Package org.biojava.nbio.core.alignment.template
package org.biojava.nbio.core.alignment.template
ClassDescriptionDefines a data structure for a
within an alignment.Defines an alignment step in order to pass alignment information from an Aligner to a constructor.Defines a mutable (editable) data structure for anAlignedSequence
.Defines a mutable (editable) data structure for aProfile
.Defines a mutable (editable) data structure for aProfilePair
.Defines a mutable (editable) data structure for the results of pairwise sequence alignment.Defines a data structure for the results of sequence alignment.List of output formats.Defines a data structure for the results of the alignment of a pair ofProfile
s.Defines a data structure for a view of sequence alignment.Defines a data structure for the results of pairwise sequence alignment.SubstitutionMatrix<C extends Compound>Defines a data structure which holds the score (penalty or bonus) given during alignment for the exchange of oneCompound
in a sequence for another.