static String |
ChromosomeMappingTools.formatExonStructure(GeneChromosomePosition chromosomePosition) |
Pretty print the details of a GeneChromosomePosition to a String
static List<<Integer>> |
ChromosomeMappingTools.getCDSExonRanges(GeneChromosomePosition chromPos) |
Extracts the exon boundaries in CDS coordinates.
static int |
ChromosomeMappingTools.getCDSLength(GeneChromosomePosition chromPos) |
Get the length of the CDS in nucleotides.
static int |
ChromosomeMappingTools.getCDSPosForChromosomeCoordinate(int coordinate,
GeneChromosomePosition chromosomePosition) |
I have a genomic coordinate, where is it on the mRNA
static List<<Integer>> |
ChromosomeMappingTools.getChromosomalRangesForCDS(GeneChromosomePosition chromPos) |
Extracts the boundaries of the coding regions in chromosomal coordinates
static ChromPos |
ChromosomeMappingTools.getChromosomePosForCDScoordinate(int cdsNucleotidePosition,
GeneChromosomePosition chromPos) |
Maps the position of a CDS nucleotide back to the genome
static DNASequence |
ChromosomeMappingTools.getTranscriptDNASequence(TwoBitFacade twoBitFacade,
GeneChromosomePosition gcp) |
Extracts the DNA sequence transcribed from the input genetic coordinates.