Class SimpleTaxon

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Annotatable, Taxon, Changeable

    public class SimpleTaxon
    extends AbstractTaxon
    replaced by classes in
    A no-frills implementatation of Taxon.

    A TaxonFactory implementation will probably wish to sub-class this and add package-private accessors for the parent and children fields as well as a pacakge-private constructor.

    Matthew Pocock
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleTaxon

        protected SimpleTaxon​(String scientificName,
                              String commonName)
        Create a new instance with no parent, no children and given scientific and common names.
    • Method Detail

      • getParent

        public Taxon getParent()
        Description copied from interface: Taxon

        The parent of this Taxon.

        Taxa live within a tree data-structure, so every taxon has a single parent except for the root type. This has the null parent.

        the parent Taxon, or null if this is the root type.
      • getChildren

        public Set getChildren()
        Description copied from interface: Taxon

        The children of this Taxon.

        Taxa live within a tree data-structure, so every taxon has zero or more children. In the case of zero children, the empty set is returned.

        ? read-only ? dynamicaly updated with taxon object ? copy of data ?

        the Set (possibly empty) of all child Taxa