002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
016 * at:
017 *
018 *      http://www.biojava.org/
019 *
020 */
021package org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.util;
023import java.io.StringWriter;
024import java.util.Locale;
026import javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d;
027import javax.vecmath.Matrix3d;
028import javax.vecmath.Matrix4d;
029import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
031import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Atom;
032import org.biojava.nbio.structure.AtomImpl;
033import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Calc;
034import org.biojava.nbio.structure.StructureException;
035import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain;
036import org.biojava.nbio.structure.contact.Pair;
037import org.biojava.nbio.structure.geometry.Matrices;
038import org.biojava.nbio.structure.jama.Matrix;
041 * Calculates the rotation axis for an alignment
042 *
043 * <p>A superposition of two structures is generally represented as a rotation
044 * matrix plus a translation vector. However, it can also be represented as an
045 * axis of rotation plus some translation.
046 *
047 * <p>This class calculates the rotation axis and stores it as four properties:
048 * <ul><li>A unit vector parallel to the rotation axis ({@link #getRotationAxis()})
049 * <li>The angle of rotation ({@link #getAngle()})
050 * <li>A point on the rotation axis ({@link #getRotationPos()})
051 * <li>Some translation parallel to the axis ({@link #getScrewTranslation()})
052 * </ul>
053 *
054 * <p>The axis of rotation is poorly defined and numerically unstable for small
055 * angles. Therefore it's direction is left as null for angles less than
056 * {@link #MIN_ANGLE}.
057 *
058 * @author Spencer Bliven
059 *
060 */
061public final class RotationAxis {
063        /**
064         * Minimum angle to calculate rotation axes. 5 degrees.
065         */
066        static final double MIN_ANGLE = Math.toRadians(5.);
068        private double theta;
069        private Atom rotationAxis; // axis of rotation
070        private Atom rotationPos; // a point on the axis of rotation
071        private Atom screwTranslation; //translation parallel to the axis of rotation
072        private Atom otherTranslation; // translation perpendicular to the axis of rotation
074        /**
075         * The rotation angle
076         * @return the angle, in radians
077         */
078        public double getAngle() {
079                return theta;
080        }
082        /**
083         * Get a unit vector along the rotation axis
084         * @return rotationAxis
085         */
086        public Atom getRotationAxis() {
087                return rotationAxis;
088        }
090        /**
091         * Returns the rotation axis and angle in a single javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d object
092         * @return
093         */
094        public AxisAngle4d getAxisAngle4d() {
095                return new AxisAngle4d(rotationAxis.getX(),rotationAxis.getY(),rotationAxis.getZ(),theta);
096        }
098        /**
099         * Get a position on the rotation axis.
100         *
101         * Specifically, project the origin onto the rotation axis
102         * @return rotationPos
103         */
104        public Atom getRotationPos() {
105                return rotationPos;
106        }
108        /**
109         * Get the component of translation parallel to the axis of rotation
110         * @return
111         */
112        public Atom getScrewTranslation() {
113                return screwTranslation;
114        }
116        public Vector3d getVector3dScrewTranslation() {
117                return new Vector3d(screwTranslation.getX(),screwTranslation.getY(),screwTranslation.getZ());
118        }
120        public double getTranslation() {
121                return Calc.amount(screwTranslation);
122        }
124        /**
125         * Calculate the rotation axis for the first block of an AFPChain
126         * @param afpChain
127         * @throws StructureException
128         * @throws NullPointerException if afpChain does not contain a valid rotation matrix and shift vector
129         */
130        public RotationAxis(AFPChain afpChain) throws StructureException {
131                if(afpChain.getAlnLength() < 1) {
132                        throw new StructureException("No aligned residues");
133                }
134                init(afpChain.getBlockRotationMatrix()[0],afpChain.getBlockShiftVector()[0]);
135        }
137        /**
138         * Create a rotation axis from a vector, a point, and an angle.
139         *
140         * The result will be a pure rotation, with no screw component.
141         * @param axis A vector parallel to the axis of rotation
142         * @param pos A point on the axis of rotation
143         * @param theta The angle to rotate (radians)
144         */
145        public RotationAxis(Atom axis, Atom pos, double theta) {
146                this.rotationAxis = Calc.unitVector(axis);
147                this.rotationPos = (Atom) pos.clone();
148                this.theta = theta;
149                this.screwTranslation = new AtomImpl(); //zero
150                this.otherTranslation = null; //deprecated
151        }
153        /**
154         * Determine the location of the rotation axis based on a rotation matrix and a translation vector
155         * @param rotation
156         * @param translation
157         */
158        public RotationAxis(Matrix rotation, Atom translation) {
159                init(rotation, translation);
160        }
162        /**
163         * Create a rotation axis from a Matrix4d containing a rotational
164         * component and a translational component.
165         *
166         * @param transform
167         */
168        public RotationAxis(Matrix4d transform) {
170                Matrix rot = Matrices.getRotationJAMA(transform);
171                Atom transl = Calc.getTranslationVector(transform);
172                init(rot,transl);
173        }
175        /**
176         * Get the rotation matrix corresponding to this axis
177         * @return A 3x3 rotation matrix
178         */
179        public Matrix getRotationMatrix() {
180                return getRotationMatrix(theta);
181        }
183        /**
184         * Get the rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation about this axis
185         * @param theta The amount to rotate
186         * @return A 3x3 rotation matrix
187         */
188        public Matrix getRotationMatrix(double theta) {
189                if( rotationAxis == null) {
190                        // special case for pure translational axes
191                        return Matrix.identity(3, 3);
192                }
193                double x = rotationAxis.getX();
194                double y = rotationAxis.getY();
195                double z = rotationAxis.getZ();
196                double cos = Math.cos(theta);
197                double sin = Math.sin(theta);
198                double com = 1 - cos;
199                return new Matrix(new double[][] {
200                                {com*x*x + cos, com*x*y+sin*z, com*x*z+-sin*y},
201                                {com*x*y-sin*z, com*y*y+cos, com*y*z+sin*x},
202                                {com*x*z+sin*y, com*y*z-sin*x, com*z*z+cos},
203                });
204        }
206        /**
207         * Returns the rotation order o that gives the lowest value of {@code |2PI / o - theta},
208         * given that the value is strictly lower than {@code threshold}, for orders {@code o=1,...,maxOrder}.
209         */
210        public int guessOrderFromAngle(double threshold, int maxOrder) {
211                double bestDelta = threshold;
212                int bestOrder = 1;
213                for (int order = 2; order < maxOrder; order++) {
214                        double delta = Math.abs(2 * Math.PI / order - theta);
215                        if (delta < bestDelta) {
216                                bestOrder = order;
217                                bestDelta = delta;
218                        }
219                }
220                return bestOrder;
221        }
224        /**
225         * Returns a matrix that describes both rotation and translation.
226         */
227        public Matrix getFullMatrix() {
228                return null; // TODO, easy
229        }
231        /**
232         * Initialize variables
233         *
234         * @param rotation
235         * @param translation
236         */
237        private void init(Matrix rotation, Atom translation) {
238                if(rotation.getColumnDimension() != 3 || rotation.getRowDimension() != 3) {
239                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected 3x3 rotation matrix");
240                }
243                // Calculate angle
244                double c = (rotation.trace()-1)/2.0; //=cos(theta)
245                // c is sometimes slightly out of the [-1,1] range due to numerical instabilities
246                if( -1-1e-8 < c && c < -1 ) c = -1;
247                if( 1+1e-8 > c && c > 1 ) c = 1;
248                if( -1 > c || c > 1 ) {
249                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input matrix is not a valid rotation matrix.");
250                }
251                this.theta = Math.acos(c);
253                if(theta < MIN_ANGLE) {
254                        calculateTranslationalAxis(rotation,translation);
255                } else {
256                        calculateRotationalAxis(rotation, translation, c);
257                }
258        }
260        /**
261         * Calculate the rotation axis for the normal case, where there is a
262         * significant rotation angle
263         * @param rotation
264         * @param translation
265         * @param c
266         */
267        private void calculateRotationalAxis(Matrix rotation, Atom translation,
268                        double c) {
269                // Calculate magnitude of rotationAxis components, but not signs
270                double sum=0;
271                double[] rotAx = new double[3];
272                for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
273                        rotAx[i] = Math.sqrt(rotation.get(i, i)-c);
274                        sum+=rotAx[i]*rotAx[i];
275                }
276                for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
277                        rotAx[i] /= Math.sqrt(sum);
278                }
280                // Now determine signs
281                double d0 = rotation.get(2,1)-rotation.get(1,2); //=2u[0]*sin(theta)
282                double d1 = rotation.get(0,2)-rotation.get(2,0); //=2u[1]*sin(theta)
283                double d2 = rotation.get(1,0)-rotation.get(0,1); //=2u[2]*sin(theta)
285                double s12 = rotation.get(2,1)+rotation.get(1,2); //=2*u[1]*u[2]*(1-cos(theta))
286                double s02 = rotation.get(0,2)+rotation.get(2,0); //=2*u[0]*u[2]*(1-cos(theta))
287                double s01 = rotation.get(1,0)+rotation.get(0,1); //=2*u[0]*u[1]*(1-cos(theta))
289                //Only use biggest d for the sign directly, for numerical stability around 180deg
290                if( Math.abs(d0) < Math.abs(d1) ) { // not d0
291                        if( Math.abs(d1) < Math.abs(d2) ) { //d2
292                                if(d2>=0){ //u[2] positive
293                                        if( s02 < 0 ) rotAx[0] = -rotAx[0];
294                                        if( s12 < 0 ) rotAx[1] = -rotAx[1];
295                                } else { //u[2] negative
296                                        rotAx[2] = -rotAx[2];
297                                        if( s02 >= 0 ) rotAx[0] = -rotAx[0];
298                                        if( s12 >= 0 ) rotAx[1] = -rotAx[1];
299                                }
300                        } else { //d1
301                                if(d1>=0) {//u[1] positive
302                                        if( s01 < 0) rotAx[0] = -rotAx[0];
303                                        if( s12 < 0) rotAx[2] = -rotAx[2];
304                                } else { //u[1] negative
305                                        rotAx[1] = -rotAx[1];
306                                        if( s01 >= 0) rotAx[0] = -rotAx[0];
307                                        if( s12 >= 0) rotAx[2] = -rotAx[2];
308                                }
309                        }
310                } else { // not d1
311                        if( Math.abs(d0) < Math.abs(d2) ) { //d2
312                                if(d2>=0){ //u[2] positive
313                                        if( s02 < 0 ) rotAx[0] = -rotAx[0];
314                                        if( s12 < 0 ) rotAx[1] = -rotAx[1];
315                                } else { //u[2] negative
316                                        rotAx[2] = -rotAx[2];
317                                        if( s02 >= 0 ) rotAx[0] = -rotAx[0];
318                                        if( s12 >= 0 ) rotAx[1] = -rotAx[1];
319                                }
320                        } else { //d0
321                                if(d0>=0) { //u[0] positive
322                                        if( s01 < 0 ) rotAx[1] = -rotAx[1];
323                                        if( s02 < 0 ) rotAx[2] = -rotAx[2];
324                                } else { //u[0] negative
325                                        rotAx[0] = -rotAx[0];
326                                        if( s01 >= 0 ) rotAx[1] = -rotAx[1];
327                                        if( s02 >= 0 ) rotAx[2] = -rotAx[2];
328                                }
329                        }
330                }
332                rotationAxis = new AtomImpl();
333                rotationAxis.setCoords(rotAx);
335                // Calculate screw = (rotationAxis dot translation)*u
336                double dotProduct = Calc.scalarProduct(rotationAxis, translation);
338                screwTranslation = Calc.scale(rotationAxis, dotProduct);
339                otherTranslation = Calc.subtract(translation, screwTranslation);
341                Atom hypot = Calc.vectorProduct(otherTranslation,rotationAxis);
342                Calc.scaleEquals(hypot,.5/Math.tan(theta/2.0));
344                // Calculate rotation axis position
345                rotationPos = Calc.scaleAdd(.5,otherTranslation, hypot);
346        }
348        /**
349         * Handle cases with small angles of rotation
350         * @param rotation
351         * @param translation
352         */
353        private void calculateTranslationalAxis(Matrix rotation, Atom translation) {
354                // set axis parallel to translation
355                rotationAxis = Calc.scale(translation, 1./Calc.amount(translation));
357                // position is undefined
358                rotationPos = null;
360                screwTranslation = translation;
361                otherTranslation = new AtomImpl();
362                otherTranslation.setCoords(new double[] {0,0,0});
363        }
365        /**
366         * Returns a Jmol script which will display the axis of rotation. This
367         * consists of a cyan arrow along the axis, plus an arc showing the angle
368         * of rotation.
369         * <p>
370         * As the rotation angle gets smaller, the axis of rotation becomes poorly
371         * defined and would need to get farther and farther away from the protein.
372         * This is not particularly useful, so we arbitrarily draw it parallel to
373         * the translation and omit the arc.
374         * @param atoms Some atoms from the protein, used for determining the bounds
375         *        of the axis.
376         *
377         * @return The Jmol script
378         */
379        public String getJmolScript(Atom[] atoms){
380                return getJmolScript(atoms, 0);
381        }
383        /**
384         * Find a segment of the axis that covers the specified set of atoms.
385         * <p>
386         * Projects the input atoms onto the rotation axis and returns the bounding
387         * points.
388         * <p>
389         * In the case of a pure translational axis, the axis location is undefined
390         * so the center of mass will be used instead.
391         * @param atoms
392         * @return two points defining the axis segment
393         */
394        public Pair<Atom> getAxisEnds(Atom[] atoms) {
395                // Project each Atom onto the rotation axis to determine limits
396                double min, max;
397                min = max = Calc.scalarProduct(rotationAxis,atoms[0]);
398                for(int i=1;i<atoms.length;i++) {
399                        double prod = Calc.scalarProduct(rotationAxis,atoms[i]);
400                        if(prod<min) min = prod;
401                        if(prod>max) max = prod;
402                }
403                double uLen = Calc.scalarProduct(rotationAxis,rotationAxis);// Should be 1, but double check
404                min/=uLen;
405                max/=uLen;
407                // Project the origin onto the axis. If the axis is undefined, use the center of mass
408                Atom axialPt;
409                if(rotationPos == null) {
410                        Atom center = Calc.centerOfMass(atoms);
412                        // Project center onto the axis
413                        Atom centerOnAxis = Calc.scale(rotationAxis, Calc.scalarProduct(center, rotationAxis));
415                        // Remainder is projection of origin onto axis
416                        axialPt = Calc.subtract(center, centerOnAxis);
418                } else {
419                        axialPt = rotationPos;
420                }
422                // Find end points of the rotation axis to display
423                Atom axisMin = (Atom) axialPt.clone();
424                Calc.scaleAdd(min, rotationAxis, axisMin);
425                Atom axisMax = (Atom) axialPt.clone();
426                Calc.scaleAdd(max, rotationAxis, axisMax);
428                return new Pair<>(axisMin, axisMax);
429        }
430        /**
431         * Returns a Jmol script which will display the axis of rotation. This
432         * consists of a cyan arrow along the axis, plus an arc showing the angle
433         * of rotation.
434         * <p>
435         * As the rotation angle gets smaller, the axis of rotation becomes poorly
436         * defined and would need to get farther and farther away from the protein.
437         * This is not particularly useful, so we arbitrarily draw it parallel to
438         * the translation and omit the arc.
439         * @param atoms Some atoms from the protein, used for determining the bounds
440         *        of the axis.
441         * @param axisID in case of representing more than one axis in the same jmol
442         *                panel, indicate the ID number.
443         *
444         * @return The Jmol script
445         */
446        public String getJmolScript(Atom[] atoms, int axisID){
447                final double width=.5;// width of JMol object
448                final String axisColor = "yellow"; //axis color
449                final String screwColor = "orange"; //screw translation color
451                Pair<Atom> endPoints = getAxisEnds(atoms);
452                Atom axisMin = endPoints.getFirst();
453                Atom axisMax = endPoints.getSecond();
455                StringWriter result = new StringWriter();
457                // set arrow heads to a reasonable length
458                result.append("set defaultDrawArrowScale 2.0;");
460                // draw axis of rotation
461                result.append(
462                                String.format(Locale.US, "draw ID rot"+axisID+" CYLINDER {%f,%f,%f} {%f,%f,%f} WIDTH %f COLOR %s ;",
463                                                axisMin.getX(),axisMin.getY(),axisMin.getZ(),
464                                                axisMax.getX(),axisMax.getY(),axisMax.getZ(), width, axisColor ));
466                // draw screw component
467                boolean positiveScrew = Math.signum(rotationAxis.getX()) == Math.signum(screwTranslation.getX());
468                if( positiveScrew ) {
469                        // screw is in the same direction as the axis
470                        result.append( String.format(Locale.US,
471                                        "draw ID screw"+axisID+" VECTOR {%f,%f,%f} {%f,%f,%f} WIDTH %f COLOR %s ;",
472                                        axisMax.getX(),axisMax.getY(),axisMax.getZ(),
473                                        screwTranslation.getX(),screwTranslation.getY(),screwTranslation.getZ(),
474                                        width, screwColor ));
475                } else {
476                        // screw is in the opposite direction as the axis
477                        result.append( String.format(Locale.US,
478                                        "draw ID screw"+axisID+" VECTOR {%f,%f,%f} {%f,%f,%f} WIDTH %f COLOR %s ;",
479                                        axisMin.getX(),axisMin.getY(),axisMin.getZ(),
480                                        screwTranslation.getX(),screwTranslation.getY(),screwTranslation.getZ(),
481                                        width, screwColor ));
482                }
484                // draw angle of rotation
485                if(rotationPos != null) {
486                        result.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
487                        result.append(String.format(Locale.US, "draw ID rotArc"+axisID+" ARC {%f,%f,%f} {%f,%f,%f} {0,0,0} {0,%f,%d} SCALE 500 DIAMETER %f COLOR %s;",
488                                        axisMin.getX(),axisMin.getY(),axisMin.getZ(),
489                                        axisMax.getX(),axisMax.getY(),axisMax.getZ(),
490                                        Math.toDegrees(theta),
491                                        positiveScrew ? 0 : 1 , // draw at the opposite end from the screw arrow
492                                                        width, axisColor ));
493                }
495                return result.toString();
496        }
498        /**
499         * Projects a given point onto the axis of rotation
500         * @param point
501         * @return An atom which lies on the axis, or null if the RotationAxis is purely translational
502         */
503        public Atom getProjectedPoint(Atom point) {
504                if(rotationPos == null) {
505                        // translation only
506                        return null;
507                }
509                Atom localPoint = Calc.subtract(point, rotationPos);
510                double dot = Calc.scalarProduct(localPoint, rotationAxis);
512                Atom localProjected = Calc.scale(rotationAxis, dot);
513                Atom projected = Calc.add(localProjected, rotationPos);
514                return projected;
515        }
517        /**
518         * Get the distance from a point to the axis of rotation
519         * @param point
520         * @return The distance to the axis, or NaN if the RotationAxis is purely translational
521         */
522        public double getProjectedDistance(Atom point) {
523                Atom projected = getProjectedPoint(point);
524                if( projected == null) {
525                        // translation only
526                        return Double.NaN;
527                }
530                return Calc.getDistance(point, projected);
532        }
534        public void rotate(Atom[] atoms, double theta) {
535                Matrix rot = getRotationMatrix(theta);
536                if(rotationPos == null) {
537                        // Undefined rotation axis; do nothing
538                        return;
539                }
540                Atom negPos;
542                        negPos = Calc.invert(rotationPos);
544                for(Atom a: atoms) {
545                        Calc.shift(a, negPos);
546                }
547                Calc.rotate(atoms, rot);
548                for(Atom a: atoms) {
549                        Calc.shift(a, rotationPos);
550                }
551        }
553        /**
554         * Calculate the rotation angle for a structure
555         * @param afpChain
556         * @return The rotation angle, in radians
557         * @throws StructureException If the alignment doesn't contain any blocks
558         * @throws NullPointerException If the alignment doesn't have a rotation matrix set
559         */
560        public static double getAngle(AFPChain afpChain) throws StructureException {
561                if(afpChain.getBlockNum() < 1) {
562                        throw new StructureException("No aligned residues");
563                }
564                Matrix rotation = afpChain.getBlockRotationMatrix()[0];
566                if(rotation == null) {
567                        throw new NullPointerException("AFPChain does not contain a rotation matrix");
568                }
569                return getAngle(rotation);
570        }
571        /**
572         * Calculate the rotation angle for a given matrix
573         * @param rotation Rotation matrix
574         * @return The angle, in radians
575         */
576        public static double getAngle(Matrix rotation) {
577                double c = (rotation.trace()-1)/2.0; //=cos(theta)
578                // c is sometimes slightly out of the [-1,1] range due to numerical instabilities
579                if( -1-1e-8 < c && c < -1 ) c = -1;
580                if( 1+1e-8 > c && c > 1 ) c = 1;
581                if( -1 > c || c > 1 ) {
582                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input matrix is not a valid rotation matrix.");
583                }
584                return Math.acos(c);
585        }
587        /**
588         *
589         * @return If the rotation axis is well defined, rather than purely translational
590         */
591        public boolean isDefined() {
592                return rotationPos != null;
593        }
595        /**
596         * Quickly compute the rotation angle from a rotation matrix.
597         * @param transform 4D transformation matrix. Translation components are ignored.
598         * @return Angle, from 0 to PI
599         */
600        public static double getAngle(Matrix4d transform) {
601                // Calculate angle
602                double c = (transform.m00 + transform.m11 + transform.m22 - 1)/2.0; //=cos(theta)
603                // c is sometimes slightly out of the [-1,1] range due to numerical instabilities
604                if( -1-1e-8 < c && c < -1 ) c = -1;
605                if( 1+1e-8 > c && c > 1 ) c = 1;
606                if( -1 > c || c > 1 ) {
607                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input matrix is not a valid rotation matrix.");
608                }
609                return Math.acos(c);
610        }
612        /**
613         * Quickly compute the rotation angle from a rotation matrix.
614         * @param transform 3D rotation matrix
615         * @return Angle, from 0 to PI
616         */
617        public static double getAngle(Matrix3d transform) {
618                // Calculate angle
619                double c = (transform.m00 + transform.m11 + transform.m22 - 1)/2.0; //=cos(theta)
620                // c is sometimes slightly out of the [-1,1] range due to numerical instabilities
621                if( -1-1e-8 < c && c < -1 ) c = -1;
622                if( 1+1e-8 > c && c > 1 ) c = 1;
623                if( -1 > c || c > 1 ) {
624                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input matrix is not a valid rotation matrix.");
625                }
626                return Math.acos(c);
627        }