Uses of Class
Uses of SubunitCluster in org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.quaternary
Uses of SubunitCluster in org.biojava.nbio.structure.cluster
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(SubunitCluster other) Tells whether the other SubunitCluster contains exactly the same Subunit.boolean
(SubunitCluster other) Tells whether the other SubunitCluster contains exactly the same Subunit.boolean
(SubunitCluster other) Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if it contains exactly the same Subunit.boolean
(SubunitCluster other) Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if it contains exactly the same Subunit.boolean
(SubunitCluster other, SubunitClustererParameters params) Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if their representatives sequences are similar (according to the criteria in params).boolean
(SubunitCluster other, SubunitClustererParameters params, Alignments.PairwiseSequenceAlignerType alignerType, GapPenalty gapPenalty, SubstitutionMatrix<AminoAcidCompound> subsMatrix) Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if their representatives sequences are similar (according to the criteria in params).boolean
(SubunitCluster other, SubunitClustererParameters params) Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if their representative Atoms are structurally similar (according to the criteria in params).ModifierConstructorDescriptionSubunitCluster
(SubunitCluster other, List<Integer> subunitsToRetain) A copy constructor with the possibility of removing subunits. -
Uses of SubunitCluster in org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.core
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionStoichiometry.getClusters()
Returns the List of SubunitCluster used to calculate symmetry.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Function<List<SubunitCluster>, String> customStringGenerator) Let a user-defined function handle the entire string representation of a stoichiometry.ModifierConstructorDescriptionQuatSymmetrySubunits
(List<SubunitCluster> clusters) Converts the List ofSubunitCluster
to a Subunit object.Stoichiometry
(List<SubunitCluster> clusters) Constructor for Stoichiometry.Stoichiometry
(List<SubunitCluster> clusters, boolean resetAlphas) Constructor for Stoichiometry.Stoichiometry
(List<SubunitCluster> clusters, Function<List<SubunitCluster>, String> customStringGenerator) Constructor for Stoichiometry.Stoichiometry
(List<SubunitCluster> clusters, Function<List<SubunitCluster>, String> customStringGenerator) Constructor for Stoichiometry.Stoichiometry
(List<SubunitCluster> clusters, Stoichiometry.StringOverflowStrategy strategy) Constructor for Stoichiometry.Stoichiometry
(List<SubunitCluster> clusters, Stoichiometry.StringOverflowStrategy strategy, boolean resetAlphas) Constructor for Stoichiometry.