Uses of Class
Set of classes that responsible for data handling.
BioJava provide a module biojava-protein-disorder for prediction disordered regions
from a protein sequence.
Uses of FastaSequence in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic List
<FastaSequence> SequenceUtil.readFasta
(InputStream inStream) Reads fasta sequences from inStream into the list of FastaSequence objectsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(FastaSequence o) static boolean
(FastaSequence s) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(OutputStream os, List<FastaSequence> sequences) Writes FastaSequence in the file, each sequence will take one line onlystatic void
(OutputStream outstream, List<FastaSequence> sequences, int width) Writes list of FastaSequeces into the outstream formatting the sequence so that it contains width chars on each line -
Uses of FastaSequence in org.biojava.nbio.ronn
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic FastaSequence
(ProteinSequence sequence) Utility method to convert a BioJava ProteinSequence object to the FastaSequence object used internally in JRonn.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Map
<FastaSequence, Jronn.Range[]> Jronn.getDisorder
(String fastaFile) Calculates the disordered regions of the protein sequence.static Map
<FastaSequence, Jronn.Range[]> Jronn.getDisorder
(List<FastaSequence> sequences) Calculates the disordered regions of the sequence for many sequences in the input.static Map
<FastaSequence, float[]> Jronn.getDisorderScores
(List<FastaSequence> sequences) Calculates the probability of disorder scores for each residue in the sequence for many sequences in the input.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Jronn.Range[]
(FastaSequence sequence) Calculates the disordered regions of the sequence.static float[]
(FastaSequence sequence) Calculates the probability value for each residue in the protein sequence, telling the probability that the residue belongs to disordered region.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Map
<FastaSequence, Jronn.Range[]> Jronn.getDisorder
(List<FastaSequence> sequences) Calculates the disordered regions of the sequence for many sequences in the input.static Map
<FastaSequence, float[]> Jronn.getDisorderScores
(List<FastaSequence> sequences) Calculates the probability of disorder scores for each residue in the sequence for many sequences in the input.