();
393                        // if ( ! subLabels.contains(label)){
394                        // sLabels.remove(label);
395                        // }
396                        // }
397                        // return sLabels;
399                }
401                // ///////////////////////
402                // methods from Interface Alignment
403                // //////////////////////
404                public List<String> getLabels() {
405                        return subLabels;
406                }
408                /*
409                 * (non-Javadoc)
410                 * @see org.biojava.bio.alignment.Alignment#symbolAt(java.lang.String, int)
411                 */
412                public Symbol symbolAt(String label, int column)
413                                throws NoSuchElementException {
414                        return AbstractULAlignment.this.symbolAt(label,
415                                        realPosition(column));
416                }
418                /*
419                 * (non-Javadoc)
420                 * @see org.biojava.bio.symbol.SymbolList#symbolAt(int)
421                 */
422                public Symbol symbolAt(int column) throws NoSuchElementException {
423                        return AbstractULAlignment.this.symbolAt(realPosition(column));
424                }
426                /*
427                 * (non-Javadoc)
428                 * @see org.biojava.bio.alignment.Alignment#symbolListForLabel(java.lang.String)
429                 */
430                public SymbolList symbolListForLabel(String label)
431                                throws NoSuchElementException {
432                        return AbstractULAlignment.this.symbolListForLabel(label);
433                }
435                /*
436                 * (non-Javadoc)
437                 * @see org.biojava.bio.symbol.SymbolList#getAlphabet()
438                 */
439                public Alphabet getAlphabet() {
440                        return AbstractULAlignment.this.getAlphabet();
441                }
443                /*
444                 * (non-Javadoc)
445                 * @see org.biojava.bio.alignment.Alignment#symbolListIterator()
446                 */
447                public Iterator<SymbolList> symbolListIterator() {
448                        return new Alignment.SymbolListIterator(this);
449                }
450        }