Alignments.PairInProfileScorerType |
List of implemented sequence pair in a profile scoring routines.
Alignments.PairwiseSequenceAlignerType |
List of implemented pairwise sequence alignment routines.
Alignments.PairwiseSequenceScorerType |
List of implemented pairwise sequence scoring routines.
Alignments.ProfileProfileAlignerType |
List of implemented profile-profile alignment routines.
Alignments.RefinerType |
List of implemented profile refinement routines.
FractionalIdentityScorer |
Implements an algorithm which computes a score for a sequence alignment pair.
FractionalSimilarityScorer |
Implements an algorithm which computes a score for a sequence alignment pair.
GuideTree |
Implements a data structure for a guide tree used during progressive multiple sequence alignment.
GuideTree.Node |
Implements a data structure for the node in a guide tree used during progressive multiple sequence alignment.