002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
016 * at:
017 *
018 *      http://www.biojava.org/
019 *
020 */
021package org.biojava.nbio.structure;
023import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.util.AtomCache;
024import org.biojava.nbio.structure.io.StructureFiletype;
026import java.io.IOException;
027import java.util.List;
030 * A class that provides static access methods for easy lookup of protein structure related components
031 *
032 * @author Andreas Prlic
033 *
034 * @since 3.0.5
035 */
036public class StructureIO {
037        private static AtomCache cache ;
039        /**
040         * Loads a structure based on a name. Supported naming conventions are:
041         *
042         *  <pre>
043                Formal specification for how to specify the <i>name</i>:
045                name     := pdbID
046                                           | pdbID '.' chainID
047                                           | pdbID '.' range
048                                           | scopID
049                                           | biol
050                                           | pdp
051                range         := '('? range (',' range)? ')'?
052                                           | chainID
053                                           | chainID '_' resNum '-' resNum
054                pdbID         := [1-9][a-zA-Z0-9]{3}
055                                           | PDB_[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}
056                chainID       := [a-zA-Z0-9]
057                scopID        := 'd' pdbID [a-z_][0-9_]
058                biol              := 'BIO:' pdbID [:]? [0-9]+
059                resNum        := [-+]?[0-9]+[A-Za-z]?
062                Example structures:
063                1TIM                #whole structure - asym unit (short format)
064                4HHB.C              #single chain
065                4GCR.A_1-83         #one domain, by residue number
066                3AA0.A,B            #two chains treated as one structure
067                PDB_00001TIM        #whole structure - asym unit (extended format)
068                PDB_00004HHB.C      #single chain
069                PDB_00004GCR.A_1-83 #one domain, by residue number
070                PDB_00003AA0.A,B    #two chains treated as one structure
071                d2bq6a1     #scop domain
072                BIO:1fah   #biological assembly nr 1 for 1fah
073                BIO:1fah:0 #asym unit for 1fah
074                BIO:1fah:1 #biological assembly nr 1 for 1fah
075                BIO:1fah:2 #biological assembly nr 2 for 1fah
077         * </pre>
078         *
079         * With the additional set of rules:
080         *
081         *  <ul>
082         *  <li>If only a PDB code is provided, the whole structure will be return including ligands, but the first model only (for NMR).
083         *      <li>Chain IDs are case sensitive, PDB ids are not. To specify a particular chain write as: 4hhb.A or 4HHB.A </li>
084         *  <li>To specify a SCOP domain write a scopId e.g. d2bq6a1. Some flexibility can be allowed in SCOP domain names, see {@link #setStrictSCOP(boolean)}</li>
085         *  <li>URLs are accepted as well</li>
086         *  </ul>
087         *
088         * @param name
089         * @return a Structure object, or null if name appears improperly formated (eg too short, etc)
090         * @throws IOException The PDB file cannot be cached due to IO errors
091         * @throws StructureException The name appeared valid but did not correspond to a structure.
092         *      Also thrown by some submethods upon errors, eg for poorly formatted subranges.
093         */
094        public static Structure getStructure(String name) throws IOException, StructureException {
095                checkInitAtomCache();
096                // delegate this functionality to AtomCache...
097                return cache.getStructure(name);
098        }
100        private static void checkInitAtomCache() {
101                if (cache == null) {
102                        cache = new AtomCache();
103                }
104        }
106        public static void setAtomCache(AtomCache c){
107                cache = c;
108        }
110        public static AtomCache getAtomCache() {
111                checkInitAtomCache();
112                return cache;
113        }
115        /**
116         * Returns the first biological assembly that is available for the given PDB id.
117         * <p>
118         * The output Structure will be different depending on the multiModel parameter:
119         * <li>
120         * the symmetry-expanded chains are added as new models, one per transformId. All original models but
121         * the first one are discarded.
122         * </li>
123         * <li>
124         * as original with symmetry-expanded chains added with renamed chain ids and names (in the form
125         * originalAsymId_transformId and originalAuthId_transformId)
126         * </li>
127         * <p>
128         * For more documentation on quaternary structures see:
129         * {@link http://pdb101.rcsb.org/learn/guide-to-understanding-pdb-data/biological-assemblies}
130         *
131         *
132         * @param pdbId
133         * @param multiModel if true the output Structure will be a multi-model one with one transformId per model,
134         * if false the outputStructure will be as the original with added chains with renamed asymIds (in the form originalAsymId_transformId and originalAuthId_transformId).
135         * @return a Structure object or null if that assembly is not available
136         * @throws StructureException
137         * @throws IOException
138         */
139        public static Structure getBiologicalAssembly(String pdbId, boolean multiModel) throws IOException, StructureException {
140                checkInitAtomCache();
141                pdbId = pdbId.toLowerCase();
142                return cache.getBiologicalAssembly(pdbId, multiModel);
143        }
145        /**
146         * Returns the first biological assembly that is available for the given PDB id,
147         * using multiModel={@value AtomCache#DEFAULT_BIOASSEMBLY_STYLE}
148         * <p>
149         * For more documentation on quaternary structures see:
150         * {@link http://pdb101.rcsb.org/learn/guide-to-understanding-pdb-data/biological-assemblies}
151         *
152         *
153         * @param pdbId
154         * @return a Structure object or null if that assembly is not available
155         * @throws StructureException
156         * @throws IOException
157         */
158        public static Structure getBiologicalAssembly(String pdbId) throws IOException, StructureException {
159                return getBiologicalAssembly(pdbId, AtomCache.DEFAULT_BIOASSEMBLY_STYLE);
160        }
162        /**
163         * Returns the biological assembly for the given PDB id and bioassembly identifier.
164         * <p>
165         * The output Structure will be different depending on the multiModel parameter:
166         * <li>
167         * the symmetry-expanded chains are added as new models, one per transformId. All original models but
168         * the first one are discarded.
169         * </li>
170         * <li>
171         * as original with symmetry-expanded chains added with renamed chain ids and names (in the form
172         * originalAsymId_transformId and originalAuthId_transformId)
173         * </li>
174         * @param pdbId
175         * @param biolAssemblyNr - the ith biological assembly that is available for a PDB ID (we start counting at 1, 0 represents the asym unit).
176         * @param multiModel if true the output Structure will be a multi-model one with one transformId per model,
177         * if false the outputStructure will be as the original with added chains with renamed asymIds (in the form originalAsymId_transformId and originalAuthId_transformId).
178         * @return a Structure object or null if that assembly is not available
179         * @throws StructureException if there is no bioassembly available for given biolAssemblyNr or some other problems encountered while loading it
180         * @throws IOException
181         */
182        public static Structure getBiologicalAssembly(String pdbId, int biolAssemblyNr, boolean multiModel) throws IOException, StructureException {
183                checkInitAtomCache();
184                pdbId = pdbId.toLowerCase();
185                return cache.getBiologicalAssembly(pdbId, biolAssemblyNr, multiModel);
186        }
188        /**
189         * Returns the biological assembly for the given PDB id and bioassembly identifier,
190         * using multiModel={@value AtomCache#DEFAULT_BIOASSEMBLY_STYLE}
191         * @param pdbId
192         * @param biolAssemblyNr - the ith biological assembly that is available for a PDB ID (we start counting at 1, 0 represents the asym unit).
193         * @return a Structure object or null if that assembly is not available
194         * @throws StructureException if there is no bioassembly available for given biolAssemblyNr or some other problems encountered while loading it
195         * @throws IOException
196         */
197        public static Structure getBiologicalAssembly(String pdbId, int biolAssemblyNr) throws IOException, StructureException {
198                return getBiologicalAssembly(pdbId, biolAssemblyNr, AtomCache.DEFAULT_BIOASSEMBLY_STYLE);
199        }
201        /**
202         * Returns all biological assemblies for the given PDB id.
203         * <p>
204         * The output Structure will be different depending on the multiModel parameter:
205         * <li>
206         * the symmetry-expanded chains are added as new models, one per transformId. All original models but
207         * the first one are discarded.
208         * </li>
209         * <li>
210         * as original with symmetry-expanded chains added with renamed chain ids and names (in the form
211         * originalAsymId_transformId and originalAuthId_transformId)
212         * </li>
213         * If only one biological assembly is required use {@link #getBiologicalAssembly(String)} or {@link #getBiologicalAssembly(String, int)} instead.
214         * @param pdbId
215         * @param multiModel if true the output Structure will be a multi-model one with one transformId per model,
216         * if false the outputStructure will be as the original with added chains with renamed asymIds (in the form originalAsymId_transformId and originalAuthId_transformId).
217         * @return
218         * @throws IOException
219         * @throws StructureException
220         * @since 5.0
221         */
222        public static List<Structure> getBiologicalAssemblies(String pdbId, boolean multiModel) throws IOException, StructureException {
223                checkInitAtomCache();
224                pdbId = pdbId.toLowerCase();
225                return cache.getBiologicalAssemblies(pdbId, multiModel);
226        }
228        /**
229         * Returns all biological assemblies for the given PDB id,
230         * using multiModel={@value AtomCache#DEFAULT_BIOASSEMBLY_STYLE}
231         * <p>
232         * If only one biological assembly is required use {@link #getBiologicalAssembly(String)} or {@link #getBiologicalAssembly(String, int)} instead.
233         * @param pdbId
234         * @return
235         * @throws IOException
236         * @throws StructureException
237         * @since 5.0
238         */
239        public static List<Structure> getBiologicalAssemblies(String pdbId) throws IOException, StructureException {
240                return getBiologicalAssemblies(pdbId, AtomCache.DEFAULT_BIOASSEMBLY_STYLE);
241        }
243        /**
244         * Attempts to guess the type of a structure file based on the extension
245         * @param filename
246         * @return
247         */
248        public static StructureFiletype guessFiletype(String filename) {
249                String lower = filename.toLowerCase();
250                for (StructureFiletype type : StructureFiletype.values()) {
251                        for (String ext : type.getExtensions()) {
252                                if (lower.endsWith(ext.toLowerCase())) {
253                                        return type;
254                                }
255                        }
256                }
257                return StructureFiletype.UNKNOWN;
258        }