Package org.biojava.nbio.structure.scop

package org.biojava.nbio.structure.scop
Parsers and API for SCOP, Structural Classification of Proteins. See for an example.
  • Class
    Provides programmatic access to ASTRAL representative sets.
    An ASTRAL sequence-identity cutoff with an identifier such as:
    SCOPe: The Structural Classification of Proteins (extended) at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley (
    Classes which implement ScopDatabase in a way which allows them to serve queries without accessing the internet should implement this interface instead.
    The various categories provided by SCOP.
    General API how to interact with SCOP
    Contains data from dir.des.scop.txt_1.75
    Container for the information for a domain.
    Controls the global ScopDatabase being used.
    This class provides access to the SCOP protein structure classification.
    Indicates that an I/O error occurred with SCOP lazy initialization.
    Helper class to store paths to the four SCOP files The string "%s" is replaced with the version number.