AccessionID |
Used in Sequences as the unique identifier.
BasicSequence<C extends Compound> |
Bare bones version of the Sequence object to be used sparingly.
CDSComparator |
CDSSequence |
Represents a exon or coding sequence in a gene.
ChromosomeSequence |
A ChromosomeSequence is a DNASequence but keeps track of geneSequences
DNASequence |
This is class should model the attributes associated with a DNA sequence
ExonComparator |
Sort Exon where it is a little confusing if exons should always be ordered left to right
where a negative stranded gene should go the other direction.
ExonSequence |
A gene contains a collection of Exon sequences
GeneSequence |
IntronSequence |
MultipleSequenceAlignment<S extends Sequence<C>,C extends Compound> |
Implements a minimal data structure for reading and writing a sequence alignment.
ProteinSequence |
The representation of a ProteinSequence
RNASequence |
RNASequence where RNACompoundSet are the allowed values
SequenceComparator |
Used to sort sequences in ascending order of bioBegin property.
SequenceOptimizationHints |
A static class that provides optimization hints for memory or performance handling of sequence data.
StartCodonSequence |
Used to map the start codon feature on a gene
StopCodonSequence |
Used to map the stop codon sequence on a gene
TaxonomyID |
A sequence can be associated with a species or Taxonomy ID
TranscriptSequence |
This is the sequence if you want to go from a gene sequence to a protein sequence.