Package org.biojava.nbio.aaproperties
package org.biojava.nbio.aaproperties
Set of classes that responsible for providing APIs and Command Prompt access to generate some basic physico-chemical properties of protein sequences.
- Since:
- 3.0.2
- Version:
- 2011.08.22
- Author:
- Koh Chuan Hock
ClassDescriptionThis class provides the protein properties at the level of individual amino acids.This class is used to support the implementation of properties stated in IPeptideProperties.An interface to generate some basic physico-chemical properties of protein sequences.
The following properties could be generated:This is an adaptor class which enable the ease of generating protein properties.Enumeration of 20 standard amino acid codeThis class contains the actual implementation of IPeptideProperties and is wrapped around by PeptideProperties for ease of use.This is a utility class that contains utility methods which will facilitates the coding of other methods