002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
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020 */
021package org.biojava.nbio.ontology;
023import org.biojava.nbio.ontology.io.TabDelimParser;
024import org.slf4j.Logger;
025import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
027import java.io.BufferedReader;
028import java.io.InputStreamReader;
031 * Tools for manipulating ontologies.
032 *
033 * @author Matthew Pocock
034 */
035public final class OntoTools {
037        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OntoTools.class);
039        private static final Ontology CORE_ONTOLOGY;
040        private static final OntologyFactory DEFAULT_FACTORY;
041        private static final IntegerOntology CORE_INTEGER;
042        //private static final Ontology CORE_STRING;
044        // public static final Term TYPE;
045        public static final Term RELATION;
046        public static final Term ANY;
047        public static final Term NONE;
048        public static final Term IS_A;
049        public static final Term PART_OF;
050        // public static final Term SUB_TYPE_OF;
051        // public static final Term INSTANCE_OF;
052        // public static final Term DOMAIN;
053        // public static final Term CO_DOMAIN;
054        // public static final Term HAS_DOMAIN;
055        // public static final Term HAS_CO_DOMAIN;
057        // public static final Term BOOLEAN;
058        // public static final Term TRUE;
059        // public static final Term FALSE;
060        // public static final Term PREDICATE;
062        // public static final Term AND;
063        // public static final Term OR;
064        // public static final Term XOR;
065        // public static final Term EQUAL;
066        // public static final Term NOT_EQUAL;
067        // public static final Term IMPLIES;
069        public static final Term REFLEXIVE;
070        public static final Term SYMMETRIC;
071        public static final Term TRANSITIVE;
072        public static final Term EQUIVALENCE;
073        public static final Term PARTIAL_ORDER;
075        static {
076                DEFAULT_FACTORY = new OntologyFactory() {
077                        @Override
078                        public Ontology createOntology(String name, String desc)
079                        throws OntologyException {
080                                return new Ontology.Impl(name, desc);
081                        }
082                };
084                try {
085                        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
086                                new InputStreamReader(
087                                        OntoTools.class.getResourceAsStream(
088                                                "/ontology/core.onto"
089                                        )
090                                )
091                        );
093                        CORE_INTEGER = new IntegerOntology();
094                        CORE_ONTOLOGY = new TabDelimParser().parse(
095                                                        reader,
096                                                        DEFAULT_FACTORY
097                        );
099                        // TYPE = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("type");
100                        RELATION = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("relation");
101                        ANY = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("any");
102                        NONE = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("none");
103                        IS_A = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("is-a");
104                        PART_OF = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("part-of");
106                        // SUB_TYPE_OF = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("sub_type_of");
107                        // INSTANCE_OF = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("instance_of");
108                        // DOMAIN = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("domain");
109                        // CO_DOMAIN = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("co_domain");
110                        // HAS_DOMAIN = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("has_domain");
111                        // HAS_CO_DOMAIN = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("has_co_domain");
113                        // BOOLEAN = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("boolean");
114                        // TRUE = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("true");
115                        // FALSE = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("false");
116                        // PREDICATE = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("predicate");
118                        // AND = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("and");
119                        // OR = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("or");
120                        // XOR = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("xor");
121                        // EQUAL = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("equal");
122                        // NOT_EQUAL = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("not_equal");
123                        // IMPLIES = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("implies");
125                        REFLEXIVE = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("reflexive");
126                        EQUIVALENCE = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("equivalence");
127                        SYMMETRIC = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("symmetric");
128                        TRANSITIVE = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("transitive");
129                        PARTIAL_ORDER = CORE_ONTOLOGY.getTerm("partial-order");
131                } catch (Exception e) {
132                        logger.error("Exception: ", e);
133                        throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize OntoTools", e);
134                }
135        }
138        private OntoTools() {}
140        /**
141         * Get the Ontology that defines our core "central dogma".
142         *
143         * <p>This contains definitions that we have to have, such as <code>any</code>,
144         * <code>predicate</code>, <code>is-a</code> and <code>transient</code>. These
145         * are our axioms, upon which the default interpreters build.</p>
146         *
147         * @return the "core" Ontology
148         */
149        public static Ontology getCoreOntology() {
150                return CORE_ONTOLOGY;
151        }
153        /**
154         * Get the Ontology that defines integers.
155         *
156         * <p>This contains a term for each and every integer. I haven't decided yet
157         * if it contains terms for arithmatic.</p>
158         *
159         * @return the integer Ontology
160         */
161        public static IntegerOntology getIntegerOntology() {
162                return CORE_INTEGER;
163        }
165        public static OntologyFactory getDefaultFactory() {
166                return DEFAULT_FACTORY;
167        }