Class ConcurrencyTools


public class ConcurrencyTools extends Object
Static utility to easily share a thread pool for concurrent/parallel/lazy execution. To exit cleanly, shutdown() or shutdownAndAwaitTermination() must be called after all tasks have been submitted.
Mark Chapman
  • Method Details

    • getThreadPool

      Returns current shared thread pool. Starts up a new pool, if necessary.
      shared thread pool
    • setThreadPoolCPUsAvailable

      public static void setThreadPoolCPUsAvailable(int cpus)
      Sets thread pool to reserve a given number of processor cores for foreground or other use.
      cpus - number of processor cores to reserve
    • setThreadPoolCPUsFraction

      public static void setThreadPoolCPUsFraction(float fraction)
      Sets thread pool to a given fraction of the available processors.
      fraction - portion of available processors to use in thread pool
    • setThreadPoolDefault

      public static void setThreadPoolDefault()
      Sets thread pool to default of 1 background thread for each processor core.
    • setThreadPoolSingle

      public static void setThreadPoolSingle()
      Sets thread pool to a single background thread.
    • setThreadPoolSize

      public static void setThreadPoolSize(int threads)
      Sets thread pool to given size.
      threads - number of threads in pool
    • setThreadPool

      public static void setThreadPool(ThreadPoolExecutor pool)
      Sets thread pool to any given ThreadPoolExecutor to allow use of an alternative execution style.
      pool - thread pool to share
    • shutdown

      public static void shutdown()
      Disables new tasks from being submitted and closes the thread pool cleanly.
    • shutdownAndAwaitTermination

      public static void shutdownAndAwaitTermination()
      Closes the thread pool. Waits 1 minute for a clean exit; if necessary, waits another minute for cancellation.
    • submit

      public static <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task, String message)
      Queues up a task and adds a log entry.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type returned from the submitted task
      task - submitted task
      message - logged message
      future on which the desired value is retrieved by calling get()
    • submit

      public static <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task)
      Queues up a task and adds a default log entry.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type returned from the submitted task
      task - submitted task
      future on which the desired value is retrieved by calling get()