Interface CifFileConsumer<S>

Type Parameters:
S - the type of container an implementing class will return
All Known Subinterfaces:
ChemCompConsumer, CifStructureConsumer, MetalBondConsumer
All Known Implementing Classes:
ChemCompConsumerImpl, CifStructureConsumerImpl, MetalBondConsumerImpl

public interface CifFileConsumer<S>
Defines a rather generic interface which allows to populate some data structure with data parsed from a CIF file.
Sebastian Bittrich
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Ultimate setup which can include steps which require several categories to be available and integrate them into the final container.
    Retrieve the created container representing a CIF file.
    Setup routine which initializes a new container.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • prepare Link icon

      void prepare()
      Setup routine which initializes a new container.
    • finish Link icon

      void finish()
      Ultimate setup which can include steps which require several categories to be available and integrate them into the final container.
    • getContainer Link icon

      Retrieve the created container representing a CIF file.
      all desired information wrapped as object of type S