The union of all locations of all features in this list, mapped to the positive strand.
Return the adjacent location of specified length directly downstream of this location.
Location.fromBio(int start,
int end,
char strand)
Create location from "biocoordinates", as in GFF file.
Location.fromBioExt(int start,
int length,
char strand,
int totalLength)
Create a location from MAF file coordinates, which represent negative
strand locations as the distance from the end of the sequence.
Return the intersection, or null if no overlap.
Get the location of the feature.
Return location that is in same position on negative strand.
Get next window of default size, then increment position by default amount. windowSize,
int increment)
Get next window of specified size, then increment position by specified amount.
Return location that is in same position on opposite strand.
Return location that is in same position on plus strand.
The part of this location before the specified position.
The part of this location before the other location (not inclusive).
Get portion of bounding location that has not yet been retrieved by next() method.
The part of this location after the specified position.
The part of this location after the other location (not inclusive).
Return the adjacent location of specified length directly upstream of this location.
Check if this location contains the other.
Return distance between this location and the other location.
Check if this location ends after other location ends.
Check if this location ends before other location ends.
Return the intersection, or null if no overlap.
Check if this location is entirely after the other location (no overlap).
Check if this location is entirely before other location (no overlap).
Check if this location is on same strand as other location.
Create a list of all features that do not overlap the specified location on the specified sequence.
Check if this location and other location overlap.
Return percent overlap of two locations.
The part of this location before the other location (not inclusive).
Create a list of all features that overlap the specified location on the specified
Check if this location starts after the other location starts.
Check if this location starts before other location starts.
The part of this location after the other location (not inclusive).