002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
016 * at:
017 *
018 *      http://www.biojava.org/
019 *
020 */
022package org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.geometry;
024import javax.vecmath.Matrix3d;
025import javax.vecmath.Matrix4d;
026import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
027import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
031 *
032 * @author Peter
033 */
034public final class SuperPositionQCP {
035        double evecprec = 1d-6;
036        double evalprec = 1d-11;
038        private Point3d[] x = null;
039        private Point3d[] y = null;
041        private double[] weight = null;
043        private Point3d[] xref = null;
044        private Point3d[] yref = null;
045        private Point3d xtrans;
046        private Point3d ytrans;
048        private double e0;
049        private Matrix3d rotmat = new Matrix3d();
050        private Matrix4d transformation = new Matrix4d();
051        private double rmsd = 0;
052        private double Sxy, Sxz, Syx, Syz, Szx, Szy;
053        private double SxxpSyy, Szz, mxEigenV, SyzmSzy,SxzmSzx, SxymSyx;
054        private double SxxmSyy, SxypSyx, SxzpSzx;
055        private double Syy, Sxx, SyzpSzy;
056        private boolean rmsdCalculated = false;
057        private boolean transformationCalculated = false;
058        private boolean centered = false;
061        public void set(Point3d[] x, Point3d[] y) {
062                this.x = x;
063                this.y = y;
064                rmsdCalculated = false;
065                transformationCalculated = false;
066        }
068        public void set(Point3d[] x, Point3d[] y, double[] weight) {
069                this.x = x;
070                this.y = y;
071                this.weight = weight;
072                rmsdCalculated = false;
073                transformationCalculated = false;
074        }
076        public void setCentered(boolean centered) {
077                this.centered = centered;
078        }
080        public double getRmsd() {
081                if (! rmsdCalculated) {
082                        calcRmsd(x, y);
083                }
084                return rmsd;
085        }
087        public Matrix4d getTransformationMatrix() {
088                getRotationMatrix();
089                if (! centered) {
090                        calcTransformation();
091                } else {
092                        transformation.set(rotmat);
093                }
094                return transformation;
095        }
097        public Matrix3d getRotationMatrix() {
098                getRmsd();
099                if (! transformationCalculated) {
100                        calcRotationMatrix();
101                }
102                return rotmat;
103        }
105        public Point3d[] getTransformedCoordinates() {
106                SuperPosition.transform(transformation, x);
107                return x;
108        }
110        /**
111         * this requires the coordinates to be precentered
112         * @param x
113         * @param y
114         */
115        private void calcRmsd(Point3d[] x, Point3d[] y) {
116                if (centered) {
117                        innerProduct(y, x);
118                } else {
119                        // translate to origin
120                        xref = SuperPosition.clonePoint3dArray(x);
121                        xtrans = SuperPosition.centroid(xref);
122                        //      System.out.println("x centroid: " + xtrans);
123                        xtrans.negate();
124                        SuperPosition.translate(xtrans, xref);
126                        yref = SuperPosition.clonePoint3dArray(y);
127                        ytrans = SuperPosition.centroid(yref);
128                        //      System.out.println("y centroid: " + ytrans);
129                        ytrans.negate();
130                        SuperPosition.translate(ytrans, yref);
131                        innerProduct(yref, xref);
132                }
133                calcRmsd(x.length);
134        }
136        /* Superposition coords2 onto coords1 -- in other words, coords2 is rotated, coords1 is held fixed */
137        private void calcTransformation() {
138//              transformation.set(rotmat,new Vector3d(0,0,0), 1);
139                transformation.set(rotmat);
140//              long t2 = System.nanoTime();
141//              System.out.println("create transformation: " + (t2-t1));
142//              System.out.println("m3d -> m4d");
143//              System.out.println(transformation);
145                // combine with x -> origin translation
146                Matrix4d trans = new Matrix4d();
147                trans.setIdentity();
148                trans.setTranslation(new Vector3d(xtrans));
149                transformation.mul(transformation, trans);
150//              System.out.println("setting xtrans");
151//              System.out.println(transformation);
153//              // combine with origin -> y translation
154                ytrans.negate();
155                Matrix4d transInverse = new Matrix4d();
156                transInverse.setIdentity();
157                transInverse.setTranslation(new Vector3d(ytrans));
158                transformation.mul(transInverse, transformation);
159//              System.out.println("setting ytrans");
160//              System.out.println(transformation);
161        }
163        /**
164         * http://theobald.brandeis.edu/qcp/qcprot.c
165         * @param A
166         * @param coords1
167         * @param coords2
168         * @return
169         */
170        private void innerProduct(Point3d[] coords1, Point3d[] coords2) {
171                double          x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2;
172                double          g1 = 0.0, g2 = 0.0;
174                Sxx = 0;
175                Sxy = 0;
176                Sxz = 0;
177                Syx = 0;
178                Syy = 0;
179                Syz = 0;
180                Szx = 0;
181                Szy = 0;
182                Szz = 0;
184                if (weight != null)
185                {
186                        for (int i = 0; i < coords1.length; i++)
187                        {
188                                x1 = weight[i] * coords1[i].x;
189                                y1 = weight[i] * coords1[i].y;
190                                z1 = weight[i] * coords1[i].z;
192                                g1 += x1 * coords1[i].x + y1 * coords1[i].y + z1 * coords1[i].z;
194                                x2 = coords2[i].x;
195                                y2 = coords2[i].y;
196                                z2 = coords2[i].z;
198                                g2 += weight[i] * (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2 + z2 * z2);
200                                Sxx +=  (x1 * x2);
201                                Sxy +=  (x1 * y2);
202                                Sxz +=  (x1 * z2);
204                                Syx +=  (y1 * x2);
205                                Syy +=  (y1 * y2);
206                                Syz +=  (y1 * z2);
208                                Szx +=  (z1 * x2);
209                                Szy +=  (z1 * y2);
210                                Szz +=  (z1 * z2);
211                        }
212                }
213                else
214                {
215                        for (int i = 0; i < coords1.length; i++)
216                        {
217                                g1 += coords1[i].x * coords1[i].x + coords1[i].y * coords1[i].y + coords1[i].z * coords1[i].z;
218                                g2 += coords2[i].x * coords2[i].x + coords2[i].y * coords2[i].y + coords2[i].z * coords2[i].z;
220                                Sxx +=  coords1[i].x * coords2[i].x;
221                                Sxy +=  coords1[i].x * coords2[i].y;
222                                Sxz +=  coords1[i].x * coords2[i].z;
224                                Syx +=  coords1[i].y * coords2[i].x;
225                                Syy +=  coords1[i].y * coords2[i].y;
226                                Syz +=  coords1[i].y * coords2[i].z;
228                                Szx +=  coords1[i].z * coords2[i].x;
229                                Szy +=  coords1[i].z * coords2[i].y;
230                                Szz +=  coords1[i].z * coords2[i].z;
231                        }
232                }
234                e0 = (g1 + g2) * 0.5;
235        }
237        private int calcRmsd(int len)
238        {
239                double Sxx2 = Sxx * Sxx;
240                double Syy2 = Syy * Syy;
241                double Szz2 = Szz * Szz;
243                double Sxy2 = Sxy * Sxy;
244                double Syz2 = Syz * Syz;
245                double Sxz2 = Sxz * Sxz;
247                double Syx2 = Syx * Syx;
248                double Szy2 = Szy * Szy;
249                double Szx2 = Szx * Szx;
251                double SyzSzymSyySzz2 = 2.0*(Syz*Szy - Syy*Szz);
252                double Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 = Syy2 + Szz2 - Sxx2 + Syz2 + Szy2;
254                double c2 = -2.0 * (Sxx2 + Syy2 + Szz2 + Sxy2 + Syx2 + Sxz2 + Szx2 + Syz2 + Szy2);
255                double c1 = 8.0 * (Sxx*Syz*Szy + Syy*Szx*Sxz + Szz*Sxy*Syx - Sxx*Syy*Szz - Syz*Szx*Sxy - Szy*Syx*Sxz);
257                SxzpSzx = Sxz + Szx;
258                SyzpSzy = Syz + Szy;
259                SxypSyx = Sxy + Syx;
260                SyzmSzy = Syz - Szy;
261                SxzmSzx = Sxz - Szx;
262                SxymSyx = Sxy - Syx;
263                SxxpSyy = Sxx + Syy;
264                SxxmSyy = Sxx - Syy;
266                double Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2 = Sxy2 + Sxz2 - Syx2 - Szx2;
268                double c0 = Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2 * Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2
269                                + (Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 + SyzSzymSyySzz2) * (Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 - SyzSzymSyySzz2)
270                                + (-(SxzpSzx)*(SyzmSzy)+(SxymSyx)*(SxxmSyy-Szz)) * (-(SxzmSzx)*(SyzpSzy)+(SxymSyx)*(SxxmSyy+Szz))
271                                + (-(SxzpSzx)*(SyzpSzy)-(SxypSyx)*(SxxpSyy-Szz)) * (-(SxzmSzx)*(SyzmSzy)-(SxypSyx)*(SxxpSyy+Szz))
272                                + (+(SxypSyx)*(SyzpSzy)+(SxzpSzx)*(SxxmSyy+Szz)) * (-(SxymSyx)*(SyzmSzy)+(SxzpSzx)*(SxxpSyy+Szz))
273                                + (+(SxypSyx)*(SyzmSzy)+(SxzmSzx)*(SxxmSyy-Szz)) * (-(SxymSyx)*(SyzpSzy)+(SxzmSzx)*(SxxpSyy-Szz));
275                mxEigenV = e0;
277                int i;
278                for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
279                {
280                        double oldg = mxEigenV;
281                        double x2 = mxEigenV*mxEigenV;
282                        double b = (x2 + c2)*mxEigenV;
283                        double a = b + c1;
284                        double delta = ((a*mxEigenV + c0)/(2.0*x2*mxEigenV + b + a));
285                        mxEigenV -= delta;
287                        if (Math.abs(mxEigenV - oldg) < Math.abs(evalprec*mxEigenV))
288                                break;
289                }
292                if (i == 50)
293                        System.err.println("More than %d iterations needed!" + i);
295                /* the fabs() is to guard against extremely small, but *negative* numbers due to floating point error */
296                rmsd = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(2.0 * (e0 - mxEigenV)/len));
298                return 1;
299        }
301        private int calcRotationMatrix() {
302                double a11 = SxxpSyy + Szz-mxEigenV;
303                double a12 = SyzmSzy;
304                double a13 = - SxzmSzx;
305                double a14 = SxymSyx;
306                double a21 = SyzmSzy;
307                double a22 = SxxmSyy - Szz-mxEigenV;
308                double a23 = SxypSyx;
309                double a24= SxzpSzx;
310                double a31 = a13;
311                double a32 = a23;
312                double a33 = Syy-Sxx-Szz - mxEigenV;
313                double a34 = SyzpSzy;
314                double a41 = a14;
315                double a42 = a24;
316                double a43 = a34;
317                double a44 = Szz - SxxpSyy - mxEigenV;
318                double a3344_4334 = a33 * a44 - a43 * a34;
319                double a3244_4234 = a32 * a44-a42*a34;
320                double a3243_4233 = a32 * a43 - a42 * a33;
321                double a3143_4133 = a31 * a43-a41*a33;
322                double a3144_4134 = a31 * a44 - a41 * a34;
323                double a3142_4132 = a31 * a42-a41*a32;
324                double q1 =  a22*a3344_4334-a23*a3244_4234+a24*a3243_4233;
325                double q2 = -a21*a3344_4334+a23*a3144_4134-a24*a3143_4133;
326                double q3 =  a21*a3244_4234-a22*a3144_4134+a24*a3142_4132;
327                double q4 = -a21*a3243_4233+a22*a3143_4133-a23*a3142_4132;
329                double qsqr = q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 + q3 * q3 + q4 * q4;
331                /* The following code tries to calculate another column in the adjoint matrix when the norm of the
332                 * current column is too small.
333                 * Usually this commented block will never be activated.  To be absolutely safe this should be
334                 * uncommented, but it is most likely unnecessary.
335                 */
336                if (qsqr < evecprec)
337                {
338                        q1 =  a12*a3344_4334 - a13*a3244_4234 + a14*a3243_4233;
339                        q2 = -a11*a3344_4334 + a13*a3144_4134 - a14*a3143_4133;
340                        q3 =  a11*a3244_4234 - a12*a3144_4134 + a14*a3142_4132;
341                        q4 = -a11*a3243_4233 + a12*a3143_4133 - a13*a3142_4132;
342                        qsqr = q1*q1 + q2 *q2 + q3*q3+q4*q4;
344                        if (qsqr < evecprec)
345                        {
346                                double a1324_1423 = a13 * a24 - a14 * a23, a1224_1422 = a12 * a24 - a14 * a22;
347                                double a1223_1322 = a12 * a23 - a13 * a22, a1124_1421 = a11 * a24 - a14 * a21;
348                                double a1123_1321 = a11 * a23 - a13 * a21, a1122_1221 = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21;
350                                q1 =  a42 * a1324_1423 - a43 * a1224_1422 + a44 * a1223_1322;
351                                q2 = -a41 * a1324_1423 + a43 * a1124_1421 - a44 * a1123_1321;
352                                q3 =  a41 * a1224_1422 - a42 * a1124_1421 + a44 * a1122_1221;
353                                q4 = -a41 * a1223_1322 + a42 * a1123_1321 - a43 * a1122_1221;
354                                qsqr = q1*q1 + q2 *q2 + q3*q3+q4*q4;
356                                if (qsqr < evecprec)
357                                {
358                                        q1 =  a32 * a1324_1423 - a33 * a1224_1422 + a34 * a1223_1322;
359                                        q2 = -a31 * a1324_1423 + a33 * a1124_1421 - a34 * a1123_1321;
360                                        q3 =  a31 * a1224_1422 - a32 * a1124_1421 + a34 * a1122_1221;
361                                        q4 = -a31 * a1223_1322 + a32 * a1123_1321 - a33 * a1122_1221;
362                                        qsqr = q1*q1 + q2 *q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4;
364                                        if (qsqr < evecprec)
365                                        {
366                                                /* if qsqr is still too small, return the identity matrix. */
367                                                rotmat.setIdentity();
369                                                return 0;
370                                        }
371                                }
372                        }
373                }
375                double normq = Math.sqrt(qsqr);
376                q1 /= normq;
377                q2 /= normq;
378                q3 /= normq;
379                q4 /= normq;
381                System.out.println("q: " + q1 + " " + q2 + " " + q3 + " " + q4);
383                double a2 = q1 * q1;
384                double x2 = q2 * q2;
385                double y2 = q3 * q3;
386                double z2 = q4 * q4;
388                double xy = q2 * q3;
389                double az = q1 * q4;
390                double zx = q4 * q2;
391                double ay = q1 * q3;
392                double yz = q3 * q4;
393                double ax = q1 * q2;
395                rotmat.m00 = a2 + x2 - y2 - z2;
396                rotmat.m01 = 2 * (xy + az);
397                rotmat.m02 = 2 * (zx - ay);
399                rotmat.m10 = 2 * (xy - az);
400                rotmat.m11 = a2 - x2 + y2 - z2;
401                rotmat.m12 = 2 * (yz + ax);
403                rotmat.m20 = 2 * (zx + ay);
404                rotmat.m21 = 2 * (yz - ax);
405                rotmat.m22 = a2 - x2 - y2 + z2;
407                return 1;
408        }