002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
016 * at:
017 *
018 *      http://www.biojava.org/
019 *
020 */
021package org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.utils;
023import java.util.ArrayList;
024import java.util.Arrays;
025import java.util.Collections;
026import java.util.List;
027import java.util.Set;
028import java.util.TreeSet;
029import java.util.stream.Collectors;
031import javax.vecmath.Matrix4d;
033import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Atom;
034import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Calc;
035import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Chain;
036import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Group;
037import org.biojava.nbio.structure.GroupType;
038import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Structure;
039import org.biojava.nbio.structure.StructureException;
040import org.biojava.nbio.structure.StructureIdentifier;
041import org.biojava.nbio.structure.StructureImpl;
042import org.biojava.nbio.structure.StructureTools;
043import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.ce.CECalculator;
044import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.helper.AlignUtils;
045import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain;
046import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.Block;
047import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.BlockImpl;
048import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.BlockSet;
049import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.BlockSetImpl;
050import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignment;
051import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignmentEnsemble;
052import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignmentEnsembleImpl;
053import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignmentImpl;
054import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.util.CoreSuperimposer;
055import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.util.MultipleAlignmentScorer;
056import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.util.MultipleSuperimposer;
057import org.biojava.nbio.structure.cluster.Subunit;
058import org.biojava.nbio.structure.cluster.SubunitClustererMethod;
059import org.biojava.nbio.structure.cluster.SubunitClustererParameters;
060import org.biojava.nbio.structure.geometry.SuperPositions;
061import org.biojava.nbio.structure.jama.Matrix;
062import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.core.QuatSymmetryDetector;
063import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.core.QuatSymmetryParameters;
064import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.core.QuatSymmetryResults;
065import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.internal.CeSymmResult;
066import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.internal.SymmetryAxes;
067import org.jgrapht.Graph;
068import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge;
069import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleGraph;
070import org.slf4j.Logger;
071import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
074 * Utility methods for symmetry (quaternary and internal) detection and result
075 * manipulation.
076 *
077 * @author Spencer Bliven
078 * @author Aleix Lafita
079 * @author Peter Rose
080 *
081 */
082public class SymmetryTools {
084        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
085                        .getLogger(SymmetryTools.class);
087        /** Prevent instantiation. */
088        private SymmetryTools() {
089        }
091        /**
092         * Returns the "reset value" for graying out the main diagonal. If we're
093         * blanking out the main diagonal, this value is always Integer.MIN_VALUE.
094         * <p>
095         * This is possible if {@code gradientPolyCoeff = Integer.MIN_VALUE} and
096         * {@code gradientExpCoeff = 0}.
097         *
098         * @param unpenalizedScore
099         * @param nResFromMainDiag
100         * @param gradientPolyCoeff
101         * @param gradientExpCoeff
102         * @return
103         */
104        private static double getResetVal(double unpenalizedScore,
105                        double nResFromMainDiag, double[] gradientPolyCoeff,
106                        double gradientExpCoeff) {
108                if (Double.isNaN(unpenalizedScore))
109                        return 0; // what else?
111                // We can actually return a positive value if this is high enough
112                double updateVal = unpenalizedScore;
113                updateVal -= gradientExpCoeff * Math.pow(Math.E, -nResFromMainDiag);
114                for (int p = 0; p < gradientPolyCoeff.length; p++) {
115                        updateVal -= gradientPolyCoeff[gradientPolyCoeff.length - 1 - p]
116                                        * Math.pow(nResFromMainDiag, -p);
117                }
118                return updateVal;
119        }
121        /**
122         * Grays out the main diagonal of a duplicated distance matrix.
123         *
124         * @param ca2
125         * @param rows
126         *            Number of rows
127         * @param cols
128         *            Number of original columns
129         * @param calculator
130         *            Used to get the matrix if origM is null
131         * @param origM
132         *            starting matrix. If null, uses
133         *            {@link CECalculator#getMatMatrix()}
134         * @param blankWindowSize
135         *            Width of section to gray out
136         * @param gradientPolyCoeff
137         * @param gradientExpCoeff
138         * @return
139         */
140        public static Matrix grayOutCEOrig(Atom[] ca2, int rows, int cols,
141                        CECalculator calculator, Matrix origM, int blankWindowSize,
142                        double[] gradientPolyCoeff, double gradientExpCoeff) {
144                if (origM == null) {
145                        origM = new Matrix(calculator.getMatMatrix());
146                }
148                // symmetry hack, disable main diagonal
150                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
151                        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
152                                int diff = Math.abs(i - j);
154                                double resetVal = getResetVal(origM.get(i, j), diff,
155                                                gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
157                                if (diff < blankWindowSize) {
158                                        origM.set(i, j, origM.get(i, j) + resetVal);
160                                }
161                                int diff2 = Math.abs(i - (j - ca2.length / 2)); // other side
163                                double resetVal2 = getResetVal(origM.get(i, j), diff2,
164                                                gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
166                                if (diff2 < blankWindowSize) {
167                                        origM.set(i, j, origM.get(i, j) + resetVal2);
169                                }
170                        }
171                }
172                return origM;
173        }
175        public static Matrix grayOutPreviousAlignment(AFPChain afpChain,
176                        Atom[] ca2, int rows, int cols, CECalculator calculator,
177                        Matrix max, int blankWindowSize, double[] gradientPolyCoeff,
178                        double gradientExpCoeff) {
180                max = grayOutCEOrig(ca2, rows, cols, calculator, max, blankWindowSize,
181                                gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
183                double[][] dist1 = calculator.getDist1();
184                double[][] dist2 = calculator.getDist2();
186                int[][][] optAln = afpChain.getOptAln();
187                int blockNum = afpChain.getBlockNum();
189                int[] optLen = afpChain.getOptLen();
191                // ca2 is circularly permutated
192                int breakPoint = ca2.length / 2;
193                for (int bk = 0; bk < blockNum; bk++) {
195                        for (int i = 0; i < optLen[bk]; i++) {
196                                int pos1 = optAln[bk][0][i];
197                                int pos2 = optAln[bk][1][i];
199                                int dist = blankWindowSize / 2;
200                                int start1 = Math.max(pos1 - dist, 0);
201                                int start2 = Math.max(pos2 - dist, 0);
202                                int end1 = Math.min(pos1 + dist, rows - 1);
203                                int end2 = Math.min(pos2 + dist, cols - 1);
205                                for (int i1 = start1; i1 < end1; i1++) {
207                                        // blank diagonal of dist1
208                                        for (int k = 0; k < blankWindowSize / 2; k++) {
209                                                if (i1 - k >= 0) {
210                                                        double resetVal = getResetVal(
211                                                                        max.get(i1 - k, i1 - k), 0,
212                                                                        gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
213                                                        dist1[i1 - k][i1 - k] = resetVal;
214                                                } else if (i1 + k < rows) {
215                                                        double resetVal = getResetVal(
216                                                                        max.get(i1 + k, i1 + k), 0,
217                                                                        gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
218                                                        dist1[i1 + k][i1 + k] = resetVal;
219                                                }
221                                        }
223                                        for (int j2 = start2; j2 < end2; j2++) {
224                                                double resetVal = getResetVal(max.get(i1, j2),
225                                                                Math.abs(i1 - j2), gradientPolyCoeff,
226                                                                gradientExpCoeff);
227                                                max.set(i1, j2, resetVal);
228                                                if (j2 < breakPoint) {
229                                                        double resetVal2 = getResetVal(
230                                                                        max.get(i1, j2 + breakPoint),
231                                                                        Math.abs(i1 - (j2 + breakPoint)),
232                                                                        gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
233                                                        max.set(i1, j2 + breakPoint, resetVal2);
234                                                } else {
235                                                        double resetVal2 = getResetVal(
236                                                                        max.get(i1, j2 - breakPoint),
237                                                                        Math.abs(i1 - (j2 - breakPoint)),
238                                                                        gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
239                                                        max.set(i1, j2 - breakPoint, resetVal2);
240                                                }
241                                                for (int k = 0; k < blankWindowSize / 2; k++) {
242                                                        if (j2 - k >= 0) {
243                                                                if (j2 - k < breakPoint) {
244                                                                        double resetVal2 = getResetVal(
245                                                                                        max.get(j2 - k, j2 - k), 0,
246                                                                                        gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
247                                                                        dist2[j2 - k][j2 - k] = resetVal2;
248                                                                } else {
249                                                                        double resetVal2 = getResetVal(max.get(j2
250                                                                                        - k - breakPoint, j2 - k), 0,
251                                                                                        gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
252                                                                        dist2[j2 - k - breakPoint][j2 - k
253                                                                                        - breakPoint] = resetVal2;
254                                                                }
255                                                        } else if (j2 + k < cols) {
256                                                                if (j2 + k < breakPoint) {
257                                                                        double resetVal2 = getResetVal(
258                                                                                        max.get(j2 + k, j2 + k), 0,
259                                                                                        gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
260                                                                        dist2[j2 + k][j2 + k] = resetVal2;
261                                                                } else {
262                                                                        double resetVal2 = getResetVal(max.get(j2
263                                                                                        + k - breakPoint, j2 + k), 0,
264                                                                                        gradientPolyCoeff, gradientExpCoeff);
265                                                                        dist2[j2 + k - breakPoint][j2 + k
266                                                                                        - breakPoint] = resetVal2;
267                                                                }
268                                                        }
269                                                }
270                                        }
271                                }
273                        }
274                }
275                calculator.setDist1(dist1);
276                calculator.setDist2(dist2);
277                return max;
279        }
281        public Matrix getDkMatrix(Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, int fragmentLength,
282                        double[] dist1, double[] dist2, int rows, int cols) {
284                Matrix diffDistMax = Matrix.identity(ca1.length, ca2.length);
286                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
287                        double score1 = 0;
288                        for (int x = 0; x < fragmentLength; x++) {
289                                score1 += dist1[i + x];
290                        }
291                        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
292                                double score2 = 0;
293                                for (int y = 0; y < fragmentLength; y++) {
294                                        score2 += dist2[j + y];
295                                }
297                                // if the intramolecular distances are very similar
298                                // the two scores should be similar,
299                                // i.e. the difference is close to 0
300                                diffDistMax.set(i, j, Math.abs(score1 - score2));
301                        }
302                }
304                // symmetry hack, disable main diagonal
306                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
307                        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
308                                int diff = Math.abs(i - j);
310                                if (diff < 15) {
311                                        diffDistMax.set(i, j, 99);
312                                }
313                                int diff2 = Math.abs(i - (j - ca2.length / 2));
314                                if (diff2 < 15) {
315                                        diffDistMax.set(i, j, 99);
316                                }
317                        }
318                }
319                return diffDistMax;
321        }
323        public static Matrix blankOutPreviousAlignment(AFPChain afpChain,
324                        Atom[] ca2, int rows, int cols, CECalculator calculator,
325                        Matrix max, int blankWindowSize) {
326                return grayOutPreviousAlignment(afpChain, ca2, rows, cols, calculator,
327                                max, blankWindowSize, new double[] { Integer.MIN_VALUE }, 0.0);
328        }
330        public static Matrix blankOutCEOrig(Atom[] ca2, int rows, int cols,
331                        CECalculator calculator, Matrix origM, int blankWindowSize) {
332                return grayOutCEOrig(ca2, rows, cols, calculator, origM,
333                                blankWindowSize, new double[] { Integer.MIN_VALUE }, 0.0);
334        }
336        public static Matrix getDkMatrix(Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, int k,
337                        int fragmentLength) {
339                double[] dist1 = AlignUtils.getDiagonalAtK(ca1, k);
340                double[] dist2 = AlignUtils.getDiagonalAtK(ca2, k);
342                int rows = ca1.length - fragmentLength - k + 1;
343                int cols = ca2.length - fragmentLength - k + 1;
345                // Matrix that tracks similarity of a fragment of length fragmentLength
346                // starting a position i,j.
348                Matrix m2 = new Matrix(rows, cols);
350                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
351                        double score1 = 0;
352                        for (int x = 0; x < fragmentLength; x++) {
353                                score1 += dist1[i + x];
354                        }
355                        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
356                                double score2 = 0;
357                                for (int y = 0; y < fragmentLength; y++) {
358                                        score2 += dist2[j + y];
359                                }
361                                // if the intramolecular distances are very similar
362                                // the two scores should be similar,
363                                // i.e. the difference is close to 0
364                                m2.set(i, j, Math.abs(score1 - score2));
365                        }
366                }
367                return m2;
368        }
370        public static boolean[][] blankOutBreakFlag(AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca2,
371                        int rows, int cols, CECalculator calculator, boolean[][] breakFlag,
372                        int blankWindowSize) {
374                int[][][] optAln = afpChain.getOptAln();
375                int blockNum = afpChain.getBlockNum();
377                int[] optLen = afpChain.getOptLen();
379                // ca2 is circularly permutated at this point.
380                int breakPoint = ca2.length / 2;
382                for (int bk = 0; bk < blockNum; bk++) {
384                        // Matrix m= afpChain.getBlockRotationMatrix()[bk];
385                        // Atom shift = afpChain.getBlockShiftVector()[bk];
386                        for (int i = 0; i < optLen[bk]; i++) {
387                                int pos1 = optAln[bk][0][i];
388                                int pos2 = optAln[bk][1][i];
389                                // blank out area around these positions...
391                                int dist = blankWindowSize;
392                                int start1 = Math.max(pos1 - dist, 0);
393                                int start2 = Math.max(pos2 - dist, 0);
394                                int end1 = Math.min(pos1 + dist, rows - 1);
395                                int end2 = Math.min(pos2 + dist, cols - 1);
397                                for (int i1 = start1; i1 < end1; i1++) {
399                                        for (int j2 = start2; j2 < end2; j2++) {
400                                                // System.out.println(i1 + " " + j2 + " (***)");
401                                                breakFlag[i1][j2] = true;
402                                                if (j2 < breakPoint) {
403                                                        breakFlag[i1][j2 + breakPoint] = true;
404                                                }
405                                        }
406                                }
408                        }
409                }
411                return breakFlag;
412        }
414        /**
415         * Returns the <em>magnitude</em> of the angle between the first and second
416         * blocks of {@code afpChain}, measured in degrees. This is always a
417         * positive value (unsigned).
418         *
419         * @param afpChain
420         * @param ca1
421         * @param ca2
422         * @return
423         */
424        public static double getAngle(AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2) {
425                Matrix rotation = afpChain.getBlockRotationMatrix()[0];
426                return Math.acos(rotation.trace() - 1) * 180 / Math.PI;
427        }
429        /**
430         * Converts a set of AFP alignments into a Graph of aligned residues, where
431         * each vertex is a residue and each edge means the connection between the
432         * two residues in one of the alignments.
433         *
434         * @param afps
435         *            List of AFPChains
436         * @param atoms
437         *            Atom array of the symmetric structure
438         * @param undirected
439         *            if true, the graph is undirected
440         *
441         * @return adjacency List of aligned residues
442         */
443        public static List<List<Integer>> buildSymmetryGraph(List<AFPChain> afps,
444                        Atom[] atoms, boolean undirected) {
446                List<List<Integer>> graph = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
448                for (int n = 0; n < atoms.length; n++) {
449                        graph.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
450                }
452                for (int k = 0; k < afps.size(); k++) {
453                        for (int i = 0; i < afps.get(k).getOptAln().length; i++) {
454                                for (int j = 0; j < afps.get(k).getOptAln()[i][0].length; j++) {
455                                        Integer res1 = afps.get(k).getOptAln()[i][0][j];
456                                        Integer res2 = afps.get(k).getOptAln()[i][1][j];
457                                        graph.get(res1).add(res2);
458                                        if (undirected)
459                                                graph.get(res2).add(res1);
460                                }
461                        }
462                }
463                return graph;
464        }
466        /**
467         * Converts a self alignment into a directed jGraphT of aligned residues,
468         * where each vertex is a residue and each edge means the equivalence
469         * between the two residues in the self-alignment.
470         *
471         * @param selfAlignment
472         *            AFPChain
473         *
474         * @return alignment Graph
475         */
476        public static Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> buildSymmetryGraph(
477                        AFPChain selfAlignment) {
479                Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> graph = new SimpleGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge>(
480                                DefaultEdge.class);
482                for (int i = 0; i < selfAlignment.getOptAln().length; i++) {
483                        for (int j = 0; j < selfAlignment.getOptAln()[i][0].length; j++) {
484                                Integer res1 = selfAlignment.getOptAln()[i][0][j];
485                                Integer res2 = selfAlignment.getOptAln()[i][1][j];
486                                graph.addVertex(res1);
487                                graph.addVertex(res2);
488                                graph.addEdge(res1, res2);
489                        }
490                }
491                return graph;
492        }
494        /**
495         * Method that converts the symmetric units of a structure into different
496         * structures, so that they can be individually visualized.
497         *
498         * @param symmetry
499         *            CeSymmResult
500         * @throws StructureException
501         * @result List of structures, by repeat index sequentially
502         *
503         */
504        public static List<Structure> divideStructure(CeSymmResult symmetry)
505                        throws StructureException {
507                if (!symmetry.isRefined())
508                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The symmetry result "
509                                        + "is not refined, repeats cannot be defined");
511                int order = symmetry.getMultipleAlignment().size();
512                Atom[] atoms = symmetry.getAtoms();
513                Set<Group> allGroups = StructureTools.getAllGroupsFromSubset(atoms, GroupType.HETATM);
514                List<StructureIdentifier> repeatsId = symmetry.getRepeatsID();
515                List<Structure> repeats = new ArrayList<Structure>(order);
517                // Create new structure containing the repeat atoms
518                for (int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
520                        Structure s = new StructureImpl();
521                        s.addModel(new ArrayList<Chain>(1));
522                        s.setStructureIdentifier(repeatsId.get(i));
524                        Block align = symmetry.getMultipleAlignment().getBlock(0);
526                        // Get the start and end of the repeat
527                        // Repeats are always sequential blocks
528                        int res1 = align.getStartResidue(i);
529                        int res2 = align.getFinalResidue(i);
531                        // All atoms from the repeat, used for ligand search
532                        // AA have an average of 8.45 atoms, so guess capacity with that
533                        List<Atom> repeat = new ArrayList<>(Math.max(9*(res2-res1+1),9));
534                        // speedy chain lookup
535                        Chain prevChain = null;
536                        for(int k=res1;k<=res2; k++) {
537                                Group g = atoms[k].getGroup();
538                                prevChain = StructureTools.addGroupToStructure(s, g, 0, prevChain,true);
539                                repeat.addAll(g.getAtoms());
540                        }
543                        List<Group> ligands = StructureTools.getLigandsByProximity(
544                                        allGroups,
545                                        repeat.toArray(new Atom[repeat.size()]),
546                                        StructureTools.DEFAULT_LIGAND_PROXIMITY_CUTOFF);
548                        logger.warn("Adding {} ligands to {}",ligands.size(), symmetry.getMultipleAlignment().getStructureIdentifier(i));
549                        for( Group ligand : ligands) {
550                                prevChain = StructureTools.addGroupToStructure(s, ligand, 0, prevChain,true);
551                        }
553                        repeats.add(s);
554                }
555                return repeats;
556        }
558        /**
559         * Method that converts a repeats symmetric alignment into an alignment of
560         * whole structures.
561         * <p>
562         * Example: if the structure has repeats A,B and C, the original alignment
563         * is A-B-C, and the returned alignment is ABC-BCA-CAB.
564         *
565         * @param symm
566         *            CeSymmResult
567         * @return MultipleAlignment of the full structure superpositions
568         */
569        public static MultipleAlignment toFullAlignment(CeSymmResult symm) {
571                if (!symm.isRefined())
572                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The symmetry result "
573                                        + "is not refined, repeats cannot be defined");
575                MultipleAlignment full = symm.getMultipleAlignment().clone();
577                for (int str = 1; str < full.size(); str++) {
578                        // Create a new Block with swapped AlignRes (move first to last)
579                        Block b = full.getBlock(full.getBlocks().size() - 1).clone();
580                        b.getAlignRes().add(b.getAlignRes().get(0));
581                        b.getAlignRes().remove(0);
582                        full.getBlockSet(0).getBlocks().add(b);
583                }
584                return full;
585        }
587        /**
588         * Method that converts a symmetry alignment into an alignment of the
589         * repeats only, as new independent structures.
590         * <p>
591         * This method changes the structure identifiers, the Atom arrays and
592         * re-scles the aligned residues in the Blocks corresponding to those
593         * changes.
594         * <p>
595         * Application: display superimposed repeats in Jmol.
596         *
597         * @param result
598         *            CeSymmResult of symmetry
599         * @return MultipleAlignment of the repeats
600         * @throws StructureException
601         */
602        public static MultipleAlignment toRepeatsAlignment(CeSymmResult result)
603                        throws StructureException {
605                if (!result.isRefined())
606                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The symmetry result "
607                                        + "is not refined, repeats cannot be defined");
609                MultipleAlignment msa = result.getMultipleAlignment();
610                MultipleAlignmentEnsemble newEnsemble = msa.getEnsemble().clone();
612                List<Structure> repSt = SymmetryTools.divideStructure(result);
614                MultipleAlignment repeats = newEnsemble.getMultipleAlignment(0);
615                Block block = repeats.getBlock(0);
616                List<Atom[]> atomArrays = new ArrayList<Atom[]>();
618                for (Structure s : repSt)
619                        atomArrays.add(StructureTools.getRepresentativeAtomArray(s));
621                newEnsemble.setAtomArrays(atomArrays);
623                for (int su = 0; su < block.size(); su++) {
624                        Integer start = block.getStartResidue(su);
626                        // Normalize aligned residues
627                        for (int res = 0; res < block.length(); res++) {
628                                Integer residue = block.getAlignRes().get(su).get(res);
629                                if (residue != null)
630                                        residue -= start;
631                                block.getAlignRes().get(su).set(res, residue);
632                        }
633                }
635                return repeats;
636        }
638        /**
639         * Converts a refined symmetry AFPChain alignment into the standard
640         * representation of symmetry in a MultipleAlignment, that contains the
641         * entire Atom array of the strcuture and the symmetric repeats are orgaized
642         * in different rows in a single Block.
643         *
644         * @param symm
645         *            AFPChain created with a symmetry algorithm and refined
646         * @param atoms
647         *            Atom array of the entire structure
648         * @return MultipleAlignment format of the symmetry
649         * @throws StructureException
650         */
651        public static MultipleAlignment fromAFP(AFPChain symm, Atom[] atoms)
652                        throws StructureException {
654                if (!symm.getAlgorithmName().contains("symm")) {
655                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
656                                        "The input alignment is not a symmetry alignment.");
657                }
659                MultipleAlignmentEnsemble e = new MultipleAlignmentEnsembleImpl(symm,
660                                atoms, atoms, false);
661                e.setAtomArrays(new ArrayList<Atom[]>());
662                StructureIdentifier name = null;
663                if (e.getStructureIdentifiers() != null) {
664                        if (!e.getStructureIdentifiers().isEmpty())
665                                name = e.getStructureIdentifiers().get(0);
666                } else
667                        name = atoms[0].getGroup().getChain().getStructure()
668                                        .getStructureIdentifier();
670                e.setStructureIdentifiers(new ArrayList<StructureIdentifier>());
672                MultipleAlignment result = new MultipleAlignmentImpl();
673                BlockSet bs = new BlockSetImpl(result);
674                Block b = new BlockImpl(bs);
675                b.setAlignRes(new ArrayList<List<Integer>>());
677                int order = symm.getBlockNum();
678                for (int su = 0; su < order; su++) {
679                        List<Integer> residues = e.getMultipleAlignment(0).getBlock(su)
680                                        .getAlignRes().get(0);
681                        b.getAlignRes().add(residues);
682                        e.getStructureIdentifiers().add(name);
683                        e.getAtomArrays().add(atoms);
684                }
685                e.getMultipleAlignments().set(0, result);
686                result.setEnsemble(e);
688                CoreSuperimposer imposer = new CoreSuperimposer();
689                imposer.superimpose(result);
690                updateSymmetryScores(result);
692                return result;
693        }
695        /**
696         * Given a symmetry result, it calculates the overall global symmetry,
697         * factoring out the alignment and detection steps of
698         * {@link QuatSymmetryDetector} algorithm.
699         *
700         * @param result
701         *            symmetry result
702         * @return global symmetry results
703         * @throws StructureException
704         */
705        public static QuatSymmetryResults getQuaternarySymmetry(CeSymmResult result)
706                        throws StructureException {
708                // Obtain the subunits of the repeats
709                List<Atom[]> atoms = toRepeatsAlignment(result).getAtomArrays();
710                List<Subunit> subunits = atoms.stream()
711                                .map(a -> new Subunit(a, null, null, null))
712                                .collect(Collectors.toList());
714                // The clustering thresholds are set to 0 so that all always merged
715                SubunitClustererParameters cp = new SubunitClustererParameters();
716                cp.setClustererMethod(SubunitClustererMethod.STRUCTURE);
717                cp.setRMSDThreshold(10.0);
718                cp.setStructureCoverageThreshold(0.0);
720                QuatSymmetryParameters sp = new QuatSymmetryParameters();
722                QuatSymmetryResults gSymmetry = QuatSymmetryDetector
723                                .calcGlobalSymmetry(subunits, sp, cp);
725                return gSymmetry;
726        }
728        /**
729         * Returns the List of Groups of the corresponding representative Atom
730         * array. The representative Atom array needs to fulfill: no two Atoms are
731         * from the same Group and Groups are sequential (connected in the original
732         * Structure), except if they are from different Chains.
733         *
734         * @param rAtoms
735         *            array of representative Atoms (CA, P, etc).
736         * @return List of Groups
737         */
738        public static List<Group> getGroups(Atom[] rAtoms) {
740                List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<Group>(rAtoms.length);
742                for (Atom a : rAtoms) {
743                        Group g = a.getGroup();
744                        if (g != null)
745                                groups.add(g);
746                        else
747                                logger.info("Group not found for representative Atom {}", a);
748                }
749                return groups;
750        }
752        /**
753         * Calculates the set of symmetry operation Matrices (transformations) of
754         * the new alignment, based on the symmetry relations in the SymmetryAxes
755         * object. It sets the transformations to the input MultipleAlignment and
756         * SymmetryAxes objects. If the SymmetryAxes object is null, the
757         * superposition of the repeats is done without symmetry constraints.
758         * <p>
759         * This method also sets the scores (RMSD and TM-score) after the new
760         * superposition has been updated.
761         *
762         * @param axes
763         *            SymmetryAxes object. It will be modified.
764         * @param msa
765         *            MultipleAlignment. It will be modified.
766         */
767        public static void updateSymmetryTransformation(SymmetryAxes axes,
768                        MultipleAlignment msa) throws StructureException {
770                List<List<Integer>> block = msa.getBlocks().get(0).getAlignRes();
771                int length = block.get(0).size();
773                if (axes != null) {
774                        for (int level = 0; level < axes.getNumLevels(); level++) {
776                                // Calculate the aligned atom arrays to superimpose
777                                List<Atom> list1 = new ArrayList<Atom>();
778                                List<Atom> list2 = new ArrayList<Atom>();
780                                for (int firstRepeat : axes.getFirstRepeats(level)) {
782                                        Matrix4d transform = axes.getRepeatTransform(firstRepeat);
784                                        List<List<Integer>> relation = axes.getRepeatRelation(
785                                                        level, firstRepeat);
787                                        for (int index = 0; index < relation.get(0).size(); index++) {
788                                                int p1 = relation.get(0).get(index);
789                                                int p2 = relation.get(1).get(index);
791                                                for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) {
792                                                        Integer pos1 = block.get(p1).get(k);
793                                                        Integer pos2 = block.get(p2).get(k);
794                                                        if (pos1 != null && pos2 != null) {
795                                                                Atom a = (Atom) msa.getAtomArrays().get(p1)[pos1]
796                                                                                .clone();
797                                                                Atom b = (Atom) msa.getAtomArrays().get(p2)[pos2]
798                                                                                .clone();
799                                                                Calc.transform(a, transform);
800                                                                Calc.transform(b, transform);
801                                                                list1.add(a);
802                                                                list2.add(b);
803                                                        }
804                                                }
805                                        }
806                                }
808                                Atom[] arr1 = list1.toArray(new Atom[list1.size()]);
809                                Atom[] arr2 = list2.toArray(new Atom[list2.size()]);
811                                // Calculate the new transformation information
812                                if (arr1.length > 0 && arr2.length > 0) {
813                                        Matrix4d axis = SuperPositions.superpose(
814                                                        Calc.atomsToPoints(arr1),
815                                                        Calc.atomsToPoints(arr2));
816                                        axes.updateAxis(level, axis);
817                                }
819                                // Get the transformations from the SymmetryAxes
820                                List<Matrix4d> transformations = new ArrayList<Matrix4d>();
821                                for (int su = 0; su < msa.size(); su++) {
822                                        transformations.add(axes.getRepeatTransform(su));
823                                }
824                                msa.getBlockSet(0).setTransformations(transformations);
825                        }
826                } else {
827                        MultipleSuperimposer imposer = new CoreSuperimposer();
828                        imposer.superimpose(msa);
829                }
830                updateSymmetryScores(msa);
831        }
833        /**
834         * Update the scores (TM-score and RMSD) of a symmetry multiple alignment.
835         * This method does not redo the superposition of the alignment.
836         *
837         * @param symm
838         *            Symmetry Multiple Alignment of Repeats
839         * @throws StructureException
840         */
841        public static void updateSymmetryScores(MultipleAlignment symm)
842                        throws StructureException {
844                // Multiply by the order of symmetry to normalize score
845                double tmScore = MultipleAlignmentScorer.getAvgTMScore(symm)
846                                * symm.size();
847                double rmsd = MultipleAlignmentScorer.getRMSD(symm);
849                symm.putScore(MultipleAlignmentScorer.AVGTM_SCORE, tmScore);
850                symm.putScore(MultipleAlignmentScorer.RMSD, rmsd);
851        }
853        /**
854         * Returns the representative Atom Array of the first model, if the
855         * structure is NMR, or the Array for each model, if it is a biological
856         * assembly with multiple models.
857         *
858         * @param structure
859         * @return representative Atom[]
860         */
861        public static Atom[] getRepresentativeAtoms(Structure structure) {
863                if (structure.isNmr())
864                        return StructureTools.getRepresentativeAtomArray(structure);
866                else {
868                        // Get Atoms of all models
869                        List<Atom> atomList = new ArrayList<Atom>();
870                        for (int m = 0; m < structure.nrModels(); m++) {
871                                for (Chain c : structure.getModel(m))
872                                        atomList.addAll(Arrays.asList(StructureTools
873                                                        .getRepresentativeAtomArray(c)));
874                        }
875                        return atomList.toArray(new Atom[0]);
876                }
878        }
880        /**
881         * Find valid symmetry orders for a given stoichiometry. For instance, an
882         * A6B4 protein would give [1,2] because (A6B4)1 and (A3B2)2 are valid
883         * decompositions.
884         *
885         * @param stoichiometry
886         *            List giving the number of copies in each Subunit cluster
887         * @return The common factors of the stoichiometry
888         */
889        public static List<Integer> getValidFolds(List<Integer> stoichiometry) {
891                List<Integer> denominators = new ArrayList<Integer>();
893                if (stoichiometry.isEmpty())
894                        return denominators;
896                int nChains = Collections.max(stoichiometry);
898                // Remove duplicate stoichiometries
899                Set<Integer> nominators = new TreeSet<Integer>(stoichiometry);
901                // find common denominators
902                for (int d = 1; d <= nChains; d++) {
903                        boolean isDivisable = true;
904                        for (Integer n : nominators) {
905                                if (n % d != 0) {
906                                        isDivisable = false;
907                                        break;
908                                }
909                        }
910                        if (isDivisable) {
911                                denominators.add(d);
912                        }
913                }
914                return denominators;
915        }