002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
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019 *
020 */
021package org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.ce;
025 * A simple bean that contains the parameters that can get set at startup
026 *
027 * @author Andreas Prlic
028 */
029public class StartupParameters {
031        String pdbFilePath;
032        String cacheFilePath;
033        String outFile;
034        String pdb1;
035        String pdb2;
036        String file1;
037        String file2;
038        String showDBresult;
039        boolean printXML;
040        boolean printFatCat;
041        boolean show3d;
042        boolean autoFetch;
043        boolean printCE;
044        boolean showMenu;
045        boolean printPDB;
046        boolean isDomainSplit;
049        // for DB searches
050        String alignPairs;
051        String saveOutputDir;
052        int nrCPU;
055        private static final String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
057        public StartupParameters(){
058                show3d = false;
059                printXML = false;
060                printPDB = false;
061                printFatCat = false;
062                autoFetch = false;
063                showMenu = false;
064                isDomainSplit = true;
065                nrCPU = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() -1;
066                if ( nrCPU < 1)
067                        nrCPU = 1;
068        }
070        /**
071         * The file that contains a list of PDB pairs to be aligned
072         *
073         * @return
074         */
075        public String getAlignPairs() {
076                return alignPairs;
077        }
079        public void setAlignPairs(String alignPairs) {
080                this.alignPairs = alignPairs;
081        }
083        public String getSaveOutputDir() {
084                return saveOutputDir;
085        }
087        public void setSaveOutputDir(String saveOutputDir) {
088                this.saveOutputDir = saveOutputDir;
089        }
091        public boolean isShowMenu() {
092                return showMenu;
093        }
095        public void setShowMenu(boolean showMenu) {
096                this.showMenu = showMenu;
097        }
099        /**
100         * Display the output string in CE style
101         *
102         * @return flag
103         */
104        public boolean isPrintCE() {
105                return printCE;
106        }
108        /**
109         * Display the output string in CE style
110         *
111         * @param printCE a flag
112         */
113        public void setPrintCE(boolean printCE) {
114                this.printCE = printCE;
115        }
118        public String getPdb1() {
119                return pdb1;
120        }
121        /**
122         * mandatory argument to set the first PDB (and optionally chain ID) to be aligned.
123         *
124         * @param pdb1
125         */
126        public void setPdb1(String pdb1) {
127                this.pdb1 = pdb1;
128        }
129        public String getPdb2() {
130                return pdb2;
131        }
133        /**
134         * mandatory argument to set the second PDB (and optionally chain ID) to be aligned.
135         *  @param pdb2
136         */
137        public void setPdb2(String pdb2) {
138                this.pdb2 = pdb2;
139        }
141        public boolean isPrintXML() {
142                return printXML;
143        }
144        public void setPrintXML(boolean printXML) {
145                this.printXML = printXML;
146        }
147        public boolean isPrintFatCat() {
148                return printFatCat;
149        }
150        public void setPrintFatCat(boolean printFatCat) {
151                this.printFatCat = printFatCat;
152        }
154        public String getPdbFilePath() {
155                return pdbFilePath;
156        }
158        /**
159         * mandatory argument to set the location of PDB files.
160         *
161         * @param pdbFilePath
162         */
163        public void setPdbFilePath(String pdbFilePath) {
164                this.pdbFilePath = pdbFilePath;
165        }
167        public String getCacheFilePath() {
168                return cacheFilePath;
169        }
171        public void setCacheFilePath(String cacheFilePath) {
172                this.cacheFilePath = cacheFilePath;
173        }
175        public boolean isShow3d() {
176                return show3d;
177        }
178        public void setShow3d(boolean show3d) {
179                this.show3d = show3d;
180        }
181        public String getOutFile() {
182                return outFile;
183        }
184        public void setOutFile(String outFile) {
185                this.outFile = outFile;
186        }
187        public boolean isAutoFetch() {
188                return autoFetch;
189        }
190        public void setAutoFetch(boolean autoFetch) {
191                this.autoFetch = autoFetch;
192        }
193        public String getShowDBresult() {
194                return showDBresult;
195        }
196        public void setShowDBresult(String showDBresult) {
197                this.showDBresult = showDBresult;
198        }
200        public int getNrCPU() {
201                return nrCPU;
202        }
203        public void setNrCPU(int nrCPU) {
204                this.nrCPU = nrCPU;
205        }
207        public String getFile1()
208        {
209                return file1;
210        }
212        public void setFile1(String file1)
213        {
214                this.file1 = file1;
215        }
217        public String getFile2()
218        {
219                return file2;
220        }
222        public void setFile2(String file2)
223        {
224                this.file2 = file2;
225        }
227        /**
228         * When writing the results to a file, don;t write as XML but write aligned PDB file
229         *
230         * @return flag
231         */
232        public boolean isOutputPDB() {
233                return printPDB;
234        }
235        /** When writing the results to a file, don;t write as XML but write aligned PDB file
236         *
237         * @param printPDB flag to print aligned PDB
238         */
239        public void setOutputPDB(boolean printPDB) {
240                this.printPDB = printPDB;
241        }
243        public boolean isDomainSplit() {
244                return isDomainSplit;
245        }
247        public void setDomainSplit(boolean isDomainSplit) {
248                this.isDomainSplit = isDomainSplit;
249        }
251        @Override
252        public String toString() {
253                return "StartupParameters [pdbFilePath=" + pdbFilePath
254                                + ", " + newline + " cacheFilePath=" + cacheFilePath + ", " + newline + " outFile=" + outFile
255                                + ", " + newline + " pdb1=" + pdb1 + ", " + newline + " pdb2=" + pdb2 + ", " + newline + " file1=" + file1
256                                + ", " + newline + " file2=" + file2 + ", " + newline + " showDBresult=" + showDBresult
257                                + ", " + newline + " printXML=" + printXML + ", " + newline + " printFatCat=" + printFatCat
258                                + ", " + newline + " show3d=" + show3d + ", " + newline + " autoFetch=" + autoFetch
259                                + ", " + newline + " printCE=" + printCE + ", " + newline + " showMenu=" + showMenu
260                                + ", " + newline + " printPDB=" + printPDB
261                                + ", " + newline + " isDomainSplit="
262                                + isDomainSplit + ", " + newline + " alignPairs=" + alignPairs
263                                + ", " + newline + " saveOutputDir="
264                                + saveOutputDir + ", " + newline + " nrCPU=" + nrCPU + "]";
265        }