Package | Description |
---|---| |
Classes to generate and describe sequence alignments.
| |
Interfaces and classes for chromatogram data, as produced by DNA sequencing equipment.
| |
Probability distributions over Alphabets.
| |
HMM and Dynamic Programming Algorithms.
| | | | | |
Graphical displays of biological sequences and associated annotations.
| |
The classes and interfaces in this package cover common molecular
biological techniques such as restriction digests and PCR.
| |
ABI Trace Handling.
| |
FASTQ and variants sequence format I/O.
| |
Parser for Phred output
| |
Support for the SCF chromatogram format.
| |
SSAHA sequence searching API.
| |
Utilities to aid in performing various physical analysis of proteins.
| |
Interfaces and classes for representing sequence similarity search results.
| |
Classes and interfaces for defining biological sequences and informatics
| |
The classes and interfaces for defining sequence similarity and
| |
Standard in-memory implementations of
Sequence and
Feature . | |
Classes and interfaces for processing and producing flat-file representations
of sequences.
| |
Code for projecting Feature objects and systematically altering their
| |
Representation of the Symbols that make up a sequence, and locations within
org.biojava.utils.automata | |
org.biojava.utils.regex |
This package is used to perform regular expression searches of
SymbolLists defined in arbitrary Alphabets.
org.biojavax |
The Biojava extensions packages, classes that extend the core biojava
The biojavax packages contain a number of extensions to the core biojava
| |
Interface between biojava and biosql databases
| |
Rich implementations of Sequences, Locations and Features.
| |
Classes to provide a genetic algorithm framework
| |
GA functions
A genetic algorithm requires a number of functions.
| |
Default implementations and abstract classes.
| |
Utility functions and helper classes
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
An alignment containing multiple SymbolLists.
interface |
ARAlignment is an interface that defines methods for adding and
removing seqeunces from an Alignment.
interface |
UnequalLengthAlignment has the following behavior.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractULAlignment |
class |
AbstractULAlignment.SubULAlignment |
class |
This class stores the result of an alignment procedure that creates a
pairwise alignment of two sequences.
class |
FlexibleAlignment is a class which implements UnequalLengthAlignment,
ARAlignment and EditableAlignment It places no restriction on where any
sequence can be in the alignment so there could be gaps in the alignment.
class |
A simple implementation of an Alignment.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected SymbolList |
SimpleAlignmentElement.seq |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
SimpleAlignmentElement.getSymbolList() |
SymbolList |
AlignmentElement.getSymbolList() |
SymbolList | |
SymbolList |
FlexibleAlignment.symbolListForLabel(String label) |
SymbolList |
AbstractULAlignment.SubULAlignment.symbolListForLabel(String label) |
SymbolList |
SimpleAlignment.symbolListForLabel(String label) |
SymbolList |
Alignment.symbolListForLabel(String label)
Retrieve a single row of the alignment by label.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<SymbolList> |
AbstractULAlignment.symbolListIterator() |
Iterator<SymbolList> |
AbstractULAlignment.SubULAlignment.symbolListIterator() |
Iterator<SymbolList> |
SimpleAlignment.symbolListIterator() |
Iterator<SymbolList> |
Creates an Iterator over the SymbolLists in the alignment.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
FlexibleAlignment.allGaps(SymbolList seq,
int start,
int end)
make sure that all Symbols in this range are gaps
AlignmentPair |
NeedlemanWunsch.pairwiseAlignment(SymbolList query,
SymbolList subject)
Global pairwise sequence alignment of two BioJava-Sequence objects
according to the Needleman-Wunsch-algorithm.
AlignmentPair |
SmithWaterman.pairwiseAlignment(SymbolList query,
SymbolList subject)
Overrides the method inherited from the NeedlemanWunsch and performs only
a local alignment.
abstract AlignmentPair |
AlignmentAlgorithm.pairwiseAlignment(SymbolList query,
SymbolList subject)
Performs a pairwise sequence alignment of the two given sequences.
Constructor and Description |
SimpleAlignmentElement(String label,
SymbolList seq,
Location loc) |
Constructor and Description |
SimpleAlignment(Map<String,SymbolList> labelToResList)
Generate an alignment from a list of SymbolLists.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SymbolList |
AbstractChromatogram.createImmutableSymbolList(Alphabet alpha,
List syms)
A factory method for creating new symbol lists with a given alphabet.
static SymbolList |
ChromatogramTools.getDNASequence(Chromatogram chromat)
Get the called DNA sequence from a chromatogram.
static SymbolList |
ChromatogramTools.getTraceOffsets(Chromatogram chromat)
Get the peak offsets for the called bases of a chromatogram.
protected SymbolList |
AbstractChromatogram.reverseComplementBaseCallList(Object label)
Return a symbol list containing the reverse complement of the base call
data for the given label.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static int |
ChromatogramTools.getIntFromSymbolList(SymbolList list,
int which)
Retrieves, unwraps, and returns an
int from a
SymbolList containing IntegerAlphabet.IntegerSymbol s. |
void |
SimpleChromatogram.setSymbolLists(SymbolList dna,
SymbolList offsets)
Set the DNA and OFFSETS symbol lists for the basecall alignment.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SymbolList |
DistributionTools.generateSymbolList(Distribution d,
int length)
Produces a
SymbolList by randomly sampling a Distribution. |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Extends the Alignment interface so that it is explicitly used to represent
a state path through an HMM, and the associated emitted sequence and
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A no-frills implementation of StatePath.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
SimpleStatePath.subList(int start,
int end) |
SymbolList |
SimpleStatePath.symbolListForLabel(String label) |
SymbolList[] |
DPMatrix.symList() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<SymbolList> |
SimpleStatePath.symbolListIterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract double |
DP.backward(SymbolList[] symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
abstract DPMatrix |
DP.backwardMatrix(SymbolList[] symList,
DPMatrix matrix,
ScoreType scoreType) |
abstract DPMatrix |
DP.backwardMatrix(SymbolList[] symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
abstract double |
DP.forward(SymbolList[] symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
abstract DPMatrix |
DP.forwardMatrix(SymbolList[] symList,
DPMatrix matrix,
ScoreType scoreType) |
abstract DPMatrix |
DP.forwardMatrix(SymbolList[] symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
DP.forwardsBackwards(SymbolList[] symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
static double |
DP.scoreWeightMatrix(WeightMatrix matrix,
SymbolList symList,
int start)
Scores the SymbolList from symbol start to symbol (start+columns) with a
weight matrix.
static double |
DP.scoreWeightMatrix(WeightMatrix matrix,
SymbolList symList,
ScoreType scoreType,
int start)
Scores the SymbolList from symbol start to symbol (start+columns) with a
weight matrix using a particular ScoreType.
protected double |
BaumWelchSampler.singleSequenceIteration(ModelTrainer trainer,
SymbolList symList) |
protected double |
BaumWelchTrainer.singleSequenceIteration(ModelTrainer trainer,
SymbolList symList) |
protected abstract double |
AbstractTrainer.singleSequenceIteration(ModelTrainer trainer,
SymbolList symList) |
protected double |
BaumWelchSampler.singleSequenceIteration(ModelTrainer trainer,
SymbolList symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
abstract StatePath |
DP.viterbi(SymbolList[] symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
Constructor and Description |
ReverseIterator(SymbolList sym) |
SimpleStatePath(double score,
SymbolList sequence,
SymbolList states,
SymbolList scores) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected SymbolList[] |
SingleDPMatrix.symList |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
SmallCursor.symList() |
SymbolList[] |
SingleDPMatrix.symList() |
SymbolList |
The symbol list being looped over.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
SingleDP.backward(SymbolList[] seq,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
SingleDP.backwardMatrix(SymbolList[] seq,
DPMatrix matrix,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
SingleDP.backwardMatrix(SymbolList[] seq,
ScoreType scoreType) |
double |
SingleDP.forward(SymbolList[] seq,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
SingleDP.forwardMatrix(SymbolList[] seq,
DPMatrix matrix,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
SingleDP.forwardMatrix(SymbolList[] seq,
ScoreType scoreType) |
StatePath |
SingleDP.viterbi(SymbolList[] symList,
ScoreType scoreType) |
Constructor and Description |
SingleDPMatrix(DP dp,
SymbolList symList) |
SmallCursor(State[] states,
SymbolList symList,
Iterator symIterator) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected SymbolList[] |
AbstractMatrixPairDPCursor.seqs |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList[] |
PairDPMatrix.symList() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
PairwiseDP.backward(SymbolList[] seqs,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
PairwiseDP.backwardMatrix(SymbolList[] seqs,
DPMatrix d,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
PairwiseDP.backwardMatrix(SymbolList[] seqs,
ScoreType scoreType) |
double |
PairwiseDP.forward(SymbolList[] seqs,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
PairwiseDP.forwardMatrix(SymbolList[] seqs,
DPMatrix d,
ScoreType scoreType) |
DPMatrix |
PairwiseDP.forwardMatrix(SymbolList[] seqs,
ScoreType scoreType) |
StatePath |
PairwiseDP.viterbi(SymbolList[] seqs,
ScoreType scoreType) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractMatrixPairDPCursor(SymbolList seq1,
SymbolList seq2,
int start1,
int start2,
int depth1,
int depth2,
PairDPMatrix matrix,
EmissionCache eCache) |
BackMatrixPairDPCursor(SymbolList seq1,
SymbolList seq2,
int depth1,
int depth2,
PairDPMatrix matrix,
EmissionCache eCache) |
LightPairDPCursor(SymbolList seq1,
SymbolList seq2,
int depth1,
int depth2,
int numStates,
EmissionCache eCache)
Constructor for the LightPairDPCursor object
MatrixPairDPCursor(SymbolList seq1,
SymbolList seq2,
int depth1,
int depth2,
PairDPMatrix matrix,
EmissionCache eCache) |
PairDPMatrix(DP dp,
SymbolList seq0,
SymbolList seq1) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
SubPairwiseRenderContext.getSecondarySymbols() |
SymbolList |
getSecondarySymbols returns the symbols of the
secondary sequence. |
SymbolList |
getSecondarySymbols returns all of the
Symbol s belonging to the currently rendered
secondary Sequence . |
SymbolList |
CircularRendererPanel.getSequence() |
SymbolList |
SequencePanel.getSequence() |
SymbolList |
getSequence returns the entire
Sequence currently being rendered. |
SymbolList |
SubPairwiseRenderContext.getSymbols() |
SymbolList |
HeadlessRenderContext.getSymbols() |
SymbolList |
Retrieve the currently rendered SymbolList
SymbolList |
getSymbols returns all of the Symbol s
belonging to the currently rendered Sequence . |
SymbolList |
The SymbolList that is currently rendered by this SequenceRenderContext.
SymbolList |
SubSequenceRenderContext.getSymbols() |
SymbolList |
The SymbolList that is currently rendered by this context.
SymbolList |
Retrieve the currently rendered SymbolList
SymbolList |
getSymbols returns all of the Symbol s
belonging to the currently rendered Sequence . |
SymbolList |
SubCircularRendererContext.getSymbols() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CircularRendererPanel.setSequence(SymbolList symList) |
void |
SequencePanel.setSequence(SymbolList s)
Set the SymboList to be rendered.
void |
TranslatedSequencePanel.setSequence(SymbolList sequence)
setSequence sets the Sequence to be
rendered. |
Constructor and Description |
SubCircularRendererContext(CircularRendererContext delegate,
SymbolList symbols,
FeatureHolder features,
double radius)
Create a new sub context.
SubPairwiseRenderContext(PairwiseRenderContext context,
SymbolList symbols,
SymbolList secondarySymbols,
FeatureHolder features,
FeatureHolder secondaryFeatures,
RangeLocation range,
RangeLocation secondaryRange)
Creates a new
SubPairwiseRenderContext . |
SubSequenceRenderContext(SequenceRenderContext src,
SymbolList symbols,
FeatureHolder features,
RangeLocation range) |
SubSequenceRenderContext(SequenceRenderContext src,
SymbolList symbols,
FeatureHolder features,
RangeLocation range,
int symOffset) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected SymbolList | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
getRecognitionSite returns the forward strand of
the recognition site. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Composition.setSymbolList(SymbolList symbolList)
Set the
SymbolList to calculation the composition of. |
Constructor and Description |
RestrictionEnzyme(String name,
SymbolList site,
int dsForward,
int dsReverse)
Creates a new
RestrictionEnzyme which cuts within
or downstream of the recognition site. |
RestrictionEnzyme(String name,
SymbolList site,
int usForward,
int usReverse,
int dsForward,
int dsReverse)
Creates a new
RestrictionEnzyme of the unusual
type which cuts both upstream and downstream of its recognition
site. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
Returns the original programatically determined (unedited) sequence as a
SymbolList . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Alignment |
ABITools.getAlignment(SymbolList abiSeq)
View a symbol list over the QUALITY alphabet as an alignment.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SymbolList |
FastqTools.createDNA(Fastq fastq)
Create and return a new DNA
SymbolList from the specified FASTQ formatted sequence. |
static SymbolList |
FastqTools.createQualityScores(Fastq fastq)
Create and return a new
SymbolList of quality scores from the specified FASTQ formatted sequence. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
PhredSequence is an extension of SimpleSequence that implements
Qualitative to hold Phred quality scores.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SymbolList |
PhredTools.createPhred(SymbolList dna,
SymbolList quality)
Merges a Symbol List from the DNA alphabet with a SymbolList from the
[0..99] subset of the IntegerAlphabet into a SymbolList from
the PHRED alphabet.
SymbolList |
Extracts the DNA part of the PhredAlpahbet SymbolList and returns it as a SymbolList
SymbolList |
Extracts the quality part if the Phred Alphabet and returns it as a SymbolList
over the Integer SubAlphabet from 0..99.
SymbolList |
Retreives the list of quality symbols from the underlying object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SymbolList |
PhredTools.createPhred(SymbolList dna,
SymbolList quality)
Merges a Symbol List from the DNA alphabet with a SymbolList from the
[0..99] subset of the IntegerAlphabet into a SymbolList from
the PHRED alphabet.
Constructor and Description |
PhredSequence(SymbolList phredSequence,
String name,
String urn,
Annotation anno)
Constructs a new PhredSequence.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SymbolList |
SCF.reverseComplementBaseCallList(String label)
AbstractChromatogram.reverseComplementBaseCallList(java.lang.Object) to
support the 7 quality values from the SCF. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void | id,
SymbolList symList,
SearchListener listener)
Search the DataStore with a symbol list.
void | seqID,
SymbolList symList,
SearchListener listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
The list of residues that the protease will cleave at.
SymbolList |
The list of residues that will prevent cleavage if they follow the cleavage
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Protease |
ProteaseManager.createProtease(SymbolList cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
String name) |
static Protease |
ProteaseManager.createProtease(SymbolList cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
SymbolList notCleaveRes,
String name)
Creates and registers a new Protease.
static double |
IsoelectricPointCalc.getIsoelectricPoint(SymbolList peptide)
Static public method to compute the pI for a polypeptide in
denaturating and reduced conditions with both free ends.
double |
MassCalc.getMass(SymbolList proteinSeq)
Get the Mass of this peptide.
static double |
MassCalc.getMass(SymbolList proteinSeq,
String isotopicType,
boolean MH_PLUS)
getMass calculates the mass of this peptide. |
static double |
MassCalc.getMolecularWeight(SymbolList proteinSeq)
Calculate the molecular weight of a protein, making estimates whenever it is
possible like averaging mass values for ambiguity symbols or counting
zero when gaps are encountered.
double |
IsoelectricPointCalc.getPI(SymbolList peptide,
boolean hasFreeNTerm,
boolean hasFreeCTerm)
Computes isoelectric point of specified peptide.
double[] |
MassCalc.getVariableMasses(SymbolList peptide)
Get all masses including the variable mass.
Constructor and Description |
Protease(SymbolList cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
SymbolList notCleaveRes)
Creating a Protease with this constructor will not register it
with the ProteaseManager (use ProteaseManager.createProtease())
Protease(SymbolList cleaveRes,
boolean endoProtease,
SymbolList notCleaveRes,
String name) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
MaxMismatchPattern.getPattern() |
SymbolList |
KnuthMorrisPrattSearch.getPattern() |
SymbolList | |
SymbolList |
Get the matching region as a SymbolList.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int[] |
KnuthMorrisPrattSearch.findMatches(SymbolList text)
This will return an int[] giving the offsets of the matches in
(ie the location of the first symbol of each match in the text ). |
BioMatcher |
MaxMismatchPattern.matcher(SymbolList symList) |
BioMatcher |
BioPattern.matcher(SymbolList symList)
Get a matcher that will use these parameters to search a SymbolList.
BioMatcher |
SeqContentPattern.matcher(SymbolList symList) |
SeqSimilaritySearchResult | querySeq,
SequenceDB db,
Map searchParameters)
Using this sequence similarity searcher, search with the given
sequence against the given sequence database.
void |
MaxMismatchPattern.setPattern(SymbolList pattern) |
Constructor and Description |
KnuthMorrisPrattSearch(SymbolList pattern)
Constructs a KMP matcher to find exact occurances of
pattern in text using the
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. |
MaxMismatchPattern(SymbolList pattern,
int mismatches) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Extension of GappedSymbolList which also projects features
into the gapped coordinate system.
interface |
A biological sequence.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A circular view onto another Sequence object.
class |
A Sequence which is assembled from other sequences contained
in a set of ComponentFeature objects.
class |
A Sequence which is assembled from other sequences contained
in a set of ComponentFeature objects.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SymbolList |
NucleotideTools.complement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.complement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
RNATools.complement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.createDNA(String dna)
Return a new DNA SymbolList for
static SymbolList |
NucleotideTools.createNucleotide(String nucleotide)
Return a new Nucleotide SymbolList for
static SymbolList |
ProteinTools.createProtein(String theProtein)
Return a new Protein SymbolList for protein.
static SymbolList |
RNATools.createRNA(String rna)
Return a new RNA SymbolList for
static SymbolList |
DNATools.flip(SymbolList list,
StrandedFeature.Strand strand)
Returns a SymbolList that is reverse complemented if the strand is
negative, and the origninal one if it is not.
SymbolList |
Return a list of symbols that are contained in this feature.
SymbolList |
Return a list of symbols that are contained in this feature.
static SymbolList |
NucleotideTools.reverseComplement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a reverse-complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.reverseComplement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a reverse-complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
RNATools.reverseComplement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a reverse-complement view of list.
SymbolList |
CircularView.subList(int start,
int end)
Over rides ViewSequence.
SymbolList |
SimpleAssembly.subList(int start,
int end) |
SymbolList |
NewSimpleAssembly.subList(int start,
int end) |
static SymbolList |
DNATools.toProtein(SymbolList syms)
Convenience method that directly converts a DNA sequence to RNA then to
static SymbolList |
DNATools.toProtein(SymbolList syms,
int start,
int end)
Convenience method to translate a region of a DNA sequence directly into
static SymbolList |
DNATools.toRNA(SymbolList syms)
Converts a
SymbolList from the DNA Alphabet to the
RNA Alphabet . |
static SymbolList |
RNATools.transcribe(SymbolList list)
The naming of this method is confusing and inconsistent use either DNATools.toRNA(SymbolList list) or
DNATools.transcribeToRNA(SymbolList list) depending on the desired behaivour.
static SymbolList |
GeneticCodes.transcribe(SymbolList theList)
Transcribe DNA into RNA.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.transcribeToRNA(SymbolList syms)
Transcribes DNA to RNA.
static SymbolList |
RNATools.translate(SymbolList syms)
Translate RNA into protein (with termination symbols).
static SymbolList |
GeneticCodes.translate(SymbolList theList)
Translate RNA into protein (with termination symbols).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SymbolList |
NucleotideTools.complement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.complement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
RNATools.complement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a complement view of list.
static Sequence |
SequenceTools.createSequence(SymbolList syms,
String uri,
String name,
Annotation ann) |
Sequence |
SequenceFactory.createSequence(SymbolList symList,
String uri,
String name,
Annotation annotation)
Creates a sequence using these parameters.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.flip(SymbolList list,
StrandedFeature.Strand strand)
Returns a SymbolList that is reverse complemented if the strand is
negative, and the origninal one if it is not.
static SymbolList |
NucleotideTools.reverseComplement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a reverse-complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.reverseComplement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a reverse-complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
RNATools.reverseComplement(SymbolList list)
Retrieve a reverse-complement view of list.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.toProtein(SymbolList syms)
Convenience method that directly converts a DNA sequence to RNA then to
static SymbolList |
DNATools.toProtein(SymbolList syms,
int start,
int end)
Convenience method to translate a region of a DNA sequence directly into
static SymbolList |
DNATools.toRNA(SymbolList syms)
Converts a
SymbolList from the DNA Alphabet to the
RNA Alphabet . |
static SymbolList |
RNATools.transcribe(SymbolList list)
The naming of this method is confusing and inconsistent use either DNATools.toRNA(SymbolList list) or
DNATools.transcribeToRNA(SymbolList list) depending on the desired behaivour.
static SymbolList |
GeneticCodes.transcribe(SymbolList theList)
Transcribe DNA into RNA.
static SymbolList |
DNATools.transcribeToRNA(SymbolList syms)
Transcribes DNA to RNA.
static SymbolList |
RNATools.translate(SymbolList syms)
Translate RNA into protein (with termination symbols).
static SymbolList |
GeneticCodes.translate(SymbolList theList)
Translate RNA into protein (with termination symbols).
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
EmptyPairwiseAlignment empty pairwise alignment
which has labels to empty symbol lists. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
SimilarityPairFeature.EmptyPairwiseAlignment.subList(int index1,
int index2) |
SymbolList |
SimilarityPairFeature.EmptyPairwiseAlignment.symbolListForLabel(String label) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<SymbolList> |
SimilarityPairFeature.EmptyPairwiseAlignment.symbolListIterator() |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Support class for applications which need to patch together sections
of sequence into a single SymbolList.
class |
A Sequence implementation that has a name and URI but no features,
and a zero length symbol list.
class |
Support class for applications which need to patch together sections
of sequence into a single SymbolList.
class |
A reverse complement view onto
Sequence interface. |
class |
Simple implementation of GappedSequence.
class |
A basic implementation of the
Sequence interface. |
class |
View a sub-section of a given sequence object, including all the
features intersecting that region.
class |
A view onto another Sequence object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
SimpleStrandedFeature.getSymbols() |
SymbolList |
SimpleFeature.getSymbols() |
SymbolList |
NewAssembledSymbolList.subList(int start,
int end) |
SymbolList |
SimpleSequence.subList(int start,
int end) |
SymbolList |
DummySequence.subList(int start,
int end) |
SymbolList |
SubSequence.subList(int start,
int end) |
SymbolList |
ViewSequence.subList(int start,
int end) |
SymbolList |
AssembledSymbolList.subList(int start,
int end) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Sequence |
SimpleSequenceFactory.createSequence(SymbolList symList,
String uri,
String name,
Annotation annotation) |
void |
AssembledSymbolList.putComponent(Location l,
SymbolList sl) |
Constructor and Description |
SimpleSequence(SymbolList sym,
String urn,
String name,
Annotation annotation)
Create a SimpleSequence with the symbols and alphabet of sym, and the
sequence properties listed.
SimpleSequence(SymbolList sym,
String urn,
String name,
Annotation annotation,
FeatureRealizer realizer)
Create a SimpleSequence using a specified FeatureRealizer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
ChunkedSymbolListFactory.make(SymbolReader sr)
Method to create a Sequence with a SymbolReader.
SymbolList |
Converts accumulated Symbols to a SymbolList
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
CharacterTokenization.tokenizeSymbolList(SymbolList sl) |
String |
AlternateTokenization.tokenizeSymbolList(SymbolList sl) |
String |
WordTokenization.tokenizeSymbolList(SymbolList sl) |
String |
SymbolTokenization.tokenizeSymbolList(SymbolList symList)
Return a string representation of a list of symbols.
Constructor and Description |
SymbolListCharSequence(SymbolList syms)
Creates a new
SymbolListCharSequence wrapping a
SymbolList . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
ProjectedFeature.getSymbols() |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
This extends SymbolList with API for manipulating, inserting and deleting
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Abstract helper implementation of the SymbolList core interface.
class |
SymbolList implementation using constant-size chunks.
class |
Symbol list which just consists of non-informative symbols.
class |
A SymbolList that stores symbols as bit-patterns in an array of longs.
class |
An alignment that relabels another alignment.
class |
This implementation of GappedSymbolList wraps a SymbolList, allowing you to
insert gaps.
class |
Basic implementation of SymbolList.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static SymbolList |
A useful object that represents an empty symbol list, to avoid returning
SymbolList |
Edit.replacement |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.emptyList(Alphabet alpha)
Get a new immutable, empty symbol list with the given alphabet.
static SymbolList |
DoubleAlphabet.fromArray(double[] dArray)
Retrieve a SymbolList view of an array of doubles.
static SymbolList |
IntegerAlphabet.fromArray(int[] iArray)
Retrieve a SymbolList view of an array of integers.
SymbolList |
Return the underlying (ungapped) SymbolList.
SymbolList |
SimpleGappedSymbolList.getSourceSymbolList() |
SymbolList |
PackedSymbolListFactory.makeSymbolList(Symbol[] symbolArray,
int size,
Alphabet alfa)
Makes a packed SymbolList out of a list of Symbols.
SymbolList |
SymbolListFactory.makeSymbolList(Symbol[] symbolArray,
int size,
Alphabet alfa)
makes a SymbolList containing size Symbols from a Symbol array.
SymbolList |
SimpleSymbolListFactory.makeSymbolList(Symbol[] symbolArray,
int size,
Alphabet alfa)
Create a factory for SimpleSymbolLists.
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.orderNSymbolList(SymbolList source,
int order)
An n-th order view of another SymbolList.
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.reverse(SymbolList symbols)
A reversed view onto a SymbolList.
SymbolList |
SymbolList.subList(int start,
int end)
Return a new SymbolList for the symbols start to end inclusive.
SymbolList |
RelabeledAlignment.subList(int min,
int max) |
SymbolList |
SimpleSymbolList.subList(int start,
int end)
create a subList of the original, this will be a view until
either the original symbolList or the sublist is edited
SymbolList |
ChunkedSymbolList.subList(int start,
int end) |
SymbolList |
AbstractSymbolList.subList(int start,
int end) |
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.subList(SymbolList parent,
int start,
int end)
View a portion of a SymbolList.
SymbolList |
RelabeledAlignment.symbolListForLabel(String label) |
SymbolList |
CircularLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq) |
SymbolList |
AbstractLocationDecorator.symbols(SymbolList seq) |
SymbolList |
FuzzyPointLocation.symbols(SymbolList slist) |
SymbolList |
AbstractRangeLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq) |
SymbolList |
Location.symbols(SymbolList seq)
Return the symbols in a sequence that fall within this range.
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.translate(SymbolList symbols,
TranslationTable table)
Provides a 'translated' view of an underlying SymbolList.
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.windowedSymbolList(SymbolList source,
int wsize)
A view of windows onto another SymbolList.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UkkonenSuffixTree.addSymbolList(SymbolList list,
String name,
boolean doNotTerminate) |
void |
SuffixTree.addSymbols(SymbolList sList,
int window)
Add a count for all motifs with length of up to
to this tree. |
static Alignment |
SymbolListViews.alignment(List labels,
SymbolList symList)
View a SymbolList over a cross-product Alphabet as an Alignment.
static String |
MotifTools.createRegex(SymbolList motif)
createRegex creates a regular expression which
matches the SymbolList . |
static int |
PackingFactory.nextWord(SymbolList symList,
int word,
int offset,
int wordLength,
Packing packing) |
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.orderNSymbolList(SymbolList source,
int order)
An n-th order view of another SymbolList.
static int |
PackingFactory.primeWord(SymbolList symList,
int wordLength,
Packing packing) |
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.reverse(SymbolList symbols)
A reversed view onto a SymbolList.
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.subList(SymbolList parent,
int start,
int end)
View a portion of a SymbolList.
SymbolList |
CircularLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq) |
SymbolList |
AbstractLocationDecorator.symbols(SymbolList seq) |
SymbolList |
FuzzyPointLocation.symbols(SymbolList slist) |
SymbolList |
AbstractRangeLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq) |
SymbolList |
Location.symbols(SymbolList seq)
Return the symbols in a sequence that fall within this range.
String |
SoftMaskedAlphabet.CaseSensitiveTokenization.tokenizeSymbolList(SymbolList sl) |
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.translate(SymbolList symbols,
TranslationTable table)
Provides a 'translated' view of an underlying SymbolList.
static SymbolList |
SymbolListViews.windowedSymbolList(SymbolList source,
int wsize)
A view of windows onto another SymbolList.
Constructor and Description |
ChunkedSymbolList(SymbolList[] chunks,
int chunkSize,
int length,
Alphabet alpha) |
Edit(int pos,
int length,
SymbolList replacement)
Create a new Edit.
PackedSymbolList(Packing packing,
SymbolList symList)
Create a new PackedSymbolList as a packed copy of another symbol list.
SimpleGappedSymbolList(SymbolList source)
Create a new SimpleGappedSymbolList that will view source.
SimpleSymbolList(SymbolList sl)
Construct a copy of an existing SymbolList.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void | sl) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
Returns the input subsequence matched by the previous match.
SymbolList | group)
Returns the input subsequence captured by the given group during the previous match operation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matcher |
Pattern.matcher(SymbolList sl)
Creates a matcher that will match the given input against this pattern.
boolean |
Search.Listener.reportMatch(SymbolList seq,
Pattern pattern,
int start,
int end) |
Matcher |
Matcher.reset(SymbolList sl)
Resets this matcher with a new input SymbolList.
void | seq)
search the Sequence with the patterns already registered with this object.
void | seq,
int loLimit,
int hiLimit)
search part of the SymbolList with the patterns already registered with this object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
DummyCrossReferenceResolver.getRemoteSymbolList(CrossRef cr,
Alphabet a)
Given a cross reference, return the corresponding symbol list.
SymbolList |
CrossReferenceResolver.getRemoteSymbolList(CrossRef cr,
Alphabet a)
Given a cross reference, return the corresponding symbol list.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
BioSQLCrossReferenceResolver.getRemoteSymbolList(CrossRef cr,
Alphabet a)
Given a cross reference, return the corresponding symbol list.
SymbolList |
BioSQLRichSequenceHandler.subList(RichSequence seq,
int start,
int end)
Return a new SymbolList for the symbols start to end inclusive.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
A rich sequence is a combination of a and a
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A symbol list that is
Integer.MAX_VALUE long, never gives index out of
bounds and always returns ambiguity symbols for everything. |
class |
A simple implementation of RichSequence.
class |
A simple implementation of RichSequence.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
A special function that returns the SymbolList that this RichSequence is
based around.
SymbolList |
A special function that returns the SymbolList that this RichSequence is
based around.
SymbolList |
A special function that returns the SymbolList that this RichSequence is
based around.
SymbolList |
Return a list of symbols that are contained in this feature.
SymbolList |
ThinRichSequence.subList(int start,
int end)
Return a new SymbolList for the symbols start to end inclusive.
SymbolList |
InfinitelyAmbiguousSymbolList.subList(int start,
int end)
Return a new SymbolList for the symbols start to end inclusive.
SymbolList |
DummyRichSequenceHandler.subList(RichSequence seq,
int start,
int end)
Return a new SymbolList for the symbols start to end inclusive.
SymbolList |
RichSequenceHandler.subList(RichSequence seq,
int start,
int end)
Return a new SymbolList for the symbols start to end inclusive.
SymbolList |
EmptyRichLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq)
Return the symbols in a sequence that fall within this range.
SymbolList |
CompoundRichLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq)
Return the symbols in a sequence that fall within this range.
SymbolList |
SimpleRichLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq)
Return the symbols in a sequence that fall within this range.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RichSequence |
RichSequence.Tools.createRichSequence(Namespace ns,
String name,
SymbolList syms)
Create a new RichSequence in the specified namespace.
static RichSequence |
RichSequence.Tools.createRichSequence(String name,
SymbolList syms)
Create a new RichSequence in the default namespace.
SymbolList |
EmptyRichLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq)
Return the symbols in a sequence that fall within this range.
SymbolList |
CompoundRichLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq)
Return the symbols in a sequence that fall within this range.
SymbolList |
SimpleRichLocation.symbols(SymbolList seq)
Return the symbols in a sequence that fall within this range.
Constructor and Description |
SimpleRichSequence(Namespace ns,
String name,
String accession,
int version,
SymbolList symList,
Double seqversion)
Creates a new instance of SimpleRichSequence.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList[] |
Gets the organisms 'chromosome' sequences
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Organism.setChromosomes(SymbolList[] chromosomes)
Sets the organisms 'chromosome' sequences.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList[] |
Gets the chromosomes after the cross
SymbolList[] |
Gets the chromosomes after the cross
SymbolList[] |
SimpleGACrossResult.getChromosomes() |
SymbolList |
MutationFunction.mutate(SymbolList seq)
Produces a new SymbolList by mutation.
SymbolList |
MutationFunction.NoMutation.mutate(SymbolList syml) |
SymbolList |
SwapMutationFunction.mutate(SymbolList seq) |
SymbolList |
SimpleMutationFunction.mutate(SymbolList seq) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList |
MutationFunction.mutate(SymbolList seq)
Produces a new SymbolList by mutation.
SymbolList |
MutationFunction.NoMutation.mutate(SymbolList syml) |
SymbolList |
SwapMutationFunction.mutate(SymbolList seq) |
SymbolList |
SimpleMutationFunction.mutate(SymbolList seq) |
GACrossResult |
CrossOverFunction.performCrossOver(SymbolList chromA,
SymbolList chromB)
Performs a cross between the pair of chromosomes
GACrossResult |
CrossOverFunction.NoCross.performCrossOver(SymbolList chromA,
SymbolList chromB) |
GACrossResult |
SimpleCrossOverFunction.performCrossOver(SymbolList chromA,
SymbolList chromB) |
GACrossResult |
OrderCrossover.performCrossOver(SymbolList chromA,
SymbolList chromB) |
Constructor and Description |
SimpleGACrossResult(PointLocation[] crossOverPositions,
SymbolList[] chromosomes) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected SymbolList[] |
AbstractOrganism.chromosomes |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymbolList[] |
AbstractOrganism.getChromosomes() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
SimpleOrganism.setChromImpl(SymbolList[] chromosomes) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractOrganism.setChromImpl(SymbolList[] chromosomes) |
void |
AbstractOrganism.setChromosomes(SymbolList[] chromosomes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SymbolList |
GATools.createBinary(String binarySequence)
Creates a
SymbolList in the GABinary Alphabet |
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