Class StockholmStructure

  • public class StockholmStructure
    extends Object
    Stores all the content of a Stockholm file. N.B.: This structure will undergo several enhancements later on. Don't depend on it in a final code, otherwise it will be hard to maintain. In general, Stockholm File contains the alignment mark-up lines.

    Header Section
    Reference Section
    Comment Section
    Alignment Section
    Sequence letters may include any characters except whitespace. Gaps may be indicated by "." or "-".
    Mark-up lines may include any characters except whitespace. Use underscore ("_") instead of space.
    section field preferred location
    #=GF <feature> <Generic per-File annotation, free text> Above the alignment
    #=GC <feature> <Generic per-Column annotation, exactly 1 char per column> Below the alignment
    #=GS <seqname> <feature> <Generic per-Sequence annotation, free text> Above the alignment or just below the corresponding sequence
    #=GR <seqname> <feature> <Generic per-Residue annotation, exactly 1 char per residue> Just below the corresponding sequence
    Amr ALHOSSARY, Marko Vaz