Interface ConfigStrucAligParams

All Known Implementing Classes:
CECPParameters, CeParameters, CESymmParameters, FatCatParameters, MultipleMcParameters, OptimalCECPParameters, SmithWaterman3DParameters

public interface ConfigStrucAligParams
  • Method Details

    • getUserConfigParameters

      get the list of parameters that the user can change through the user interface. Parameter names are the same names as the corresponding Get/Set methods.
      list of parameters
    • getUserConfigParameterNames

      The labels to be displayed to the user for each parameter
      list of parameter names
    • getUserConfigTypes

      Get the data types of the parameters
      list of parameter classes
    • getUserConfigHelp

      The help text for each of these parameters.
      help strings
    • reset

      void reset()
      Set the parameters to the default.