Uses of Interface
Packages that use Variable Package Description org.biojava.ontology A general-purpose API for Extensions to the biojava ontology model that represent BioSQL ontology. -
Uses of Variable in org.biojava.ontology
Classes in org.biojava.ontology that implement Variable Modifier and Type Class Description static class
Methods in org.biojava.ontology that return Variable Modifier and Type Method Description Variable
IntegerOntology. createVariable(String name, String description)
Ontology. createVariable(String name, String description)
Create a new term in this ontology that is used as a variable.Variable
Ontology.Impl. createVariable(String name, String description)
Uses of Variable in org.biojavax.ontology
Methods in org.biojavax.ontology that return Variable Modifier and Type Method Description Variable
SimpleComparableOntology. createVariable(String name, String description)
Create a new term in this ontology that is used as a variable.