Tools for reading and writing an XML representation of BioJava's FeatureFilter language.
These classes allow reading and writing of FeatureFilters in a human-readable XML form. This is primarily intended for implementing web services which allow remote access to BioJava data, but could be used as an easier way to represent complex FeatureFilters than writing out constructors explicitly.
Interface Summary Interface Description XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.CollectionConstraintHandler Handler for an individualCollectionConstraint
in an AnnotationType.XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.CollectionConstraintHandlerFactory Handler Factory for aCollectionConstraint
in an AnnotationType.XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.PropertyConstraintHandler Handler for an individualPropertyConstraint
in an AnnotationType.XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.PropertyConstraintHandlerFactory Handler Factory for aPropertyConstraint
in an AnnotationType.XMLAnnotationTypeWriter.XMLCollectionConstraintWriter Writer for types of CollectionConstraint.XMLAnnotationTypeWriter.XMLPropertyConstraintWriter Writer for types of PropertyConstraint.XMLFilterHandler.FilterHandler StAXContentHandler for a particular type of FeatureFilter.XMLFilterHandler.FilterHandlerFactory Factory of StAXContentHandlers for a particular type of FeatureFilter.XMLFilterWriter.FilterWriter Interface for an object which can write a FeatureFilter as XML. -
Class Summary Class Description XMLAnnotationTypeHandler StAX handler for parsing AnnotationTypes in FilterXML documents.XMLAnnotationTypeWriter Main class for writing AnnotationTypes as XML.XMLFilterHandler Factory producing content handlers for parsing FilterXML elements.XMLFilterWriter Write FeatureFilters in XML format.