002 *                    BioJava development code
003 *
004 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
005 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
006 * be distributed with the code.  If you do not have a copy,
007 * see:
008 *
009 *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
010 *
011 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
012 * authors.  These should be listed in @author doc comments.
013 *
014 * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims,
015 * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page
016 * at:
017 *
018 *      http://www.biojava.org/
019 *
020 */
021package org.biojava.nbio.structure.contact;
023import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Atom;
024import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Chain;
025import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Element;
026import org.biojava.nbio.structure.EntityInfo;
027import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Group;
028import org.biojava.nbio.structure.GroupType;
029import org.biojava.nbio.structure.ResidueNumber;
030import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Structure;
031import org.biojava.nbio.structure.asa.AsaCalculator;
032import org.biojava.nbio.structure.asa.GroupAsa;
033import org.biojava.nbio.structure.chem.ChemComp;
034import org.biojava.nbio.structure.chem.PolymerType;
035import org.biojava.nbio.structure.io.FileConvert;
036import org.biojava.nbio.structure.io.FileParsingParameters;
037import org.biojava.nbio.structure.io.cif.AbstractCifFileSupplier;
038import org.biojava.nbio.structure.xtal.CrystalTransform;
039import org.rcsb.cif.CifBuilder;
040import org.rcsb.cif.CifIO;
041import org.rcsb.cif.model.Category;
042import org.rcsb.cif.schema.StandardSchemata;
043import org.rcsb.cif.schema.mm.MmCifBlockBuilder;
044import org.slf4j.Logger;
045import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
047import java.io.IOException;
048import java.io.Serializable;
049import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
050import java.util.ArrayList;
051import java.util.List;
052import java.util.Map;
053import java.util.TreeMap;
057 * An interface between 2 molecules (2 sets of atoms).
058 *
059 * @author duarte_j
060 *
061 */
062public class StructureInterface implements Serializable, Comparable<StructureInterface> {
064        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
066        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StructureInterface.class);
068        /**
069         * Interfaces with larger inverse self contact overlap score will be considered isologous
070         */
071        private static final double SELF_SCORE_FOR_ISOLOGOUS = 0.3;
073        private int id;
074        private double totalArea;
075        private AtomContactSet contacts;
076        private GroupContactSet groupContacts;
078        private Pair<Atom[]> molecules;
080        /**
081         * The identifier for each of the atom arrays (usually a chain identifier, i.e. a single capital letter)
082         * Serves to identify the molecules within the Asymmetric Unit of the crystal
083         */
084        private Pair<String> moleculeIds;
086        /**
087         * The transformations (crystal operators) applied to each molecule (if applicable)
088         */
089        private Pair<CrystalTransform> transforms;
091        private Map<ResidueNumber, GroupAsa> groupAsas1;
092        private Map<ResidueNumber, GroupAsa> groupAsas2;
094        private StructureInterfaceCluster cluster;
096        /**
097         * Constructs a StructureInterface
098         * @param firstMolecule the atoms of the first molecule
099         * @param secondMolecule the atoms of the second molecule
100         * @param firstMoleculeId an identifier that identifies the first molecule within the Asymmetric Unit
101         * @param secondMoleculeId an identifier that identifies the second molecule within the Asymmetric Unit
102         * @param contacts the contacts between the 2 molecules
103         * @param firstTransf the transformation (crystal operator) applied to first molecule
104         * @param secondTransf the transformation (crystal operator) applied to second molecule
105         */
106        public StructureInterface(
107                        Atom[] firstMolecule, Atom[] secondMolecule,
108                        String firstMoleculeId, String secondMoleculeId,
109                        AtomContactSet contacts,
110                        CrystalTransform firstTransf, CrystalTransform secondTransf) {
112                this.molecules = new Pair<>(firstMolecule, secondMolecule);
113                this.moleculeIds = new Pair<>(firstMoleculeId,secondMoleculeId);
114                this.contacts = contacts;
115                this.transforms = new Pair<>(firstTransf, secondTransf);
117                this.groupAsas1 = new TreeMap<>();
118                this.groupAsas2 = new TreeMap<>();
119        }
121        /**
122         * Constructs an empty StructureInterface
123         */
124        public StructureInterface() {
125                this.groupAsas1 = new TreeMap<>();
126                this.groupAsas2 = new TreeMap<>();
127        }
129        public int getId() {
130                return id;
131        }
133        public void setId(int id) {
134                this.id = id;
135        }
137        /**
138         * Returns a pair of identifiers for each of the 2 member molecules that
139         * identify them uniquely in the crystal:
140         *   &lt;molecule id (asym unit id)&gt;+&lt;operator id&gt;+&lt;crystal translation&gt;
141         * @return
142         */
143        public Pair<String> getCrystalIds() {
144                return new Pair<>(
145                        moleculeIds.getFirst()+transforms.getFirst().getTransformId()+transforms.getFirst().getCrystalTranslation(),
146                        moleculeIds.getSecond()+transforms.getSecond().getTransformId()+transforms.getSecond().getCrystalTranslation());
147        }
149        /**
150         * Returns the total area buried upon formation of this interface,
151         * defined as: 1/2[ (ASA1u-ASA1c) + (ASA2u-ASA2u) ] , with:
152         *  <p>ASAxu = ASA of first/second unbound chain</p>
153         *  <p>ASAxc = ASA of first/second complexed chain</p>
154         * In the area calculation HETATOM groups not part of the main protein/nucleotide chain
155         * are not included.
156         * @return
157         */
158        public double getTotalArea() {
159                return totalArea;
160        }
162        public void setTotalArea(double totalArea) {
163                this.totalArea = totalArea;
164        }
166        public AtomContactSet getContacts() {
167                return contacts;
168        }
170        public void setContacts(AtomContactSet contacts) {
171                this.contacts = contacts;
172        }
174        public Pair<Atom[]> getMolecules() {
175                return molecules;
176        }
178        public void setMolecules(Pair<Atom[]> molecules) {
179                this.molecules = molecules;
180        }
182        /**
183         * Return the pair of identifiers identifying each of the 2 molecules of this interface
184         * in the asymmetry unit (usually the chain identifier if this interface is between 2 chains)
185         * @return
186         */
187        public Pair<String> getMoleculeIds() {
188                return moleculeIds;
189        }
191        public void setMoleculeIds(Pair<String> moleculeIds) {
192                this.moleculeIds = moleculeIds;
193        }
195        /**
196         * Return the 2 crystal transform operations performed on each of the
197         * molecules of this interface.
198         * @return
199         */
200        public Pair<CrystalTransform> getTransforms() {
201                return transforms;
202        }
204        public void setTransforms(Pair<CrystalTransform> transforms) {
205                this.transforms = transforms;
206        }
208        /**
209         * Set ASA annotations by passing the uncomplexed ASA values of the 2 partners.
210         * This will calculate complexed ASA and set the ASA values in the member variables.
211         * @param asas1 ASA values for atoms of partner 1
212         * @param asas2 ASA values for atoms of partner 2
213         * @param nSpherePoints the number of sphere points to be used for complexed ASA calculation
214         * @param nThreads the number of threads to be used for complexed ASA calculation
215         * @param cofactorSizeToUse the minimum size of cofactor molecule (non-chain HET atoms) that will be used in ASA calculation
216         */
217        void setAsas(double[] asas1, double[] asas2, int nSpherePoints, int nThreads, int cofactorSizeToUse) {
219                Atom[] atoms = getAtomsForAsa(cofactorSizeToUse);
220                AsaCalculator asaCalc = new AsaCalculator(atoms,
221                                AsaCalculator.DEFAULT_PROBE_SIZE, nSpherePoints, nThreads);
223                double[] complexAsas = asaCalc.calculateAsas();
225                if (complexAsas.length!=asas1.length+asas2.length)
226                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The size of ASAs of complex doesn't match that of ASAs 1 + ASAs 2");
229                groupAsas1 = new TreeMap<>();
230                groupAsas2 = new TreeMap<>();
232                this.totalArea = 0;
234                for (int i=0;i<asas1.length;i++) {
235                        Group g = atoms[i].getGroup();
237                        if (!g.getType().equals(GroupType.HETATM) ||
238                                isInChain(g)) {
239                                // interface area should be only for protein/nucleotide but not hetatoms that are not part of the chain
240                                this.totalArea += (asas1[i] - complexAsas[i]);
241                        }
243                        if (!groupAsas1.containsKey(g.getResidueNumber())) {
244                                GroupAsa groupAsa = new GroupAsa(g);
245                                groupAsa.addAtomAsaU(asas1[i]);
246                                groupAsa.addAtomAsaC(complexAsas[i]);
247                                groupAsas1.put(g.getResidueNumber(), groupAsa);
248                        } else {
249                                GroupAsa groupAsa = groupAsas1.get(g.getResidueNumber());
250                                groupAsa.addAtomAsaU(asas1[i]);
251                                groupAsa.addAtomAsaC(complexAsas[i]);
252                        }
253                }
255                for (int i=0;i<asas2.length;i++) {
256                        Group g = atoms[i+asas1.length].getGroup();
258                        if (!g.getType().equals(GroupType.HETATM) ||
259                                isInChain(g)) {
260                                // interface area should be only for protein/nucleotide but not hetatoms that are not part of the chain
261                                this.totalArea += (asas2[i] - complexAsas[i+asas1.length]);
262                        }
264                        if (!groupAsas2.containsKey(g.getResidueNumber())) {
265                                GroupAsa groupAsa = new GroupAsa(g);
266                                groupAsa.addAtomAsaU(asas2[i]);
267                                groupAsa.addAtomAsaC(complexAsas[i+asas1.length]);
268                                groupAsas2.put(g.getResidueNumber(), groupAsa);
269                        } else {
270                                GroupAsa groupAsa = groupAsas2.get(g.getResidueNumber());
271                                groupAsa.addAtomAsaU(asas2[i]);
272                                groupAsa.addAtomAsaC(complexAsas[i+asas1.length]);
273                        }
274                }
276                // our interface area definition: average of bsa of both molecules
277                this.totalArea = this.totalArea/2.0;
279        }
281        protected Atom[] getFirstAtomsForAsa(int cofactorSizeToUse) {
283                return getAllNonHAtomArray(molecules.getFirst(), cofactorSizeToUse);
284        }
286        protected Atom[] getSecondAtomsForAsa(int cofactorSizeToUse) {
288                return getAllNonHAtomArray(molecules.getSecond(), cofactorSizeToUse);
289        }
291        protected Atom[] getAtomsForAsa(int cofactorSizeToUse) {
292                Atom[] atoms1 = getFirstAtomsForAsa(cofactorSizeToUse);
293                Atom[] atoms2 = getSecondAtomsForAsa(cofactorSizeToUse);
295                Atom[] atoms = new Atom[atoms1.length+atoms2.length];
296                System.arraycopy(atoms1, 0, atoms, 0, atoms1.length);
297                System.arraycopy(atoms2, 0, atoms, atoms1.length, atoms2.length);
299                return atoms;
300        }
302        /**
303         * Returns and array of all non-Hydrogen atoms in the given molecule, including all
304         * main chain HETATOM groups. Non main-chain HETATOM groups with fewer than minSizeHetAtomToInclude
305         * non-Hydrogen atoms are not included.
306         * @param m
307         * @param minSizeHetAtomToInclude HETATOM groups (non main-chain) with fewer number of
308         * non-Hydrogen atoms are not included
309         * @return
310         */
311        private static Atom[] getAllNonHAtomArray(Atom[] m, int minSizeHetAtomToInclude) {
312                List<Atom> atoms = new ArrayList<>();
314                for (Atom a:m){
316                        if (a.getElement()==Element.H) continue;
318                        Group g = a.getGroup();
319                        if (g.getType().equals(GroupType.HETATM) &&
320                                !isInChain(g) &&
321                                getSizeNoH(g)<minSizeHetAtomToInclude) {
322                                continue;
323                        }
325                        atoms.add(a);
327                }
328                return atoms.toArray(new Atom[0]);
329        }
331        /**
332         * Calculates the number of non-Hydrogen atoms in the given group
333         * @param g
334         * @return
335         */
336        private static int getSizeNoH(Group g) {
337                int size = 0;
338                for (Atom a:g.getAtoms()) {
339                        if (a.getElement()!=Element.H)
340                                size++;
341                }
342                return size;
343        }
345        /**
346         * Returns true if the given group is part of the main chain, i.e. if it is
347         * a peptide-linked group or a nucleotide
348         * @param g
349         * @return
350         */
351        private static boolean isInChain(Group g) {
352                ChemComp chemComp = g.getChemComp();
354                if (chemComp==null) {
355                        logger.warn("Can't determine PolymerType for group "+g.getResidueNumber()+" ("+g.getPDBName()+"). Will consider it as non-nucleotide/non-protein type.");
356                        return false;
357                }
359                PolymerType polyType = chemComp.getPolymerType();
360                for (PolymerType protOnlyType: PolymerType.PROTEIN_ONLY) {
361                        if (polyType==protOnlyType) return true;
362                }
363                for (PolymerType protOnlyType: PolymerType.POLYNUCLEOTIDE_ONLY) {
364                        if (polyType==protOnlyType) return true;
365                }
367                return false;
368        }
370        /**
371         * Tells whether the interface corresponds to one mediated by crystallographic symmetry,
372         * i.e. it is between symmetry-related molecules (with same chain identifier)
373         * @return
374         */
375        public boolean isSymRelated() {
376                return moleculeIds.getFirst().equals(moleculeIds.getSecond());
377        }
379        /**
380         * Returns true if the transformation applied to the second molecule of this interface
381         * has an infinite character (pure translation or screw rotation)
382         * and both molecules of the interface have the same asymmetric unit identifier (chain id): in such cases the
383         * interface would lead to infinite fiber-like (linear or helical) assemblies
384         * @return
385         */
386        public boolean isInfinite() {
387                return ((isSymRelated() && transforms.getSecond().getTransformType().isInfinite()));
388        }
390        /**
391         * Returns true if the 2 molecules of this interface are the same entity (i.e. homomeric interface), false
392         * otherwise (i.e. heteromeric interface)
393         * @return true if homomeric or if either of the entities is unknonw (null Compounds), false otherwise
394         */
395        public boolean isHomomeric() {
396                EntityInfo first = getParentChains().getFirst().getEntityInfo();
397                EntityInfo second = getParentChains().getSecond().getEntityInfo();
398                if (first==null || second==null) {
399                        logger.warn("Some compound of interface {} is null, can't determine whether it is homo/heteromeric. Consider it homomeric", getId());
400                        return true;
401                }
402                return
403                        first.getRepresentative().getId().equals(second.getRepresentative().getId());
404        }
406        /**
407         * Gets a map of ResidueNumbers to GroupAsas for all groups of first chain.
408         * @return
409         */
410        public Map<ResidueNumber, GroupAsa> getFirstGroupAsas() {
411                return groupAsas1;
412        }
414        /**
415         * Gets the GroupAsa for the corresponding residue number of first chain
416         * @param resNum
417         * @return
418         */
419        public GroupAsa getFirstGroupAsa(ResidueNumber resNum) {
420                return groupAsas1.get(resNum);
421        }
423        public void setFirstGroupAsa(GroupAsa groupAsa) {
424                groupAsas1.put(groupAsa.getGroup().getResidueNumber(), groupAsa);
425        }
427        public void setFirstGroupAsas(Map<ResidueNumber, GroupAsa> firstGroupAsas) {
428                this.groupAsas1 = firstGroupAsas;
429        }
431        public void setSecondGroupAsas(Map<ResidueNumber, GroupAsa> secondGroupAsas) {
432                this.groupAsas2 = secondGroupAsas;
433        }
435        /**
436         * Gets a map of ResidueNumbers to GroupAsas for all groups of second chain.
437         * @return
438         */
439        public Map<ResidueNumber, GroupAsa> getSecondGroupAsas() {
440                return groupAsas2;
441        }
443        public void setSecondGroupAsa(GroupAsa groupAsa) {
444                groupAsas2.put(groupAsa.getGroup().getResidueNumber(), groupAsa);
445        }
447        /**
448         * Gets the GroupAsa for the corresponding residue number of second chain
449         * @param resNum
450         * @return
451         */
452        public GroupAsa getSecondGroupAsa(ResidueNumber resNum) {
453                return groupAsas2.get(resNum);
454        }
456        /**
457         * Returns the residues belonging to the interface core, defined as those residues at
458         * the interface (BSA>0) and for which the BSA/ASA ratio is above the given bsaToAsaCutoff
459         * @param bsaToAsaCutoff
460         * @param minAsaForSurface the minimum ASA to consider a residue on the surface
461         * @return
462         */
463        public Pair<List<Group>> getCoreResidues(double bsaToAsaCutoff, double minAsaForSurface) {
465                List<Group> core1 = new ArrayList<>();
466                List<Group> core2 = new ArrayList<>();
468                for (GroupAsa groupAsa:groupAsas1.values()) {
470                        if (groupAsa.getAsaU()>minAsaForSurface && groupAsa.getBsa()>0) {
471                                if (groupAsa.getBsaToAsaRatio()<bsaToAsaCutoff) {
472                                        //rim1.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
473                                } else {
474                                        core1.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
475                                }
476                        }
477                }
478                for (GroupAsa groupAsa:groupAsas2.values()) {
480                        if (groupAsa.getAsaU()>minAsaForSurface && groupAsa.getBsa()>0) {
481                                if (groupAsa.getBsaToAsaRatio()<bsaToAsaCutoff) {
482                                        //rim2.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
483                                } else {
484                                        core2.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
485                                }
486                        }
487                }
489                return new Pair<>(core1, core2);
490        }
492        /**
493         * Returns the residues belonging to the interface rim, defined as those residues at
494         * the interface (BSA>0) and for which the BSA/ASA ratio is below the given bsaToAsaCutoff
495         * @param bsaToAsaCutoff
496         * @param minAsaForSurface the minimum ASA to consider a residue on the surface
497         * @return
498         */
499        public Pair<List<Group>> getRimResidues(double bsaToAsaCutoff, double minAsaForSurface) {
501                List<Group> rim1 = new ArrayList<>();
502                List<Group> rim2 = new ArrayList<>();
504                for (GroupAsa groupAsa:groupAsas1.values()) {
506                        if (groupAsa.getAsaU()>minAsaForSurface && groupAsa.getBsa()>0) {
507                                if (groupAsa.getBsaToAsaRatio()<bsaToAsaCutoff) {
508                                        rim1.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
509                                } else {
510                                        //core1.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
511                                }
512                        }
513                }
514                for (GroupAsa groupAsa:groupAsas2.values()) {
516                        if (groupAsa.getAsaU()>minAsaForSurface && groupAsa.getBsa()>0) {
517                                if (groupAsa.getBsaToAsaRatio()<bsaToAsaCutoff) {
518                                        rim2.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
519                                } else {
520                                        //core2.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
521                                }
522                        }
523                }
525                return new Pair<>(rim1, rim2);
526        }
528        /**
529         * Returns the residues belonging to the interface, i.e. the residues
530         * at the surface with BSA>0
531         * @param minAsaForSurface the minimum ASA to consider a residue on the surface
532         * @return
533         */
534        public Pair<List<Group>> getInterfacingResidues(double minAsaForSurface) {
536                List<Group> interf1 = new ArrayList<>();
537                List<Group> interf2 = new ArrayList<>();
539                for (GroupAsa groupAsa:groupAsas1.values()) {
541                        if (groupAsa.getAsaU()>minAsaForSurface && groupAsa.getBsa()>0) {
542                                interf1.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
543                        }
544                }
545                for (GroupAsa groupAsa:groupAsas2.values()) {
547                        if (groupAsa.getAsaU()>minAsaForSurface && groupAsa.getBsa()>0) {
548                                interf2.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
549                        }
550                }
552                return new Pair<>(interf1, interf2);
553        }
555        /**
556         * Returns the residues belonging to the surface
557         * @param minAsaForSurface the minimum ASA to consider a residue on the surface
558         * @return
559         */
560        public Pair<List<Group>> getSurfaceResidues(double minAsaForSurface) {
561                List<Group> surf1 = new ArrayList<>();
562                List<Group> surf2 = new ArrayList<>();
564                for (GroupAsa groupAsa:groupAsas1.values()) {
566                        if (groupAsa.getAsaU()>minAsaForSurface) {
567                                surf1.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
568                        }
569                }
570                for (GroupAsa groupAsa:groupAsas2.values()) {
572                        if (groupAsa.getAsaU()>minAsaForSurface) {
573                                surf2.add(groupAsa.getGroup());
574                        }
575                }
577                return new Pair<>(surf1, surf2);
578        }
580        public StructureInterfaceCluster getCluster() {
581                return cluster;
582        }
584        public void setCluster(StructureInterfaceCluster cluster) {
585                this.cluster = cluster;
586        }
588        /**
589         * Calculates the Jaccard contact set score (intersection over union) between this StructureInterface and
590         * the given one. The calculation assumes that both interfaces come from the same structure. The output
591         * will not necessarily make sense if the two interfaces come from different structures.
592         * The two sides of the given StructureInterface need to match this StructureInterface
593         * in the sense that they must come from the same Entity, i.e.
594         * their residue numbers need to align with 100% identity, except for unobserved
595         * density residues. The SEQRES indices obtained through {@link EntityInfo#getAlignedResIndex(Group, Chain)} are
596         * used to match residues, thus if no SEQRES is present or if {@link FileParsingParameters#setAlignSeqRes(boolean)}
597         * is not used, this calculation is not guaranteed to work properly.
598         * @param other the interface to be compared to this one
599         * @param invert if false the comparison will be done first-to-first and second-to-second,
600         * if true the match will be first-to-second and second-to-first
601         * @return the contact overlap score, range [0.0,1.0]
602         */
603        public double getContactOverlapScore(StructureInterface other, boolean invert) {
605                Pair<Chain> thisChains = getParentChains();
606                Pair<Chain> otherChains = other.getParentChains();
608                if (thisChains.getFirst().getEntityInfo() == null || thisChains.getSecond().getEntityInfo() == null ||
609                        otherChains.getFirst().getEntityInfo() == null || otherChains.getSecond().getEntityInfo() == null ) {
610                        // this happens in cases like 2uub
611                        logger.warn("Found chains with null compounds while comparing interfaces {} and {}. Contact overlap score for them will be 0.",
612                                        this.getId(), other.getId());
613                        return 0;
614                }
616                Pair<EntityInfo> thisCompounds = new Pair<>(thisChains.getFirst().getEntityInfo(), thisChains.getSecond().getEntityInfo());
617                Pair<EntityInfo> otherCompounds = new Pair<>(otherChains.getFirst().getEntityInfo(), otherChains.getSecond().getEntityInfo());
619                if (checkMolIdMatch(thisCompounds,otherCompounds)) {
621                        int common = 0;
622                        GroupContactSet thisContacts = getGroupContacts();
623                        GroupContactSet otherContacts = other.getGroupContacts();
625                        for (GroupContact thisContact:thisContacts) {
627                                ResidueIdentifier first;
628                                ResidueIdentifier second;
630                                if (!invert) {
631                                        first = new ResidueIdentifier(thisContact.getPair().getFirst());
633                                        second = new ResidueIdentifier(thisContact.getPair().getSecond());
634                                } else {
635                                        first = new ResidueIdentifier(thisContact.getPair().getSecond());
637                                        second = new ResidueIdentifier(thisContact.getPair().getFirst());
638                                }
640                                if (otherContacts.hasContact(first,second)) {
641                                        common++;
642                                }
643                        }
644                        return (2.0*common)/(thisContacts.size()+otherContacts.size());
645                } else {
646                        logger.debug("Chain pairs {},{} and {},{} belong to different compound pairs, contact overlap score will be 0 ",
647                                        thisChains.getFirst().getId(),thisChains.getSecond().getId(),
648                                        otherChains.getFirst().getId(),otherChains.getSecond().getId());
649                        return 0.0;
650                }
651        }
653        /**
654         * This method check if two compounds have same MolIds or not.
655         * @param thisCompounds
656         * @param otherCompounds
657         * @return
658         */
659        private boolean checkMolIdMatch(Pair<EntityInfo> thisCompounds, Pair<EntityInfo> otherCompounds){
660                boolean firstMatch = thisCompounds.getFirst().getMolId() == otherCompounds.getFirst().getMolId() && thisCompounds.getSecond().getMolId() == otherCompounds.getSecond().getMolId();
661                boolean secondMatch = thisCompounds.getFirst().getMolId() == otherCompounds.getSecond().getMolId() && thisCompounds.getSecond().getMolId() == otherCompounds.getFirst().getMolId();
662                return firstMatch || secondMatch;
663        }
664        public GroupContactSet getGroupContacts() {
665                if (groupContacts==null) {
666                        this.groupContacts  = new GroupContactSet(contacts);
667                }
668                return this.groupContacts;
669        }
671        /**
672         * Tell whether the interface is isologous, i.e. it is formed
673         * by the same patches of same entity on both sides.
674         *
675         * @return true if isologous, false if heterologous
676         */
677        public boolean isIsologous() {
678                double scoreInverse = this.getContactOverlapScore(this, true);
679                logger.debug("Interface {} contact overlap score with itself inverted: {}",
680                                getId(), scoreInverse);
681                return (scoreInverse>SELF_SCORE_FOR_ISOLOGOUS);
682        }
684        /**
685         * Finds the parent chains by looking up the references of first atom of each side of this interface
686         * @return
687         */
688        public Pair<Chain> getParentChains() {
689                Atom[] firstMol = this.molecules.getFirst();
690                Atom[] secondMol = this.molecules.getSecond();
691                if (firstMol.length==0 || secondMol.length==0) {
692                        logger.warn("No atoms found in first or second molecule, can't get parent Chains");
693                        return null;
694                }
696                return new Pair<>(firstMol[0].getGroup().getChain(), secondMol[0].getGroup().getChain());
697        }
699        /**
700         * Finds the parent entities by looking up the references of first atom of each side of this interface
701         * @return
702         */
703        public Pair<EntityInfo> getParentCompounds() {
704                Pair<Chain> chains = getParentChains();
705                if (chains == null) {
706                        logger.warn("Could not find parents chains, compounds will be null");
707                        return null;
708                }
709                return new Pair<>(chains.getFirst().getEntityInfo(), chains.getSecond().getEntityInfo());
710        }
712        private Structure getParentStructure() {
713                Atom[] firstMol = this.molecules.getFirst();
714                if (firstMol.length==0) {
715                        logger.warn("No atoms found in first molecule, can't get parent Structure");
716                        return null;
717                }
718                return firstMol[0].getGroup().getChain().getStructure();
719        }
721        /**
722         * Return a String representing the 2 molecules of this interface in PDB format.
723         * If the molecule ids (i.e. chain ids) are the same for both molecules, then the second
724         * one will be replaced by the next letter in alphabet (or A for Z)
725         * @return the PDB-formatted string
726         */
727        public String toPDB() {
729                String molecId1 = getMoleculeIds().getFirst();
730                String molecId2 = getMoleculeIds().getSecond();
732                if (molecId2.equals(molecId1)) {
733                        // if both chains are named equally we want to still named them differently in the output pdb file
734                        // so that molecular viewers can handle properly the 2 chains as separate entities
735                        char letter = molecId1.charAt(0);
736                        if (letter!='Z' && letter!='z') {
737                                molecId2 = Character.toString((char)(letter+1)); // i.e. next letter in alphabet
738                        } else {
739                                molecId2 = Character.toString((char)(letter-25)); //i.e. 'A' or 'a'
740                        }
741                }
743                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
744                for (Atom atom:this.molecules.getFirst()) {
745                        sb.append(FileConvert.toPDB(atom, molecId1));
746                }
747                sb.append("TER");
748                sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
749                for (Atom atom:this.molecules.getSecond()) {
750                        sb.append(FileConvert.toPDB(atom,molecId2));
751                }
752                sb.append("TER");
753                sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
754                sb.append("END");
755                sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
756                return sb.toString();
757        }
759        /**
760         * Return a String representing the 2 molecules of this interface in mmCIF format.
761         * If the molecule ids (i.e. chain ids) are the same for both molecules, then the second
762         * one will be written as chainId_operatorId (with operatorId taken from {@link #getTransforms()}
763         * @return the mmCIF-formatted string
764         */
765        public String toMMCIF() {
766                String molecId1 = getMoleculeIds().getFirst();
767                String molecId2 = getMoleculeIds().getSecond();
769                if (isSymRelated()) {
770                        // if both chains are named equally we want to still named them differently in the output mmcif file
771                        // so that molecular viewers can handle properly the 2 chains as separate entities
772                        molecId2 = molecId2 + "_" + getTransforms().getSecond().getTransformId();
773                }
775                MmCifBlockBuilder mmCifBlockBuilder = CifBuilder.enterFile(StandardSchemata.MMCIF)
776                                .enterBlock("BioJava_interface_" + getId());
778                // we reassign atom ids if sym related (otherwise atom ids would be duplicated and some molecular viewers can't cope with that)
779                int atomId = 1;
780                List<AbstractCifFileSupplier.WrappedAtom> wrappedAtoms = new ArrayList<>();
781                for (Atom atom : this.molecules.getFirst()) {
782                        if (isSymRelated()) {
783                                wrappedAtoms.add(new AbstractCifFileSupplier.WrappedAtom(1, molecId1, molecId1, atom, atomId));
784                        } else {
785                                wrappedAtoms.add(new AbstractCifFileSupplier.WrappedAtom(1, molecId1, molecId1, atom, atom.getPDBserial()));
786                        }
787                        atomId++;
788                }
789                for (Atom atom : this.molecules.getSecond()) {
790                        if (isSymRelated()) {
791                                wrappedAtoms.add(new AbstractCifFileSupplier.WrappedAtom(1, molecId2, molecId2, atom, atomId));
792                        } else {
793                                wrappedAtoms.add(new AbstractCifFileSupplier.WrappedAtom(1, molecId2, molecId2, atom, atom.getPDBserial()));
794                        }
795                        atomId++;
796                }
798                Category atomSite = wrappedAtoms.stream().collect(AbstractCifFileSupplier.toAtomSite());
799                mmCifBlockBuilder.addCategory(atomSite);
801                try {
802                        return new String(CifIO.writeText(mmCifBlockBuilder.leaveBlock().leaveFile()));
803                } catch (IOException e) {
804                        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
805                }
806        }
808        @Override
809        public int compareTo(StructureInterface o) {
810                // this will sort descending on interface areas
811                return (Double.compare(o.totalArea,this.totalArea));
812        }
814        @Override
815        public String toString() {
816                return String.format("StructureInterface %d (%s, %.0f A, <%s; %s>)", id, moleculeIds,totalArea,transforms.getFirst().toXYZString(),transforms.getSecond().toXYZString());
817        }