Class AbstractLocation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<Location>, Location, Accessioned
Direct Known Subclasses:
InsdcLocations.BondLocation, InsdcLocations.OneOfLocation, SimpleLocation

public abstract class AbstractLocation extends Object implements Serializable, Location
Base abstraction of a location which encodes for the majority of important features about a location such as the start, end and strand
ayates, Paolo Pavan
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractLocation

      protected AbstractLocation()
    • AbstractLocation

      public AbstractLocation(Point start, Point end, Strand strand, boolean circular, boolean betweenCompounds, List<Location> subLocations)
      Default constructor
      start - start of the location
      end - end of the location
      strand - strand it is located on
      circular - Boolean which says if the current location was circular or not
      betweenCompounds - Indicates the location lies at the position between a pair of bases; means the bases must be next to each other (and therefore cannot be complex)
      subLocations - Sub locations which composes this location
    • AbstractLocation

      public AbstractLocation(Point start, Point end, Strand strand, boolean circular, boolean betweenCompounds, AccessionID accession, List<Location> subLocations)
      Default constructor
      start - start of the location
      end - end of the location
      strand - strand it is located on
      circular - Boolean which says if the current location was circular or not
      betweenCompounds - Indicates the location lies at the position between a pair of bases; means the bases must be next to each other (and therefore cannot be complex)
      accession - The accession ID to link this location to
      subLocations - Sub locations which composes this location
  • Method Details