002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
016 * at:
017 *
018 *      http://www.biojava.org/
019 *
020 * Created on December 19, 2013
021 * Author: Douglas Myers-Turnbull
022 */
024package org.biojava.nbio.structure;
026import java.io.IOException;
027import java.util.ArrayList;
028import java.util.Arrays;
029import java.util.LinkedList;
030import java.util.List;
032import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.util.AtomCache;
033import org.biojava.nbio.structure.contact.Grid;
034import org.slf4j.Logger;
035import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
038 * This is the canonical way to identify a part of a structure.
039 *
040 * <p>The current syntax allows the specification of a set of residues from
041 * the first model of a structure. Future versions may be extended to represent
042 * additional properties.
043 *
044 * <p>Identifiers should adhere to the following specification, although some
045 * additional forms may be tolerated where unambiguous for backwards compatibility.
046 * <pre>
047 *              name          := pdbID
048 *                             | pdbID '.' chainID
049 *                             | pdbID '.' range
050 *              range         := range (',' range)?
051 *                             | chainID
052 *                             | chainID '_' resNum '-' resNum
053 *              pdbID         := [0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]{3}
054 *              chainID       := [a-zA-Z0-9]+
055 *              resNum        := [-+]?[0-9]+[A-Za-z]?
056 * </pre>
057 * For example:
058 * <pre>
059 *              1TIM                            #whole structure
060 *              1tim                            #same as above
061 *              4HHB.C                          #single chain
062 *              3AA0.A,B                        #two chains
063 *              4GCR.A_1-40                     #substructure
064 *      3iek.A_17-28,A_56-294,A_320-377 #substructure of 3 disjoint parts
065 * </pre>
066 * More options may be added to the specification at a future time.
068 * @author dmyersturnbull
069 * @author Spencer Bliven
070 */
071public class SubstructureIdentifier implements StructureIdentifier {
073        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
075        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SubstructureIdentifier.class);
078        private final String pdbId;
079        private final List<ResidueRange> ranges;
081        /**
082         * Create a new identifier from a string.
083         * @param id
084         */
085        public SubstructureIdentifier(String id) {
086                String[] idRange = id.split("\\.");
087                if(1 > idRange.length || idRange.length > 2 ) {
088                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Malformed %s: %s",getClass().getSimpleName(),id));
089                }
090                if(idRange[0].length() != 4) {
091                        this.pdbId = idRange[0];
092                        // Changed from Exception to a warning to support files and stuff -sbliven 2015/01/22
093                        logger.warn(String.format("Unrecognized PDB code %s",this.pdbId));
094                } else {
095                        this.pdbId = idRange[0].toUpperCase();
096                }
098                if( idRange.length == 2) {
099                        String rangeStr = idRange[1].trim();
101                        this.ranges = ResidueRange.parseMultiple(rangeStr);
102                } else {
103                        this.ranges = new LinkedList<ResidueRange>();
104                }
105        }
107        /**
108         * Create a new identifier based on a set of ranges.
109         *
110         * If ranges is empty, includes all residues.
111         * @param pdbId
112         * @param ranges
113         */
114        public SubstructureIdentifier(String pdbId, List<ResidueRange> ranges) {
115                if(ranges == null) {
116                        throw new NullPointerException("Null ranges list");
117                }
118                this.pdbId = pdbId;
119                this.ranges = ranges;
120        }
122        @Override
123        public String toString() {
124                return getIdentifier();
125        }
127        /**
128         * Get the String form of this identifier.
129         *
130         * This provides the canonical form for a StructureIdentifier and has
131         * all the information needed to recreate a particular substructure.
132         *
133         * Example: 3iek.A_17-28,A_56-294
134         * @return The String form of this identifier
135         */
136        @Override
137        public String getIdentifier() {
138                if (ranges.isEmpty()) return pdbId;
139                return pdbId + "." + ResidueRange.toString(ranges);
140        }
142        public String getPdbId() {
143                return pdbId;
144        }
146        public List<ResidueRange> getResidueRanges() {
147                return ranges;
148        }
150        /**
151         * Return itself. SubstructureIdentifiers are canonical!
152         */
153        @Override
154        public SubstructureIdentifier toCanonical() {
155                return this;
156        }
158        /**
159         * Takes a complete structure as input and reduces it to residues present in
160         * the specified ranges
161         *
162         * <p>The returned structure will be a shallow copy of the input, with shared
163         * Chains, Residues, etc.
164         *
165         * <p>Ligands are handled in a special way. If a full chain is selected
166         * (e.g. '1ABC.A') then any waters and ligands with matching chain name are
167         * included. If a residue range is present ('1ABC.A:1-100') then any
168         * ligands (technically non-water non-polymer atoms) within
169         * {@link StructureTools#DEFAULT_LIGAND_PROXIMITY_CUTOFF} of the selected
170         * range are included, regardless of chain.
171         * @param input A full structure, e.g. as loaded from the PDB. The structure
172         * ID should match that returned by getPdbId().
173         * @return
174         * @throws StructureException
175         * @see StructureTools#getReducedStructure(Structure, String)
176         */
177        @Override
178        public Structure reduce(Structure s) throws StructureException {
179                // Follows StructureImpl.clone()
181                // Create new structure & copy basic properties
182                Structure newS = new StructureImpl();
184                newS.setPDBCode(s.getPDBCode());
185                newS.setPDBHeader(s.getPDBHeader());
186                newS.setName(this.toString());
187                newS.setDBRefs(s.getDBRefs());
188                newS.setBiologicalAssembly(s.isBiologicalAssembly());
189                newS.getPDBHeader().setDescription(
190                                "sub-range " + ranges + " of "  + newS.getPDBCode() + " "
191                                                + s.getPDBHeader().getDescription());
192                newS.setEntityInfos(new ArrayList<>());
193                // TODO The following should be only copied for atoms which are present in the range.
194                newS.setSSBonds(s.getSSBonds());
195                newS.setSites(s.getSites());
197                newS.setStructureIdentifier(this);
199                for( int modelNr=0;modelNr<s.nrModels();modelNr++) {
201                        // Construct new model
202                        newS.addModel(new ArrayList<Chain>());
204                        if(getResidueRanges().isEmpty()) {
205                                // Include all residues
206                                newS.setEntityInfos(s.getEntityInfos());
207                                newS.setSSBonds(s.getSSBonds());
208                                newS.setSites(s.getSites());
210                                newS.setModel(modelNr, s.getModel(modelNr));
211                        } else {
212                                // Restrict residues
213                                for( ResidueRange range: getResidueRanges()) {
215                                        String chainName = range.getChainName();
216                                        ResidueNumber pdbresnum1 = range.getStart();
217                                        ResidueNumber pdbresnum2 = range.getEnd();
219//                                      StructureTools.addGroupsToStructure(newS, groups, modelNr, false);
220                                        Chain polyChain; //polymer
221                                        if(chainName.equals("_") ) {
222                                                // Handle special case of "_" chain for single-chain proteins
223                                                polyChain = s.getPolyChains(modelNr).get(0);
224                                                chainName = polyChain.getName();
225                                                if(pdbresnum1 != null)
226                                                        pdbresnum1.setChainName(chainName);
227                                                if(pdbresnum2 != null)
228                                                        pdbresnum2.setChainName(chainName);
230                                                if(s.getPolyChains().size() != 1) {
231                                                        // SCOP 1.71 uses this for some proteins with multiple chains
232                                                        // Print a warning in this ambiguous case
233                                                        logger.warn("Multiple possible chains match '_'. Using chain {}",chainName);
234                                                }
235                                        } else {
236                                                // Explicit chain
237                                                polyChain = s.getPolyChainByPDB(chainName,modelNr);
238                                                if( polyChain == null ) {
239                                                        // Chain not found
240                                                        // Maybe it was a chain index, masquerading as a chainName?
241                                                        try {
242                                                                int chainNum = Integer.parseInt(chainName);
243                                                                polyChain = s.getChainByIndex(modelNr, chainNum);
244                                                                chainName = polyChain.getName();
245                                                                if(pdbresnum1 != null)
246                                                                        pdbresnum1.setChainName(chainName);
247                                                                if(pdbresnum2 != null)
248                                                                        pdbresnum2.setChainName(chainName);
249                                                                logger.warn("No chain found for {}. Interpretting it as an index, using chain {} instead",chainName,polyChain.getId());
250                                                        } catch(NumberFormatException e3) {
251                                                                // Not an index. Throw the original exception
252                                                                throw new StructureException(String.format("Unrecognized chain %s in %s",chainName,getIdentifier()));
253                                                        }
254                                                }
255                                        }
257                                        if(pdbresnum1 == null && pdbresnum2 == null) {
258                                                // Include all atoms with matching chainName
259                                                StructureTools.addGroupsToStructure(newS, polyChain.getAtomGroups(), modelNr, false);
260                                                for(Chain chain : s.getNonPolyChainsByPDB(chainName, modelNr) ) {
261                                                        StructureTools.addGroupsToStructure(newS, chain.getAtomGroups(), modelNr, false);
262                                                }
263                                                Chain waters = s.getWaterChainByPDB(chainName, modelNr);
264                                                if( waters != null) {
265                                                        StructureTools.addGroupsToStructure(newS, waters.getAtomGroups(), modelNr, false);
266                                                }
268                                                // TODO do we need to prune SeqRes down to the atoms present? -SB 2016-10-7
269                                        } else {
270                                                // Include polymer range and any proximal ligands
271                                                List<Group> polygroups = Arrays.asList(polyChain.getGroupsByPDB(pdbresnum1, pdbresnum2));
272                                                StructureTools.addGroupsToStructure(newS, polygroups, modelNr, false);
273                                                copyLigandsByProximity(s,newS, StructureTools.DEFAULT_LIGAND_PROXIMITY_CUTOFF, modelNr, modelNr);
274                                        }
275                                } // end range
276                        }
277                } // end modelNr
279                return newS;
280        }
282        /**
283         * Loads the complete structure based on {@link #getPdbId()}.
284         *
285         * @param AtomCache A source of structures
286         * @return A Structure containing at least the atoms identified by this,
287         *  or null if no PDB ID is set
288         * @throws StructureException For errors loading and parsing the structure
289         * @throws IOException Errors reading the structure from disk
290         */
291        @Override
292        public Structure loadStructure(AtomCache cache) throws IOException, StructureException {
293                String pdb = getPdbId();
294                if(pdb == null)
295                        return null;
296                return cache.getStructureForPdbId(pdb);
297        }
299        /**
300         * Supplements the reduced structure with ligands from the full structure based on
301         * a distance cutoff. Ligand groups are moved (destructively) from full to reduced
302         * if they fall within the cutoff of any atom in the reduced structure.
303         * The {@link StructureTools#DEFAULT_LIGAND_PROXIMITY_CUTOFF default cutoff}
304         * is used.
305         * @param full Structure containing all ligands
306         * @param reduced Structure with a subset of the polymer groups from full
307         * @see StructureTools#getLigandsByProximity(java.util.Collection, Atom[], double)
308         */
309        protected static void copyLigandsByProximity(Structure full, Structure reduced) {
310                // Normal case where all models should be copied from full to reduced
311                assert full.nrModels() >= reduced.nrModels();
312                for(int model = 0; model< reduced.nrModels(); model++) {
313                        copyLigandsByProximity(full, reduced, StructureTools.DEFAULT_LIGAND_PROXIMITY_CUTOFF, model, model);
314                }
315        }
316        /**
317         * Supplements the reduced structure with ligands from the full structure based on
318         * a distance cutoff. Ligand groups are moved (destructively) from full to reduced
319         * if they fall within the cutoff of any atom in the reduced structure.
320         * @param full Structure containing all ligands
321         * @param reduced Structure with a subset of the polymer groups from full
322         * @param cutoff Distance cutoff (Å)
323         * @param fromModel source model in full
324         * @param toModel destination model in reduced
325         * @see StructureTools#getLigandsByProximity(java.util.Collection, Atom[], double)
326         */
327        protected static void copyLigandsByProximity(Structure full, Structure reduced, double cutoff, int fromModel, int toModel) {
328                // Geometric hashing of the reduced structure
329                Grid grid = new Grid(cutoff);
330                Atom[] nonwaters = StructureTools.getAllNonHAtomArray(reduced,true,toModel);
331                if( nonwaters.length < 1 )
332                        return;
333                grid.addAtoms(nonwaters);
335                full.getNonPolyChains(fromModel).stream() //potential ligand chains
336                .flatMap((chain) -> chain.getAtomGroups().stream() ) // potential ligand groups
337                .filter( (g) -> !g.isWater() ) // ignore waters
338                .filter( (g) -> !g.isPolymeric() ) // already shouldn't be polymeric, but filter anyways
339                .filter( (g) -> grid.hasAnyContact(Calc.atomsToPoints(g.getAtoms())) ) // must contact reduced
340                .sequential() // Keeps ligands from the same chain together if possible
341                .reduce((Chain)null, // reduction updates the chain guess
342                                (guess, g ) -> {
343                                        boolean wasAdded;
344                                        try {
345                                                // Check that it's not in reduced already
346                                                wasAdded = reduced.findGroup(g.getChainId(),
347                                                                g.getResidueNumber().toString(), toModel) != null;
348                                        } catch (StructureException e) {
349                                                // not found
350                                                wasAdded = false;
351                                        }
352                                        if( !wasAdded ) {
353                                                // Add the ligand to reduced
354                                                // note this is not idempotent, but it is synchronized on reduced
355                                                logger.info("Adding ligand group {} {} by proximity",g.getPDBName(), g.getResidueNumber().toPDB());
356                                                return StructureTools.addGroupToStructure(reduced, g, toModel, guess, false);
357                                        }
358                                        return guess;
359                                },
360                                // update to the new guess
361                                (oldGuess, newGuess) -> newGuess );
362        }