Package | Description |
---|---| |
Classes to generate and describe sequence alignments.
| |
Interfaces and classes for chromatogram data, as produced by DNA sequencing equipment.
| |
Probability distributions over Alphabets.
| |
HMM and Dynamic Programming Algorithms.
| | | |
Graphical interfaces for biojava objects.
| |
Tools for working with profile Hidden Markov Models from the HMMer package.
| |
Classes and interfaces to load Amino Acid Index database files.
| |
Classes and interfaces for defining biological sequences and informatics
| |
Collections of biological sequence data.
| |
General purpose Sequence storage in a relational database.
| |
The classes and interfaces for defining sequence similarity and
| |
Standard in-memory implementations of
Sequence and
Feature . | |
Classes and interfaces for processing and producing flat-file representations
of sequences.
| |
Representation of the Symbols that make up a sequence, and locations within
org.biojavax |
The Biojava extensions packages, classes that extend the core biojava
The biojavax packages contain a number of extensions to the core biojava
| |
Interface between biojava and biosql databases
| |
Rich implementations of Sequences, Locations and Features.
| |
Classes to support the I/O of RichSequence and
Bioentry objects.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Alphabet |
AbstractULAlignment.alphabet |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
FlexibleAlignment.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
AbstractULAlignment.SubULAlignment.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleAlignment.getAlphabet() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SymbolList |
AbstractChromatogram.createImmutableSymbolList(Alphabet alpha,
List syms)
A factory method for creating new symbol lists with a given alphabet.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
UniformDistribution.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
IndexedCount.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
TranslatedDistribution.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleDistribution.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
The alphabet from which this spectrum emits symbols.
Alphabet |
The alphabet from which this Count is over.
Alphabet |
GapDistribution.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
AbstractOrderNDistribution.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
PairDistribution.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
Get the conditioned alphabet.
Alphabet |
Get the conditioned alphabet.
Alphabet |
Get the conditioning alphabet of this distribution.
Alphabet |
Get the conditioning alphabet of this distribution.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Distribution |
DistributionFactory.createDistribution(Alphabet alpha)
Generate a new Distribution as requested.
Distribution |
DistributionFactory.DefaultDistributionFactory.createDistribution(Alphabet alpha) |
Distribution |
OrderNDistributionFactory.createDistribution(Alphabet alpha)
Creates an OrderNDistribution of the appropriate type.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractOrderNDistribution(Alphabet alpha)
Construct a new NthOrderDistribution.
GapDistribution(Alphabet alpha)
Get a GapDistribution for an alphabet.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
WMAsMM.emissionAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
Alphabet that is emitted by the emission states.
Alphabet |
SimpleMarkovModel.emissionAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleWeightMatrix.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
The alphabet for the sequences that this weight matrix models.
Alphabet |
SimpleStatePath.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleEmissionState.getMatches() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MagicalState |
MagicalState.getMagicalState(Alphabet alphabet,
int heads) |
Constructor and Description |
ProfileHMM(Alphabet alpha,
int columns,
DistributionFactory matchFactory,
DistributionFactory insertFactory)
ProfileHMM(Alphabet alpha,
int columns,
DistributionFactory matchFactory,
DistributionFactory insertFactory,
String name)
Create a new ProfileHMM.
SimpleMarkovModel(int heads,
Alphabet emissionAlpha)
SimpleMarkovModel(int heads,
Alphabet emissionAlpha,
String name) |
SimpleWeightMatrix(Alphabet alpha,
int columns,
DistributionFactory dFact) |
Constructor and Description |
EmissionCache(Alphabet alpha,
State[] states,
int dsi,
ScoreType scoreType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
SimpleSymbolStyle.getAlphabet() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Map |
SimpleSymbolStyle.getStandardFillPaints(Alphabet alpha) |
static Map |
SimpleSymbolStyle.getStandardOutlinePaints(Alphabet alpha) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Alphabet |
HmmerProfileParser.alph |
Constructor and Description |
HmmerProfileHMM(Alphabet alpha,
int columns,
DistributionFactory matchFactory,
DistributionFactory insertFactory,
String name) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Alphabet |
The alphabet of the symbol property table, that is
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
SimpleAssembly.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
NewSimpleAssembly.getAlphabet() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Sequence |
SequenceTools.createDummy(Alphabet alpha,
int length,
Symbol sym,
String uri,
String name)
Create a new Sequence that contains a single symbol repeated over and over.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Alphabet |
GenbankSequenceDB.getAlphabet() |
protected Alphabet |
GenpeptSequenceDB.getAlphabet() |
protected Alphabet |
NCBISequenceDB.getAlphabet() |
protected Alphabet |
SwissprotSequenceDB.getAlphabet() |
protected abstract Alphabet |
WebSequenceDB.getAlphabet() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BioSQLSequenceDB.createDummySequence(String id,
Alphabet alphabet,
int length)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
SimilarityPairFeature.EmptyPairwiseAlignment.getAlphabet() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
NewAssembledSymbolList.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleSequence.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
DummySequence.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SubSequence.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
ViewSequence.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
AssembledSymbolList.getAlphabet() |
Constructor and Description |
SimpleGappedSequence(Alphabet alpha) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
CharacterTokenization.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
AlternateTokenization.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
WordTokenization.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
Find the alphabet of all symbols which may be returned by
this SymbolReader.
Alphabet |
The alphabet to which this tokenization applies.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SequenceDBSequenceBuilder.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int pos,
int len)
does nothing for now.
void |
SeqIOFilter.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length) |
void |
SeqIOListener.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length)
Notify the listener of symbol data.
void |
SmartSequenceBuilder.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int pos,
int len) |
void |
SimpleSequenceBuilder.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int pos,
int len) |
void |
ChunkedSymbolListFactory.addSymbols(Alphabet alfa,
Symbol[] syms,
int pos,
int len)
tool to construct the SymbolList by adding Symbols.
void |
EmblFileFormer.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length)
void |
ProteinRefSeqFileFormer.addSymbols(Alphabet theAlphabet,
Symbol[] theSymbols,
int theStart,
int theLength)
void |
SwissprotFileFormer.addSymbols(Alphabet theAlphabet,
Symbol[] theSymbols,
int theStart,
int theLength)
Prints out the sequences properties in order.
void |
SimpleAssemblyBuilder.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int pos,
int len) |
abstract void |
SequenceBuilderBase.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int pos,
int len) |
void |
GenbankFileFormer.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length)
void |
SequenceBuilderFilter.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length) |
void |
SeqIOAdapter.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length) |
protected List |
ProteinRefSeqFileFormer.breakSymbolArray(Alphabet theAlphabet,
Symbol[] theSymbols,
int theStart,
int theLength)
Converts the symbol list passed in into an array of strings.
protected List |
SwissprotFileFormer.breakSymbolArray(Alphabet theAlphabet,
Symbol[] theSymbols,
int theStart,
int theLength)
Converts the symbol list passed in into an array of strings.
static SequenceBuilderFactory |
SeqIOTools.formatToFactory(SequenceFormat format,
Alphabet alpha)
as this essentially duplicates the operation
available in the method
identifyBuilderFactory . |
protected void |
SwissprotFileFormer.printOutSequenceHeaderLine(Alphabet theAlphabet,
Symbol[] theSymbols,
int theStart,
int theLength)
Prints out sequence header with only length data.
static SequenceDB |
SeqIOTools.readFasta(InputStream seqFile,
Alphabet alpha)
Create a sequence database from a fasta file provided as an
input stream.
Constructor and Description |
AlternateTokenization(Alphabet alpha,
boolean caseSensitive) |
CharacterTokenization(Alphabet alpha,
boolean caseSensitive) |
CrossProductTokenization(Alphabet alpha) |
CrossProductTokenization(Alphabet alpha,
List tokenizers) |
WordTokenization(Alphabet fab) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
An alphabet over a finite set of Symbols.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An abstract implementation of
Alphabet . |
class |
An efficient implementation of an Alphabet over the infinite set of double
static class |
A class to represent a contiguous range of double symbols.
class |
An efficient implementation of an Alphabet over the infinite set of integer
static class |
A class to represent a finite contiguous subset of the infinite IntegerAlphabet
class |
A simple no-frills implementation of the FiniteAlphabet interface.
class |
An alphabet that contains a single atomic symbol.
class |
Soft masking is usually displayed by making the masked regions somehow
different from the non masked regions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Alphabet |
AlphabetManager.alphabetForName(String name)
Retrieve the alphabet for a specific name.
protected Alphabet |
SimpleAtomicSymbol.createMatches() |
static Alphabet |
AlphabetManager.generateCrossProductAlphaFromName(String name)
Generates a new CrossProductAlphabet from the give name.
Alphabet |
The alphabet that this SymbolList is over.
Alphabet |
RelabeledAlignment.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
DummySymbolList.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
Get the alphabet of this SymbolList.
Alphabet |
PackedSymbolList.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
ChunkedSymbolList.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleSymbolPropertyTable.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleGappedSymbolList.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SymbolPropertyTable.getAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SoftMaskedAlphabet.CaseSensitiveTokenization.getAlphabet() |
static Alphabet |
AlphabetManager.getCrossProductAlphabet(List aList)
Retrieve a CrossProductAlphabet instance over the alphabets in aList.
static Alphabet |
AlphabetManager.getCrossProductAlphabet(List aList,
Alphabet parent)
Retrieve a CrossProductAlphabet instance over the alphabets in aList.
static Alphabet |
AlphabetManager.getCrossProductAlphabet(List aList,
String name)
Attempts to create a cross product alphabet and register it under a name.
Alphabet |
IntegerAlphabet.IntegerSymbol.getMatches() |
Alphabet |
DoubleAlphabet.DoubleSymbol.getMatches() |
Alphabet |
DoubleAlphabet.DoubleRange.getMatches() |
Alphabet |
The alphabet containing the symbols matched by this ambiguity symbol.
Alphabet |
FundamentalAtomicSymbol.getMatches() |
Alphabet |
The alphabet of Symbols that can be translated.
Alphabet |
SimpleManyToOneTranslationTable.getSourceAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleReversibleTranslationTable.getSourceAlphabet() |
abstract Alphabet |
AbstractManyToOneTranslationTable.getSourceAlphabet() |
abstract Alphabet |
AbstractReversibleTranslationTable.getSourceAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleTranslationTable.getSourceAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
The alphabet of Symbols that will be produced.
Alphabet |
SimpleManyToOneTranslationTable.getTargetAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleReversibleTranslationTable.getTargetAlphabet() |
abstract Alphabet |
AbstractManyToOneTranslationTable.getTargetAlphabet() |
abstract Alphabet |
AbstractReversibleTranslationTable.getTargetAlphabet() |
Alphabet |
SimpleTranslationTable.getTargetAlphabet() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Alphabet> |
Return an ordered List of the alphabets which make up a
compound alphabet.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Symbol |
AlphabetManager.createSymbol(Annotation annotation,
List symList,
Alphabet alpha)
Generates a new Symbol instance that represents the tuple of Symbols in
static Symbol |
AlphabetManager.createSymbol(Annotation annotation,
Set symSet,
Alphabet alpha)
Generates a new Symbol instance that represents the tuple of Symbols in
static Symbol |
AlphabetManager.createSymbol(char token,
Annotation annotation,
List symList,
Alphabet alpha)
use the new version, without the token argument
static Symbol |
AlphabetManager.createSymbol(char token,
Annotation annotation,
Set symSet,
Alphabet alpha)
use the three-arg version of this method instead.
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.emptyList(Alphabet alpha)
Get a new immutable, empty symbol list with the given alphabet.
static List |
AlphabetManager.factorize(Alphabet alpha,
Set symSet)
Return a list of BasisSymbol instances that uniquely sum up all
instances in symSet.
static Alphabet |
AlphabetManager.getCrossProductAlphabet(List aList,
Alphabet parent)
Retrieve a CrossProductAlphabet instance over the alphabets in aList.
SymbolList |
PackedSymbolListFactory.makeSymbolList(Symbol[] symbolArray,
int size,
Alphabet alfa)
Makes a packed SymbolList out of a list of Symbols.
SymbolList |
SymbolListFactory.makeSymbolList(Symbol[] symbolArray,
int size,
Alphabet alfa)
makes a SymbolList containing size Symbols from a Symbol array.
SymbolList |
SimpleSymbolListFactory.makeSymbolList(Symbol[] symbolArray,
int size,
Alphabet alfa)
Create a factory for SimpleSymbolLists.
static void |
AlphabetManager.registerAlphabet(String[] names,
Alphabet alphabet)
Register and Alphabet by more than one name.
static void |
AlphabetManager.registerAlphabet(String name,
Alphabet alphabet)
Register an alphabet by name.
Constructor and Description |
ChunkedSymbolList(SymbolList[] chunks,
int chunkSize,
int length,
Alphabet alpha) |
DummySymbolList(Alphabet alpha,
int length,
Symbol sym) |
Edit(int pos,
Alphabet alpha,
Symbol replacement)
Convenience construtor for making single residue changes
PackedSymbolList(Packing packing,
Symbol[] symbols,
int length,
Alphabet alfa)
Create a new PackedSymbolList from an array of Symbols.
SimpleGappedSymbolList(Alphabet alpha) |
SimpleSymbolList(Alphabet alpha)
Construct an empty SimpleSymbolList.
SimpleSymbolList(Alphabet alpha,
List rList)
Construct a SymbolList containing the symbols in the specified list.
SimpleSymbolList(Symbol[] symbols,
int length,
Alphabet alphabet)
Construct a SimpleSymbolList given the Symbol array that backs it.
SimpleSymbolPropertyTable(Alphabet source,
String name) |
SimpleTranslationTable(FiniteAlphabet source,
Alphabet target)
Create a new translation table that will translate symbols from source to
SimpleTranslationTable(FiniteAlphabet source,
Alphabet target,
Map transMap)
Create a new translation table that will translate symbols from source to
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
DummyCrossReferenceResolver.getRemoteSymbolList(CrossRef cr,
Alphabet a)
Given a cross reference, return the corresponding symbol list.
SymbolList |
CrossReferenceResolver.getRemoteSymbolList(CrossRef cr,
Alphabet a)
Given a cross reference, return the corresponding symbol list.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
BioSQLCrossReferenceResolver.getRemoteSymbolList(CrossRef cr,
Alphabet a)
Given a cross reference, return the corresponding symbol list.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Alphabet |
The alphabet that this SymbolList is over.
Alphabet |
The alphabet that this SymbolList is over.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RichSequence |
RichSequence.Tools.createRichSequence(Namespace ns,
String name,
String seqString,
Alphabet alpha)
Create a new RichSequence in the specified namespace.
static RichSequence |
RichSequence.Tools.createRichSequence(String name,
String seqString,
Alphabet alpha)
Create a new RichSequence in the default namespace.
static RichSequence |
RichSequence.Tools.createRichSequence(String namespace,
String name,
String seqString,
Alphabet alpha)
Create a new RichSequence in the specified namespace.
Constructor and Description |
ThinRichSequence(Namespace ns,
String name,
String accession,
int version,
Alphabet alpha,
Double seqversion)
Creates a new instance of ThinRichSequence.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DebuggingRichSeqIOListener.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length) |
void |
SimpleRichSequenceBuilder.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length)
Notify the listener of symbol data.
void |
RichSeqIOAdapter.addSymbols(Alphabet alpha,
Symbol[] syms,
int start,
int length) |
Constructor and Description |
HashedFastaIterator(BufferedInputStream is,
Alphabet alpha,
Namespace ns) |
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