Class SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Annotatable, SeqSimilaritySearchHit, Changeable

    public class SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit
    extends AbstractChangeable
    implements SeqSimilaritySearchHit

    SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit objects represent a similarity search hit of a query sequence to a sequence referenced in a SequenceDB object. The core data (score, E-value, P-value) have accessors, while supplementary data are stored in the Annotation object. Supplementary data are typically the more loosely formatted details which vary from one search program to another (and between versions of those programs).

    It is up to the user to define the meaning of the hit's query/subject start/end/strand with respect to its constituent sub-hits. One approach could be:

    • Hit query/subject start == start of first sub-hit
    • Hit query/subject end == end of last sub-hit
    • Hit strand == POSITIVE if all sub-hits have strand POSITIVE
    • Hit strand == NEGATIVE if all sub-hits have strand NEGATIVE
    • Hit strand == UNKNOWN if sub-hits have either mixed or any UNKNOWN strands
    • Hit strand == null if the concept of strandedness is inappropriate for the sequence type i.e. for protein
    Keith James, Gerald Loeffler
    See Also:
    AbstractChangeable, SeqSimilaritySearchHit, Annotatable
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit

        public SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit​(double score,
                                            double eValue,
                                            double pValue,
                                            int queryStart,
                                            int queryEnd,
                                            StrandedFeature.Strand queryStrand,
                                            int subjectStart,
                                            int subjectEnd,
                                            StrandedFeature.Strand subjectStrand,
                                            String subjectID,
                                            Annotation annotation,
                                            List subHits)
        Creates a new SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit object.
        score - a double value; the score of the hit, which may not be NaN.
        eValue - a double value; the E-value of the hit, which may be NaN.
        pValue - a double value; the P-value of the hit, which may be NaN.
        queryStart - the start of the first sub-hit on the query sequence.
        queryEnd - the end of the last sub-hit on the query sequence.
        queryStrand - the strand of the sub-hits on the query sequence, which may be null for protein similarities. If they are not all positive or all negative, then this should be the unknown strand.
        subjectStart - the start of the first sub-hit on the subject sequence.
        subjectEnd - the end of the last sub-hit on the subject sequence.
        subjectStrand - the strand of the sub-hits on the subject sequence, which may be null for protein similarities. If they are not all positive or all negative, then this should be the unknown strand.
        subjectID - a String representing the ID in the SequenceDB of the sequence which was hit, which may not be null.
        annotation - an Annotation object, which may not be null.
        subHits - a List object containing the subhits, which may not be null. They should be sorted in the order specified by the search program.
    • Method Detail

      • getScore

        public double getScore()
        Description copied from interface: SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        Return the overall score of this hit in the units defined by the search algorithm.
        Specified by:
        getScore in interface SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        the overall score of this hit. This is a mandatory piece of information and hence may not be NaN.
      • getPValue

        public double getPValue()
        Description copied from interface: SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        Return the overall P-value of this hit.
        Specified by:
        getPValue in interface SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        the overall P-value of this hit. This is an optional (but desired) piece of information and implementations of this interface may return NaN if a P-value is not available for this hit.
      • getEValue

        public double getEValue()
        Description copied from interface: SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        Return the overall E-value of this hit.
        Specified by:
        getEValue in interface SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        the overall E-value of this hit. This is an optional (but desired) piece of information and implementations of this interface may return NaN if an E-value is not available for this hit.
      • getSubjectID

        public String getSubjectID()
        Description copied from interface: SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        The sequence identifier of this hit within the sequence database against which the search was performed.
        Specified by:
        getSubjectID in interface SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        the (unique) sequence identifier for this hit, valid within the sequence database against which this search was performed. Never returns null.
      • getSubHits

        public List getSubHits()
        Description copied from interface: SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        Return all sub-hits for this sequence similarity search hit. The sub-hits contain concrete alignments (and scores) for sequence stretches from the sequence of this hit. The sub-hits in the list returned by this method are sorted from best to worst.
        Specified by:
        getSubHits in interface SeqSimilaritySearchHit
        a List of SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit objects containing all sub-hits for this hit. Never returns null and the List is guaranteed to contain at least one entry.
      • getChangeSupport

        protected ChangeSupport getChangeSupport​(ChangeType ct)
        Description copied from class: AbstractChangeable
        Called to retrieve the ChangeSupport for this object.

        Your implementation of this method should have the following structure:

         ChangeSupport cs = super.getChangeSupport(ct);
         if(someForwarder == null && ct.isMatching(SomeInterface.SomeChangeType)) {
           someForwarder = new ChangeForwarder(...
           this.stateVariable.addChangeListener(someForwarder, VariableInterface.AChange);
         return cs;
        It is usual for the forwarding listeners (someForwarder in this example) to be transient and lazily instantiated. Be sure to register & unregister the forwarder in the code that does the ChangeEvent handling in setter methods.
        getChangeSupport in class AbstractChangeable