Package | Description |
---|---| |
Classes to generate and describe sequence alignments.
| |
Databases of generic structured data (annotation) objects.
| |
Interfaces and classes for chromatogram data, as produced by DNA sequencing equipment.
| |
Probability distributions over Alphabets.
| |
HMM and Dynamic Programming Algorithms.
| | | | | |
Graphical interfaces for biojava objects.
| |
The classes and interfaces in this package cover common molecular
biological techniques such as restriction digests and PCR.
| |
Experimental parsers using the tagvalue framework.
| |
GFF manipulation.
| |
Support for reading and writing GFF3.
| |
Support classes for Homologene data.
| |
A flat-file ascii index of ascii flat files as per the OBDA specification.
| |
Parser for Phred output
| |
Parsers for the XML output from NCBI blast.
| |
SSAHA sequence searching API.
| |
Creation of objects from SAX events using the BioJava BlastLikeDataSetCollection DTD.
| |
Objects for representing Unigene clusters.
| |
Event-driven parsing system for the Extensible Feature Format (XFF).
| |
Utilities to aid in performing various physical analysis of proteins.
| |
Classes and interfaces to load Amino Acid Index database files.
| |
Interfaces and classes for representing sequence similarity search results.
| |
Classes and interfaces for defining biological sequences and informatics
| |
Collections of biological sequence data.
| |
Client for the OBDA BioFetch protocol.
| |
General purpose Sequence storage in a relational database.
| |
Support for OBDA flatfile databases.
| |
Sequences and SequenceDBs which are composed from data taken
from a number of data sources.
| |
The classes and interfaces for defining sequence similarity and
| |
Standard in-memory implementations of
Sequence and
Feature . | |
Classes and interfaces for processing and producing flat-file representations
of sequences.
| |
Code for projecting Feature objects and systematically altering their
| |
Representation of the Symbols that make up a sequence, and locations within
| |
Taxonomy object for representing species information.
| |
Open Bio Sequence Database Access (OBDA) registry support.
org.biojava.utils.automata | |
org.biojava.utils.math |
Mathematical utility classes.
org.biojava.utils.regex |
This package is used to perform regular expression searches of
SymbolLists defined in arbitrary Alphabets.
org.biojava.utils.walker | | |
Classes to represent biological entities and their relationships.
| |
This package contains the interfaces that need to be implemented by discrete alignment services.
| |
This package holds implementations of the interfaces for the NCBI remote QBlast services
through the WWW.
| |
Interactions between biojavax objects and a DB.
| |
Interface between biojava and biosql databases
| |
Interfaces to NCBI data.
| |
Rich implementations of Sequences, Locations and Features.
| |
Classes to support the I/O of RichSequence and
Bioentry objects.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ARAlignment.addSequence(AlignmentElement ae) |
void |
FlexibleAlignment.addSequence(AlignmentElement ae)
add a new a alignment usings a location to the reference sequence.
String |
AlignmentPair.formatOutput() |
String |
AlignmentPair.formatOutput(int width)
This method provides a BLAST-like formated alignment from the given
String s, in which the sequence coordinates and the
information "Query" or "Sbjct", respectively is added to each line. |
static SubstitutionMatrix |
SubstitutionMatrix.getSubstitutionMatrix(BufferedReader reader)
This constructor can be used to guess the alphabet of this substitution
static SubstitutionMatrix |
SubstitutionMatrix.getSubstitutionMatrix(FiniteAlphabet alphabet,
BufferedReader reader)
Return a new substitution matrix with the specified alphabet.
static SubstitutionMatrix |
SubstitutionMatrix.getSubstitutionMatrix(FiniteAlphabet alphabet,
BufferedReader reader,
String name)
Return a new substitution matrix with the specified alphabet and name.
short |
SubstitutionMatrix.getValueAt(Symbol row,
Symbol col)
There are some substitution matrices containing more columns than lines.
SubstitutionMatrix |
With this method you can get a “normalized”
SubstitutionMatrix object; however, since this
implementation uses an short matrix, the normalized matrix will be scaled
by ten. |
AlignmentPair |
NeedlemanWunsch.pairwiseAlignment(SymbolList query,
SymbolList subject)
Global pairwise sequence alignment of two BioJava-Sequence objects
according to the Needleman-Wunsch-algorithm.
Constructor and Description |
AlignmentPair(Sequence query,
Sequence subject,
int queryStart,
int queryEnd,
int subjectStart,
int subjectEnd,
SubstitutionMatrix subMatrix) |
AlignmentPair(Sequence query,
Sequence subject,
SubstitutionMatrix subMatrix) |
FlexibleAlignment(List<AlignmentElement> seqList)
construct this object with the reference sequence which can either be a
gappedSymbolList or not label in all cases refers to an object that holds
the display name (generally just a String). since more than one sequence
in an alignment could have the same name this works as long as the labels
are different objects even though they may hold the same name.
SimpleAlignmentElement(String label,
SymbolList seq,
Location loc) |
SubstitutionMatrix(File file)
This constructor can be used to guess the alphabet of this substitution
SubstitutionMatrix(FiniteAlphabet alpha,
File matrixFile)
This constructs a
SubstitutionMatrix object that contains
two Map data structures having BioJava symbols as keys and
the value being the index of the matrix containing the substitution
score. |
SubstitutionMatrix(FiniteAlphabet alpha,
String matrixString,
String name)
With this constructor it is possible to construct a SubstitutionMatrix
object from a substitution matrix file.
Constructor and Description |
IndexedAnnotationDB(String dbName,
File storeLoc,
Index2Model model,
List toIndex,
int maxKeyLen,
AnnotationType schema,
IndexedAnnotationDB.ParserListenerFactory plFactory)
Create a new IndexedAnnotationDB.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Exception indicating that some provided data does not represent
a supported chromatogram format.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
DistributionTools.areEmissionSpectraEqual(Distribution[] a,
Distribution[] b)
Compares the emission spectra of two distribution arrays.
static boolean |
DistributionTools.areEmissionSpectraEqual(Distribution a,
Distribution b)
Compares the emission spectra of two distributions.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This exception indicates that there is no transition between two states.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Sequence |
WeightMatrixAnnotator.annotate(Sequence seq) |
void |
SimpleHMMTrainer.completeCycle() |
void |
indicate that a cycle of training is completed and the
emission/transition matrices should be updated.
DP |
DPFactory.createDP(MarkovModel model) |
DP |
DPFactory.DefaultFactory.createDP(MarkovModel model) |
DPMatrix |
DP.forwardsBackwards(SymbolList[] symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
StatePath |
DP.generate(int length)
Generates an alignment from a model.
static WeightMatrix |
XmlMarkovModel.readMatrix(Element root) |
static MarkovModel |
XmlMarkovModel.readModel(Element root) |
void |
WMAsMM.registerWithTrainer(ModelTrainer modelTrainer) |
void |
Trainable.registerWithTrainer(ModelTrainer mt)
Perform any registration that is necessary with mt.
State[] |
DP.stateList(MarkovModel mm) |
void |
TrainingAlgorithm.train(SequenceDB db,
double nullWeight,
StoppingCriteria stopper)
Trains the sequences in db untill stopper says to finnish.
void |
AbstractTrainer.train(SequenceDB db,
double nullModelWeight,
StoppingCriteria stopper)
Trains the sequences in db until stopper says to finnish.
Constructor and Description |
SingleDP(MarkovModel model) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CellCalculatorFactory |
CellCalculatorFactoryMaker.make(DP dp) |
Constructor and Description |
PairwiseDP(MarkovModel mm,
CellCalculatorFactoryMaker ccfm) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FeatureTree.setSequenceDB(SequenceDB db)
Use this method to provide the sequences for the tree to work with.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int[] |
getUpstreamCut returns the cut site upstream of
the recognition site. |
int |
getUpstreamEndType returns the double-stranded end
type produced by the secondary (upstream) cut. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Format |
FormatTools.getFormat(String formatName)
Attempt to find aformat for a format identifer string.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SequenceDB |
GFFTools.annotateSequences(SequenceDB seqs,
GFFEntrySet ents)
Annotates all sequences in a sequence DB with features from a GFF entry set.
protected SimpleGFFRecord |
SequencesAsGFF.createGFFRecord(Feature feature,
String id)
Internal method to create a GFFRecord
from an individual Feature.
protected GFFRecord |
GFFParser.createRecord(GFFDocumentHandler handler,
List aList,
String rest,
String comment)
Actually turns a list of tokens, some value string and a comment into a
GFFRecord and informs
protected void |
SequencesAsGFF.doPreProcessSequence(Sequence seq,
GFFDocumentHandler handler,
String id)
Emit any per-sequence header information.
protected void |
SequencesAsGFF.doProcessFeature(Feature feature,
GFFDocumentHandler handler,
String id)
Internal method to process an individual Feature.
protected void |
SequencesAsGFF.doProcessSequence(Sequence seq,
GFFDocumentHandler handler,
String id)
Internal method to process an individual Sequence.
static GFFEntrySet |
GFFTools.gffFromSeqDB(SequenceDB seqDB)
Creates a GFFEntrySet containing one entry for each feature on each
sequence of a SequenceDB.
static GFFEntrySet |
GFFTools.gffFromSequence(Sequence seq)
Creates a GFFEntrySet containing one entry for each feature on a sequence.
void |
GFFWriter.invalidEnd(String token,
NumberFormatException nfe) |
void |
GFFWriter.invalidFrame(String token,
NumberFormatException nfe) |
void |
GFFWriter.invalidScore(String token,
NumberFormatException nfe) |
void |
GFFWriter.invalidStart(String token,
NumberFormatException nfe) |
void |
GFFWriter.invalidStrand(String token) |
void |
GFFParser.parse(BufferedReader bReader,
GFFDocumentHandler handler)
Informs handler of each line of
gff read from bReader.
void |
GFFParser.parse(BufferedReader bReader,
GFFDocumentHandler handler,
String locator)
Informs handler of each line of
GFF read from bReader
void |
SequencesAsGFF.processDB(SequenceDB seqDB,
GFFDocumentHandler handler)
Process all Sequences within a
SequenceDB, informing
handler of any suitable features.
void |
SequencesAsGFF.processSequence(Sequence seq,
GFFDocumentHandler handler)
Process an individual Sequence, informing
handler of any suitable features.
static GFFEntrySet |
GFFTools.readGFF(BufferedReader gffIn)
Read all GFF entries from a buffered reader.
static GFFEntrySet |
GFFTools.readGFF(BufferedReader gffIn,
GFFRecordFilter recFilt)
Read all GFF entries matching a filter from a buffered reader.
static GFFEntrySet |
GFFTools.readGFF(File inFile)
Reads a
GFFEntrySet from a file with no filtering. |
static GFFEntrySet |
GFFTools.readGFF(File inFile,
GFFRecordFilter recFilt)
Reads a GFFEntrySet from a file with the specified filter.
static GFFEntrySet |
GFFTools.readGFF(String fileName)
use: readGff(File)
static GFFEntrySet |
GFFTools.readGFF(String fileName,
GFFRecordFilter recFilt)
use: readGff(File,GFFRecordFilter)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected GFF3Record |
GFF3Parser.createRecord(GFF3DocumentHandler handler,
List aList,
String rest,
String comment,
Ontology ontology,
Ontology fallBack)
Actually turns a list of tokens, some value string and a comment into a
GFF3Record and informs
void |
GFF3Parser.parse(BufferedReader bReader,
GFF3DocumentHandler handler,
Ontology ontology)
Informs handler of each line of
gff read from bReader.
void |
GFF3Parser.parse(BufferedReader bReader,
GFF3DocumentHandler handler,
Ontology ontology,
String locator)
Informs handler of each line of
GFF read from bReader
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DuplicateTaxonException |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BioStore |
createBioStore creates a BioStore
reflecting the current state of the factory and returns a
reference to it. |
Record |
IndexStore.get(String id)
get returns a record specified by a primary
identifier. |
List |
IndexStore.get(String id,
String namespace)
get returns a list of Record s by
searching against the primary identifiers if the namespace
argument is equal to the primary namespace or otherwise by
searching the secondary namespaces. |
List |
BioStore.get(String id,
String namespace) |
static void |
IndexTools.indexEmbl(String name,
File location,
File[] seqFiles,
int alphabetIdentifier)
indexEmbl indexes DNA, RNA or protein EMBL format
sequence files on ID as primary identifier and AC as secondary. |
static void |
IndexTools.indexFasta(String name,
File location,
File[] seqFiles,
int alphabetIdentifier)
indexFasta indexes DNA, RNA or protein Fasta
format sequence files on primary identifier. |
static void |
IndexTools.indexGenbank(String name,
File location,
File[] seqFiles,
int alphabetIdentifier)
indexGenbank indexes DNA, RNA or protein Genbank
format sequence files on LOCUS as primary identifier and
ACCESSION as secondary. |
static void |
IndexTools.indexSwissprot(String name,
File location,
File[] seqFiles)
indexSwissprot indexes Swissprot format protein
sequence files on ID as primary identifier. |
Constructor and Description |
BioStore(File location,
boolean cache)
Creates a new
BioStore flatfile index at the
specified location with the specified caching behaviour. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
PhredTools.writePhredQuality(OutputStream qual,
OutputStream seq,
SequenceDB db)
Writes Phred quality data in a Fasta type format.
Constructor and Description |
BlastXMLParserFacade() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DataStore |
NIODataStoreFactory.buildDataStore(File storeFile,
SequenceDB seqDB,
Packing packing,
int wordLength,
int threshold) |
DataStore |
DataStoreFactory.buildDataStore(File storeFile,
SequenceDB seqDB,
Packing packing,
int wordLength,
int threshold)
Build a new DataStore.
DataStore |
MappedDataStoreFactory.buildDataStore(File storeFile,
SequenceDB seqDB,
Packing packing,
int wordLength,
int threshold) |
DataStore |
CompactedDataStoreFactory.buildDataStore(File storeFile,
SequenceDB seqDB,
Packing packing,
int wordLength,
int threshold) |
DataStore |
CompactedDataStoreFactory.buildDataStore(File storeFile,
SequenceStreamer streamer,
Packing packing,
int wordLength,
int stepSize,
int threshold) |
void |
SequenceStreamer.reset() |
void |
SequenceStreamer.streamNext(SeqIOListener listener) |
void |
SequenceStreamer.SequenceDBStreamer.streamNext(SeqIOListener listener) |
void |
SequenceStreamer.FileStreamer.streamNext(SeqIOListener listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Sequence |
ViewSequenceFactory.makeQueryViewSequence(String queryID) |
SeqSimilaritySearchResult |
BlastLikeSearchBuilder.makeSearchResult() |
protected Sequence |
ViewSequenceFactory.makeSubjectViewSequence(String subjectID) |
static FiniteAlphabet |
AlphabetResolver.resolveAlphabet(String identifier)
resolveAlphabet returns an appropriate
Alphabet for an arbitrary identifier. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UnigeneCluster |
UnigeneDB.addCluster(UnigeneCluster cluster)
Add a cluster to a database.
UnigeneDB |
SQLUnigeneFactory.createUnigene(URL dbURL) |
static UnigeneDB |
UnigeneTools.createUnigene(URL dbURL)
Create a new UnigeneDB instance referred to by a URL.
UnigeneDB |
FlatFileUnigeneFactory.createUnigene(URL unigeneLoc) |
UnigeneDB |
UnigeneFactory.createUnigene(URL unigeneURL) |
static UnigeneFactory |
UnigeneTools.findFactory(URL dbURL)
Find the UnigeneFactory that can accept a URL.
UnigeneCluster |
UnigeneDB.getCluster(String clusterID)
Fetch a cluster by its cluster id.
UnigeneDB |
SQLUnigeneFactory.loadUnigene(URL dbURL) |
static UnigeneDB |
UnigeneTools.loadUnigene(URL dbURL)
Load a UnigeneDB instance referred to by a URL.
UnigeneDB |
FlatFileUnigeneFactory.loadUnigene(URL unigeneLoc) |
UnigeneDB |
UnigeneFactory.loadUnigene(URL unigeneURL) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
XFFTools.annotateXFF(File xffFile,
Sequence sequence) |
static void |
XFFTools.annotateXFF(File xffFile,
Sequence sequence,
Annotation ann) |
static Sequence |
XFFTools.readXFF(File xffFile,
String seqID) |
static Sequence |
XFFTools.readXFF(File xffFile,
String seqID,
FiniteAlphabet alpha) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Adds peptides as features to the Sequence in this class.
static Protease |
ProteaseManager.createProtease(String cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
String name) |
static Protease |
ProteaseManager.createProtease(String cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
String notCleaveRes,
String name) |
static Protease |
ProteaseManager.createProtease(SymbolList cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
String name) |
static Protease |
ProteaseManager.createProtease(SymbolList cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
SymbolList notCleaveRes,
String name)
Creates and registers a new Protease.
static double |
IsoelectricPointCalc.getIsoelectricPoint(SymbolList peptide)
Static public method to compute the pI for a polypeptide in
denaturating and reduced conditions with both free ends.
double |
IsoelectricPointCalc.getPI(SymbolList peptide,
boolean hasFreeNTerm,
boolean hasFreeCTerm)
Computes isoelectric point of specified peptide.
static Protease |
Protease.getProteaseByName(String proteaseName)
Retrieves a reference to the named Protease.
static Protease |
ProteaseManager.getProteaseByName(String proteaseName)
Gets a Protease instance by name.
static void |
ProteaseManager.registerProtease(Protease prot)
Registers a protease and ensures its flyweight status
Constructor and Description |
Protease(String cleavageRes,
boolean endoProtease)
Creating a Protease with this constructor will not register it
with the ProteaseManager (use ProteaseManager.createProtease())
Protease(String cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
String notCleaveRes)
Creating a Protease with this constructor will not register it
with the ProteaseManager (use ProteaseManager.createProtease())
Protease(SymbolList cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
SymbolList notCleaveRes)
Creating a Protease with this constructor will not register it
with the ProteaseManager (use ProteaseManager.createProtease())
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolPropertyTable |
Returns the next
object. |
SymbolPropertyTable |
Returns the next
object. |
Constructor and Description |
SimpleSymbolPropertyTableDB(SymbolPropertyTableIterator tableIterator)
Initializes the database by copying all symbol property tables from
a given iterator into the database.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SeqSimilaritySearchResult |
makeSearchResult method returns a
SeqSimilaritySearchResult instance created from
accumulated data. |
SeqSimilaritySearchResult | querySeq,
SequenceDB db,
Map searchParameters)
Using this sequence similarity searcher, search with the given
sequence against the given sequence database.
Constructor and Description |
FilteringContentHandler(BlastLikeSearchFilter filter) |
FilteringContentHandler(BlastLikeSearchFilter filter,
SearchContentHandler delegate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
SequenceTools.addAllFeatures(Sequence seq,
FeatureHolder fh)
Add features to a sequence that contain the same information as all
those in a feature holder.
void |
SimpleFeatureRealizer.addImplementation(Class template,
Class impl)
Install a new mapping from a class of Feature.Template to
a class of Feature implementations.
Sequence |
SequenceAnnotator.annotate(Sequence seq)
Return an annotated version of a sequence.
Feature |
CircularView.createFeature(Feature.Template template)
Over rides ViewSequence to allow the use of locations that have
coordinates outside of the sequence length (which are needed to
describe locations that overlap the origin of a circular sequence).
Feature |
FeatureHolder.createFeature(Feature.Template ft)
Create a new Feature, and add it to this FeatureHolder.
Feature |
LazyFeatureHolder.createFeature(Feature.Template template) |
Feature |
SimpleAssembly.createFeature(Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
AbstractFeatureHolder.createFeature(Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
NewSimpleAssembly.createFeature(Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
Retrieve the Feature on some assembly Sequence that can represent this
RemoteFeature properly.
Sequence |
Returns the next sequence in the iterator.
Feature |
SimpleAssembly.realizeFeature(FeatureHolder fh,
Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
RealizingFeatureHolder.realizeFeature(FeatureHolder parent,
Feature.Template template)
Realize a feature template.
Feature |
NewSimpleAssembly.realizeFeature(FeatureHolder fh,
Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
SimpleFeatureRealizer.realizeFeature(Sequence seq,
FeatureHolder parent,
Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
FeatureRealizer.realizeFeature(Sequence seq,
FeatureHolder parent,
Feature.Template template)
Install a feature on the specified sequence.
void |
FeatureHolder.removeFeature(Feature f)
Remove a feature from this FeatureHolder.
void |
LazyFeatureHolder.removeFeature(Feature f) |
void |
AbstractFeatureHolder.removeFeature(Feature f) |
Feature |
RemoteFeature.Resolver.resolve(RemoteFeature rFeat)
Resolve rFeat.
static Object |
FilterUtils.visitFilter(FeatureFilter filter,
Visitor visitor)
Applies a visitor to a filter, and returns the visitor's result or null.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
IllegalIDException |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
IndexedSequenceDB.addFile(File seqFile)
Add sequences from a file to the sequence database.
void |
SequenceDBLite.addSequence(Sequence seq)
Adds a sequence to the database.
void |
AbstractSequenceDB.addSequence(Sequence seq) |
void |
DummySequenceDB.addSequence(Sequence seq) |
void |
Commit the stored indices to permanent storage.
void |
TabIndexStore.commit() |
void |
BioIndex.commit() |
void |
commit commits changes. |
protected Sequence |
AnnotatedSequenceDB.doAnnotation(Sequence seq)
Apply the annotation to a sequence.
Index |
IndexStore.fetch(String id)
Fetch an Index based upon an ID.
Index |
TabIndexStore.fetch(String id) |
Index |
BioIndex.fetch(String id) |
Index |
EmblCDROMIndexStore.fetch(String id) |
Sequence |
SequenceDBLite.getSequence(String id)
Retrieve a single sequence by its id.
Sequence |
ViewingSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
GenpeptSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
SwissprotSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
IndexedSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
AnnotatedSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
CachingSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
DummySequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
SubSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
WebSequenceDB.getSequence(String id)
Gets a sequence using its unique ID (eg for GenBank this would be the GI number)
SequenceDB |
GenbankSequenceDB.getSequences(Set list)
Retrieve sequences from a Genbank
SequenceDB |
GenbankSequenceDB.getSequences(Set list,
SequenceDB database)
Retrieve sequences from a Genbank
void |
SequenceDBLite.removeSequence(String id)
Remove the sequence associated with an ID from the database.
void |
AbstractSequenceDB.removeSequence(String id) |
void |
HashSequenceDB.removeSequence(String id) |
void |
DummySequenceDB.removeSequence(String id) |
void |
NCBISequenceDB.setDatabase(String dataBase) |
void |
NCBISequenceDB.setSequenceFormat(SequenceFormat format) |
void | indx)
Add the Index to the store.
void | indx) |
void | index)
store adds an Index to the store. |
Constructor and Description |
BioIndex(File indexDirectory)
Load an existing index file.
BioIndex(File indexDirectory,
String namespace,
int idLength) |
SubSequenceDB(SequenceDB parent,
Set ids) |
TabIndexStore(File storeFile,
File indexFile,
String name,
SequenceFormat format,
SequenceBuilderFactory sbFactory,
SymbolTokenization symbolParser)
Create a new TabIndexStore.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Sequence |
BioFetchSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
SequenceDBLite |
BioFetchSequenceDBProvider.getSequenceDB(Map config) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Taxon |
TaxonSQL.addName(Connection conn,
Taxon taxon,
String nameClass,
String newName)
Adds a new name of the given
nameClass to the taxon. |
void |
BioSQLSequenceDB.addSequence(Sequence seq)
void |
BioSQLSequenceDB.createDummySequence(String id,
Alphabet alphabet,
int length)
static Stack |
TaxonSQL.getChildrenOf(Connection conn,
String scientificName)
Returns all children of the specified taxon.
static Stack |
TaxonSQL.getChildrenOf(Connection conn,
Taxon t)
Returns the children as a
Stack of this given taxon. |
Sequence |
BioSQLSequenceDB.getSequence(int bioentry_id)
Sequence |
BioSQLSequenceDB.getSequence(String id)
SequenceDBLite |
BioSQLSequenceDBProvider.getSequenceDB(Map config)
static Taxon |
TaxonSQL.removeName(Connection conn,
DBHelper helper,
Taxon taxon,
String nameClass,
String oldName)
Deletes the specified name from of the taxon from the database.
void |
BioSQLSequenceDB.removeSequence(String id)
static Taxon |
TaxonSQL.removeTaxon(Connection conn,
DBHelper helper,
String name)
Deletes a taxon specified by one of it's names with all it's different
names, annotations and sequences from the database.
static Taxon |
TaxonSQL.removeTaxon(Connection conn,
int ncbi_id,
DBHelper helper)
Deletes the taxon given by it's NCBI-Taxon-ID from the database and returns the
removed taxon.
static Taxon |
TaxonSQL.setCommonName(Connection conn,
Taxon taxon,
String newName)
With this method the common name of the given taxon can be changed or created,
if there was none before.
Constructor and Description |
BioSQLSequenceDB(DataSource ds,
String biodatabase,
boolean create)
BioSQLSequenceDB(String dbURL,
String dbUser,
String dbPass,
String biodatabase,
boolean create)
Connect to a BioSQL database.
BioSQLSequenceDB(String dbDriver,
String dbURL,
String dbUser,
String dbPass,
String biodatabase,
boolean create)
Connect to a BioSQL database.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Sequence |
FlatSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
SequenceDBLite |
FlatSequenceDBProvider.getSequenceDB(Map config) |
Constructor and Description |
FlatSequenceDB(String location,
String dbName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FeatureHolder |
DistDataSource.getFeatures(FeatureFilter ff)
Get all features matching a FeatureFilter provided by this DistDataSource.
FeatureHolder |
GFFDataSource.getFeatures(FeatureFilter ff) |
FeatureHolder |
SequenceDBDataSource.getFeatures(FeatureFilter ff) |
FeatureHolder |
DistDataSource.getFeatures(String id,
FeatureFilter ff,
boolean recurse)
Get all features matching a FeatureFilter on a Sequence with an ID and recurse flats.
FeatureHolder |
GFFDataSource.getFeatures(String id,
FeatureFilter ff,
boolean recurse) |
FeatureHolder |
SequenceDBDataSource.getFeatures(String id,
FeatureFilter ff,
boolean recurse) |
Sequence |
DistDataSource.getSequence(String id)
Get a Sequence object for an ID.
Sequence |
GFFDataSource.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
SequenceDBDataSource.getSequence(String id) |
Sequence |
DistributedSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
boolean |
DistDataSource.hasFeatures(String id)
Find out if this DistDataSource can provide features on a sequence with a particular ID.
boolean |
GFFDataSource.hasFeatures(String id) |
boolean |
SequenceDBDataSource.hasFeatures(String id) |
boolean |
DistDataSource.hasSequence(String id)
Find out if this DistDataSource provides the sequence information for a sequence ID.
boolean |
GFFDataSource.hasSequence(String id) |
boolean |
SequenceDBDataSource.hasSequence(String id) |
Set |
DistDataSource.ids(boolean topLevel)
Get the complete set of sequence IDs provided by this DistDataSource.
Set |
GFFDataSource.ids(boolean topLevel) |
Set |
SequenceDBDataSource.ids(boolean topLevel) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SimpleHomology.setAlignment(Alignment alignment)
setAlignment sets the alignment which describes
the homology. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Feature |
SimpleSequence.createFeature(Feature.Template template) |
Feature |
DummySequence.createFeature(Feature.Template template) |
Feature |
SubSequence.createFeature(Feature.Template templ) |
Feature |
ViewSequence.createFeature(Feature.Template template) |
Feature |
LazyFilterFeatureHolder.createFeature(Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
RevCompSequence.createFeature(Feature.Template ft)
createFeature() will call createFeature() on the underlying Sequence.
Feature |
SimpleGappedSequence.createFeature(Feature.Template templ) |
Feature |
SimpleFeature.createFeature(Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
SimpleSequence.createFeature(FeatureHolder fh,
Feature.Template template)
Please use new 1-arg createFeature instead.
Feature |
SimpleRemoteFeature.getRemoteFeature() |
static Feature.Template |
TemplateUtils.instantiateTemplate(Feature feat)
This attempts to divine the 'best' template class for a feature and return
a new instance readly for pupulating.
static Feature.Template |
TemplateUtils.makeTemplate(Feature feat) |
static void |
TemplateUtils.populate(Feature.Template templ,
Feature feat)
This attempts to populate the fields of a template using
the publically accessible information in a feature.
Feature |
SimpleSequence.realizeFeature(FeatureHolder parent,
Feature.Template template) |
Feature |
ViewSequence.realizeFeature(FeatureHolder parent,
Feature.Template template) |
Feature |
SimpleFeature.realizeFeature(FeatureHolder fh,
Feature.Template templ) |
void |
SimpleSequence.removeFeature(Feature f)
Remove a feature attached to this sequence.
void |
DummySequence.removeFeature(Feature feature) |
void |
SubSequence.removeFeature(Feature f) |
void |
LazyFilterFeatureHolder.removeFeature(Feature f) |
void |
RevCompSequence.removeFeature(Feature f) |
void |
SimpleGappedSequence.removeFeature(Feature f) |
Feature |
SimpleRemoteFeature.DBResolver.resolve(RemoteFeature rFeat) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ParseException should be thrown to indicate that there was a problem with
parsing sequence information.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ComponentFeature |
SimpleAssemblyBuilder.addComponentSequence(ComponentFeature.Template cft) |
static void |
SeqIOTools.biojavaToFile(int fileType,
OutputStream os,
Object biojava)
Converts a Biojava object to the given filetype.
static void |
SeqIOTools.biojavaToFile(String formatName,
String alphabetName,
OutputStream os,
Object biojava)
Writes a Biojava
SequenceIterator ,
SequenceDB , Sequence or Aligment
to an OutputStream |
void |
void |
FeatureTableParser.featureData(String line)
static Object |
SeqIOTools.fileToBiojava(int fileType,
BufferedReader br)
Reads a file and returns the corresponding Biojava object.
static Object |
SeqIOTools.fileToBiojava(String formatName,
String alphabetName,
BufferedReader br)
Reads a file with the specified format and alphabet
static SequenceBuilderFactory |
SeqIOTools.formatToFactory(SequenceFormat format,
Alphabet alpha)
as this essentially duplicates the operation
available in the method
identifyBuilderFactory . |
static FiniteAlphabet |
SeqIOTools.getAlphabet(int identifier)
getAlphabet accepts a value which represents a
sequence format and returns the relevant
FiniteAlphabet object. |
static SequenceBuilderFactory |
SeqIOTools.getBuilderFactory(int identifier)
getBuilderFactory accepts a value which represents
a sequence format and returns the relevant
SequenceBuilderFactory object. |
static SequenceFormat |
SeqIOTools.getSequenceFormat(int identifier)
getSequenceFormat accepts a value which represents
a sequence format and returns the relevant
SequenceFormat object. |
SymbolList |
ChunkedSymbolListFactory.make(SymbolReader sr)
Method to create a Sequence with a SymbolReader.
Sequence |
create the sequence
Sequence |
SmartSequenceBuilder.makeSequence() |
Sequence |
SimpleSequenceBuilder.makeSequence() |
Sequence |
Return the Sequence object which has been constructed
by this builder.
Sequence |
SimpleAssemblyBuilder.makeSequence() |
Sequence |
SequenceBuilderBase.makeSequence() |
Sequence |
SequenceBuilderFilter.makeSequence() |
Sequence |
Pull the next sequence out of the stream.
Feature.Template |
EmblLikeLocationParser.parseLocation(String location,
Feature.Template theTemplate)
parseLocation creates a Location from
the String and returns a stranded location. |
static SequenceDB |
SeqIOTools.readFasta(InputStream seqFile,
Alphabet alpha)
Create a sequence database from a fasta file provided as an
input stream.
boolean |
SequenceFormat.readSequence(BufferedReader reader,
SymbolTokenization symParser,
SeqIOListener listener)
Read a sequence and pass data on to a SeqIOListener.
void |
FeatureTableParser.startFeature(String type)
void |
MSFAlignmentFormat.write(OutputStream os,
Alignment align,
int fileType) |
void |
FastaAlignmentFormat.write(OutputStream os,
Alignment align,
int fileType)
Writes out the alignment to an FASTA file.
void |
MSFAlignmentFormat.writeDna(OutputStream os,
Alignment align) |
void |
FastaAlignmentFormat.writeDna(OutputStream os,
Alignment align) |
static void |
SeqIOTools.writeGenpept(OutputStream os,
Sequence seq)
Writes a single Sequence to an OutputStream in Genpept format.
static void |
SeqIOTools.writeGenpept(OutputStream os,
SequenceIterator in)
Writes a stream of Sequences to an OutputStream in Genpept
void |
MSFAlignmentFormat.writeProtein(OutputStream os,
Alignment align) |
void |
FastaAlignmentFormat.writeProtein(OutputStream os,
Alignment align) |
static void |
SeqIOTools.writeSwissprot(OutputStream os,
Sequence seq)
Writes a single Sequence to an OutputStream in SwissProt format.
static void |
SeqIOTools.writeSwissprot(OutputStream os,
SequenceIterator in)
Writes a stream of Sequences to an OutputStream in SwissProt
Constructor and Description |
CrossProductTokenization(Alphabet alpha) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Feature |
ProjectedFeatureHolder.createFeature(Feature.Template templ) |
Feature |
ProjectionContext.createFeature(Feature.Template projTempl)
Create a projected feature with properties matching the template.
Feature |
ReparentContext.createFeature(Feature.Template projTempl) |
Feature |
ProjectedFeature.createFeature(Feature.Template temp) |
Feature |
ProjectionContext.createFeature(Feature projParent,
Feature.Template projTempl)
Create a new projected feature.
Feature |
ReparentContext.createFeature(Feature f,
Feature.Template projTempl) |
void |
ProjectedFeatureHolder.removeFeature(Feature dyingChild) |
void |
ProjectionContext.removeFeature(Feature dyingChild)
Remove the dying child.
void |
ReparentContext.removeFeature(Feature dyingChild) |
void |
ProjectedFeature.removeFeature(Feature f) |
void |
ProjectionContext.removeFeature(Feature projParent,
Feature dyingChild)
Remove the dying child.
void |
ReparentContext.removeFeature(Feature f,
Feature f2) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
The exception to indicate that an invalid alphabet has been used.
class |
The exception to indicate that a symbol is not valid within a context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AlphabetIndex |
AlphabetManager.getAlphabetIndex(Symbol[] syms)
Get an indexer for an array of symbols.
SymbolTokenization |
DoubleAlphabet.SubDoubleAlphabet.getTokenization(String name) |
SymbolTokenization |
Alphabet.getTokenization(String name)
Get a SymbolTokenization by name.
SymbolTokenization |
AbstractAlphabet.getTokenization(String name) |
SymbolTokenization |
SoftMaskedAlphabet.getTokenization(String type) |
static void |
AlphabetManager.loadAlphabets(InputSource is)
Load additional Alphabets, defined in XML format, into the AlphabetManager's registry.
static MergeLocation |
MergeLocation.mergeLocations(List componentLocations)
Static Factory method for getting an instance of a
MergeLocation |
static MergeLocation |
MergeLocation.mergeLocations(Location locA,
Location locB) |
void |
CodonPrefFilter.put(CodonPref codonPref)
handles storage of a CodonPref object
void |
CodonPrefFilter.ByName.put(CodonPref codonPref) |
void |
CodonPrefFilter.EverythingToXML.put(CodonPref codonPref) |
static CodonPref[] |
CodonPrefTools.readFromXML(InputStream prefStream) |
static void |
CodonPrefTools.readFromXML(InputStream prefStream,
CodonPrefFilter filter)
read an CodonPref XML stream and handle it with a CodonPrefFilter object.
static CodonPref |
CodonPrefTools.readFromXML(InputStream prefStream,
String name)
reads a specified CodonPref from an file.
static void |
CodonPrefTools.writeToXML(CodonPref codonPref,
PrintWriter writer)
write out a specified CodonPref object in XML format.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
replaced by classes in |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SequenceDBLite |
Registry.getDatabase(String dbName)
getDatabase retrieves a database instance known by
a name String . |
SequenceDBLite |
SequenceDBProvider.getSequenceDB(Map config)
Get a sequence database.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An exception thrown by classes of this package.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
BinarySearch.solve(double min,
double max,
double tolerance,
ComputeObject obj)
method that will attempt solving the equation.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An exception thrown by classes of this package.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Walker |
WalkerFactory.getWalker(Visitor visitor)
Get a Walker that is customosed to a particular visitor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BioEntry |
BioEntryIterator.nextBioEntry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties.getAlignmentOption(String key)
Method that returns the value associated with the key given in parameter.
InputStream |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentService.getAlignmentResults(String rid,
RemotePairwiseAlignmentOutputProperties out)
Getting the actual alignment results from this instantiated service for a given ID with specific
formatting parameters held in a RemotePairwiseAlignmentOutputProperties-implemented object.
String |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentOutputProperties.getOutputOption(String key)
Method that returns the value associated with the key given in parameter.
boolean |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentService.isReady(String id,
long present)
Simple method to check if the specified request has been completed by the service used.
String |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentService.sendAlignmentRequest(RichSequence rs,
RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties rpa)
Doing the actual analysis on the instantiated service using specified parameters and the RichSequence object
String |
RemotePairwiseAlignmentService.sendAlignmentRequest(String str,
RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties rpa)
Doing the actual analysis on the instantiated service using specified parameters on the string representation
of the Sequence object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
RemoteQBlastAlignmentProperties.getAlignmentOption(String key) |
InputStream |
RemoteQBlastService.getAlignmentResults(String id,
RemotePairwiseAlignmentOutputProperties rb)
This method extracts the actual Blast report for this request ID.
String |
RemoteQBlastOutputProperties.getOutputOption(String o)
Method that returns any value associated to any key for this RemoteQBlastOutputProperties object.
boolean |
RemoteQBlastService.isReady(String id,
long present)
This method is used only for the executeBlastSearch method to check for
completion of request using the NCBI specified RTOE variable
void |
A simple method to check the availability of the QBlast service
String |
RemoteQBlastService.sendAlignmentRequest(int gid,
RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties rpa)
This method is a wrapper that executes the Blast request via the Put
command of the CGI-BIN interface with the specified parameters and a
GenBank GID.
String |
RemoteQBlastService.sendAlignmentRequest(RichSequence rs,
RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties rpa)
This method is a wrapper that executes the Blast request via the Put
command of the CGI-BIN interface with the specified parameters and a
String |
RemoteQBlastService.sendAlignmentRequest(String str,
RemotePairwiseAlignmentProperties rpa)
This method is a wrapper that executes the Blast request via the Put
command of the CGI-BIN interface with the specified parameters and a
string representing the sequence.
void |
RemoteQBlastOutputProperties.setAlignmentOutputFormat(RemoteQBlastOutputFormat rf)
This method is use to set the alignment output format to get from the QBlast service
void |
RemoteQBlastAlignmentProperties.setBlastProgram(String program)
This method set the program to be use with blastall.
void |
RemoteQBlastOutputProperties.setOutputFormat(RemoteQBlastOutputFormat rf)
This method is use to set the stream output format to get from the QBlast service
Constructor and Description |
The constructor for a QBlast service request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BioEntryDBLite.addBioEntry(BioEntry seq)
Adds a sequence to the database.
void |
HashBioEntryDB.addBioEntry(BioEntry seq)
Add a BioEntry, the name of the BioEntry will be used as the ID
void |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.addBioEntry(BioEntry seq) |
void |
AbstractBioEntryDB.addBioEntry(BioEntry seq) |
protected void |
HashBioEntryDB.addBioEntry(String id,
BioEntry seq) |
void |
HashRichSequenceDB.addRichSequence(RichSequence seq)
Add a sequence.
void |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.addRichSequence(RichSequence seq) |
void |
RichSequenceDBLite.addRichSequence(RichSequence seq)
Adds a sequence to the database.
protected void |
HashRichSequenceDB.addRichSequence(String id,
RichSequence seq) |
void |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.addSequence(Sequence seq) |
BioEntry |
BioEntryDBLite.getBioEntry(String id)
Retrieve a single BioEntry by its id.
BioEntry |
HashBioEntryDB.getBioEntry(String id) |
BioEntry |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.getBioEntry(String id) |
BioEntryDB |
BioEntryDBLite.getBioEntrys(Set ids)
Retrieve multiple BioEntry by their ids.
BioEntryDB |
HashBioEntryDB.getBioEntrys(Set ids) |
BioEntryDB |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.getBioEntrys(Set ids) |
BioEntryDB |
BioEntryDBLite.getBioEntrys(Set ids,
BioEntryDB db)
Retrieve multiple BioEntry into a specific sequence database.
BioEntryDB |
HashBioEntryDB.getBioEntrys(Set ids,
BioEntryDB db) |
BioEntryDB |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.getBioEntrys(Set ids,
BioEntryDB db) |
RichSequence |
HashRichSequenceDB.getRichSequence(String id) |
RichSequence |
RichSequenceDBLite.getRichSequence(String id)
Retrieve a single RichSequence by its id.
RichSequenceDB |
HashRichSequenceDB.getRichSequences(Set ids) |
RichSequenceDB |
RichSequenceDBLite.getRichSequences(Set ids)
Retrieve multiple RichSequence by its id.
RichSequenceDB |
HashRichSequenceDB.getRichSequences(Set ids,
RichSequenceDB db) |
RichSequenceDB |
RichSequenceDBLite.getRichSequences(Set ids,
RichSequenceDB db)
Retrieve multiple RichSequence into a specific sequence database.
Sequence |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.getSequence(String id) |
void |
BioEntryDBLite.removeBioEntry(String id)
Remove the BioEntry associated with an ID from the database.
void |
HashBioEntryDB.removeBioEntry(String id) |
void |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.removeBioEntry(String id) |
void |
AbstractBioEntryDB.removeBioEntry(String id) |
void |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.removeRichSequence(String id) |
void |
RichSequenceDBLite.removeRichSequence(String id)
Remove the RichSequence associated with an ID from the database.
void |
HashRichSequenceDB.removeSequence(String id) |
void |
AbstractRichSequenceDB.removeSequence(String id) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BioSQLBioEntryDB._addBioEntry(BioEntry seq) |
void |
BioSQLBioEntryDB.addBioEntry(BioEntry seq) |
void |
BioSQLRichSequenceDB.addRichSequence(RichSequence seq) |
RichSequence |
BioSQLRichSequenceDB.fullyLoadRichSequence(RichSequence id) |
BioEntry |
BioSQLBioEntryDB.getBioEntry(String id) |
BioEntryDB |
BioSQLBioEntryDB.getBioEntrys(Set ids) |
BioEntryDB |
BioSQLBioEntryDB.getBioEntrys(Set ids,
BioEntryDB db) |
RichSequence |
BioSQLRichSequenceDB.getRichSequence(String id) |
RichSequenceDB |
BioSQLRichSequenceDB.getRichSequences(Set ids) |
RichSequenceDB |
BioSQLRichSequenceDB.getRichSequences(Set ids,
RichSequenceDB db) |
void |
BioSQLBioEntryDB.removeBioEntry(String id) |
void |
BioSQLRichSequenceDB.removeRichSequence(String id) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RichSequence |
GenpeptRichSequenceDB.getRichSequence(String id)
Given the appropriate Genbank ID, return the matching RichSequence object.
RichSequence |
GenbankRichSequenceDB.getRichSequence(String id)
Given the appropriate Genbank ID, return the matching RichSequence object.
RichSequence |
GenpeptRichSequenceDB.getRichSequence(String id,
Namespace nsp)
Given the appropriate Genbank ID, return the matching RichSequence object.
RichSequence |
GenbankRichSequenceDB.getRichSequence(String id,
Namespace nsp)
Given the appropriate Genbank ID, return the matching RichSequence object.
RichSequenceDB |
GenpeptRichSequenceDB.getRichSequences(Set list)
Retrieve rich sequences from a Genbank
RichSequenceDB |
GenbankRichSequenceDB.getRichSequences(Set list)
Retrieve rich sequences from a Genbank
RichSequenceDB |
GenpeptRichSequenceDB.getRichSequences(Set list,
RichSequenceDB database)
Retrieve rich sequences from a Genbank
RichSequenceDB |
GenbankRichSequenceDB.getRichSequences(Set list,
RichSequenceDB database)
Retrieve rich sequences from a Genbank
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Feature |
ThinRichSequence.createFeature(Feature.Template ft)
Create a new Feature, and add it to this FeatureHolder.
Feature |
SimpleRichFeature.createFeature(Feature.Template ft)
Create a new Feature, and add it to this FeatureHolder.
static RichSequence |
RichSequence.Tools.createRichSequence(Namespace ns,
String name,
String seqString,
Alphabet alpha)
Create a new RichSequence in the specified namespace.
static RichSequence |
RichSequence.Tools.createRichSequence(String name,
String seqString,
Alphabet alpha)
Create a new RichSequence in the default namespace.
static RichSequence |
RichSequence.Tools.createRichSequence(String namespace,
String name,
String seqString,
Alphabet alpha)
Create a new RichSequence in the specified namespace.
RichSequence |
RichSequenceIterator.nextRichSequence() |
static RichSequenceIterator |
RichSequence.IOTools.readHashedFastaDNA(BufferedInputStream is,
Namespace ns)
Iterate over the sequences in an FASTA-format stream of DNA
void |
ThinRichSequence.removeFeature(Feature f)
Remove a feature from this FeatureHolder.
void |
SimpleRichFeature.removeFeature(Feature f)
Remove a feature from this FeatureHolder.
protected void |
ThinRichSequence.setAlphabetName(String alphaname) |
protected void |
SimpleRichSequence.setAlphabetName(String alphaname) |
protected void |
SimpleRichSequence.setStringSequence(String seq) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RichSequence |
Build a RichSequence.
RichSequence |
Build a RichSequence.
Sequence |
Return the Sequence object which has been constructed
by this builder.
Sequence |
Return the Sequence object which has been constructed
by this builder.
BioEntry |
RichStreamReader.nextBioEntry() |
BioEntry |
HashedFastaIterator.nextBioEntry() |
RichSequence |
RichStreamReader.nextRichSequence() |
RichSequence |
HashedFastaIterator.nextRichSequence() |
Sequence |
Returns the next sequence in the iterator.
Sequence |
HashedFastaIterator.nextSequence() |
boolean |
RichSequenceFormat.readRichSequence(BufferedReader reader,
SymbolTokenization symParser,
RichSeqIOListener listener,
Namespace ns)
Reads a sequence from the given buffered reader using the given tokenizer to parse
sequence symbols.
Constructor and Description |
HashedFastaIterator(BufferedInputStream is,
Alphabet alpha,
Namespace ns) |
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