Class ArrowGlyph

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ArrowGlyph
    extends Object
    implements Glyph
    A Glyph that paints an arrow shape within the bounds. The setDirection method allows the decision of the direction, to which the arrow points.
    Mark Southern, Andreas Dräger
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrowGlyph

        public ArrowGlyph()
        Creates a new ArrowGlyph, which is filled with the color blue by default.
      • ArrowGlyph

        public ArrowGlyph​(Paint fillPaint,
                          Paint outerPaint)
        Creates a new ArrowGlyph, which is filled with the given color.
        fillPaint - Paint properties to fill this arrow.
        outerPaint - Paint properties of the outer border of this arrow.
      • ArrowGlyph

        public ArrowGlyph​(Rectangle2D.Float bounds)
        This constructs an arrow in the given bounds, which is colored blue.
        bounds -
      • ArrowGlyph

        public ArrowGlyph​(Rectangle2D.Float bounds,
                          Paint fillPaint,
                          Paint outerPaint)
        Constructor which sets both the size of this arrow and its color.
        bounds -
        fillPaint -
    • Method Detail

      • setDirection

        public void setDirection​(int direction)
        This method allows you to decide in which direction the arrow has to point. The definition of directions is equal to the definition of StrandedFeature.
        direction - A +1 means to the right, -1 to the left an 0 (and any other value) produces a rectangular shape without arrows at its end.
      • getFillPaint

        public Paint getFillPaint()
        Returns the paint properties of this glyph.
        the fillPaint
      • setFillPaint

        public void setFillPaint​(Paint fillPaint)
        Allows you to set the paint properties of this glyph.
        fillPaint -
      • getOuterPaint

        public Paint getOuterPaint()
        Returns the paint properties of the outer line of this glyph.
        the outerPaint
      • setOuterPaint

        public void setOuterPaint​(Paint outerPaint)
        Allows setting the paint properties of the outer line of this glyph to the given value.
        outerPaint -