Uses of Class
Uses of SymmetryAxes.Axis in org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.internal
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSymmetryAxes.getElementaryAxesObjects()
Return all elementary axes of symmetry of the structure, that is, the axes stored in the List as unique and from which all the symmetry axes are constructed.SymmetryAxes.getSymmetryAxes()
Return all symmetry axes of of the structure: the set of axes that describe all parts of the structure.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSymmetryAxes.getRepeatRelation
(SymmetryAxes.Axis axis) SymmetryAxes.getRepeatsCyclicForm
(SymmetryAxes.Axis axis) SymmetryAxes.getRepeatsCyclicForm
(SymmetryAxes.Axis axis, List<?> repeats)