Class Edit

    • Constructor Detail

      • Edit

        public Edit​(int pos,
                    int length,
                    SymbolList replacement)
        Create a new Edit.
        pos - the start of the edit
        length - the length of the edit
        replacement - a SymbolList representing the symbols that replace those from pos to pos + length-1 inclusive
      • Edit

        public Edit​(int pos,
                    int length,
                    SymbolList replacement,
                    Map<String,​Object> props)
        Create a new Edit with some properties.
        pos - the start of the edit
        length - the length of the edit
        replacement - a SymbolList representing the symbols that replace those from pos to pos + length-1 inclusive
        props - a map of String properties and associated objects adding metainformation to this edit; for example a property may describe the fate of features surrounding this edit.
      • Edit

        public Edit​(int pos,
                    Alphabet alpha,
                    Symbol replacement)
             throws IllegalSymbolException
        Convenience construtor for making single residue changes
        pos - the position of the change
        alpha - the Alphabet of the replacement Symbol
        replacement - the replacement Symbol
        IllegalSymbolException - if the replacement Symbol is not contained in alpha