Uses of Class
Uses of SurvFitInfo in org.biojava.nbio.survival.kaplanmeier.figure
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionKaplanMeierFigure.getSurvivalFitInfo()
(String datafile, String timeColumn, String statusColumn, String weightColumn, String variableColumn, boolean useWeights) SurvFitKM.process
(String variable, ArrayList<SurvivalInfo> dataT, boolean useWeighted) SurvFitKM.process
(String variable, ArrayList<SurvivalInfo> dataT, SurvFitKM.Method method, SurvFitKM.Error error, boolean seFit, double confInt, SurvFitKM.ConfType confType, SurvFitKM.ConfLower confLower, Double startTime, Double newTime, boolean useWeighted) SurvFitKM.process
(LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<CensorStatus>> survivalData, boolean useWeights) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ArrayList<String> title, SurvFitInfo sfi, Double userSetMaxTime) Allow setting of points in the figure where weighted correction has been done and percentage has already been calculated.