Package org.biojava.utils
Miscellaneous utility classes used by other BioJava components.
Interface Summary Interface Description ActivityListener Interface for object which monitor long-running activities.Changeable This is a flag interface that defines the common add/remove listener methods for classes and interfaces that wish to indicate that they are sources of ChangeEvents.ChangeHub Interface implemented by ChangeHubs, i.e.ChangeListener Interface for objects which listen to ChangeEvents.Commitable Implementations ofCommitable
support atomic changes from one known state to another via commit/rollback semantics.ListTools.Mapper Maps one object to another.ParseErrorListener Listener for a ParseErrorEvent.ParseErrorSource Source for a ParseErrorEvent.ThreadPool ThreadPool
specifies basic thread-pooling operations such that third-party implementations may be used without requiring changes to BioJava. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractChangeable Useful base-class for objects implementing ChangeableBeanAsMap ChangeAdapter This is a ChangeListener that ignores everything.ChangeEvent Event which encapsulates a change in any mutable BioJava object.ChangeForwarder This is a ChangeListener that is designed to adapt events of one type from one source to events of another type emitted by another source.ChangeForwarder.Retyper A ChangeForwarder that systematically uses a given type and wraps the old event.ChangeListener.AlwaysVetoListener An implementation that always vetoes everything.ChangeListener.ChangeEventRecorder A listener that remembers the ChangeEvent of the last change.ChangeListener.LoggingListener A listener that writes information about the event stream to a PrintStream.ChangeSupport A utility class to provide management for informing ChangeListeners of ChangeEvents.ChangeType Class for all constants which are used to indicate change types.ClassTools Utility methods for manipulating class objects and resources.Constants Some usefull constants for working with binary files.ExecRunner Makes running external executables easier, optionally under a watched thread.FileAsList FileAsList
creates a writableList
implementation backed by a random access file.IndexedChangeHub implements Changeable support with a ChangeHub that stores ChangeListener by key.JDBCConnectionPool Really simple connection pool for JDBC databases.JDBCPooledDataSource Returns a DataSource that implements connection pooling Uses Jakarta Commons DBCP and Pool packages.ListTools ListTools.Doublet ListTools.SeriesList A list that represents a series of values.ListTools.Triplet MergingIterator MergingSet ObjectUtil utility methods for implementing the equals() and hashCode() methods of Objects.OverlayMap Overlap one map onto another.ParseErrorEvent Event which signals a bad line when parsing a record.ProcessTools Deprecated. preferable to use org.biojava.utils.ExecRunner or the org.biojava.utils.process package.RepeatedCharSequence Services Utility methods for handling META-INF/services filesSimpleThreadPool SimpleThreadPool
is a basic implementation ofThreadPool
for use where we don't wish to introduce a dependency on a 3rd-party pool.SingletonList SmallMap Lightweight implementation of Map which uses little memory to store a small number of mappings, at the expense of scalability.SmallSet Lightweight implementation of Set which uses little memory to store a small number of items, at the expense of scalability.StaticMemberPlaceHolder TriState Class that represents the tristate values possible in a logical operation: true, false and indeterminate.TypedProperties a sub-class of java.util.Properties that provides the same constructors, adds two convenient load methods to load the properties from files and, most importantly, adds getPropertyAsXXX() methods to get a property as an object of type XXX.Unchangeable This is a utility implementation of Changeable that doesn't fire any events or keep references to any listeners. -
Exception Summary Exception Description ChangeVetoException Exception which is thrown when a ChangeListener does not wish a change to take place.CommitFailure ParserException Exception thrown when an error occurs in document parsing.ProcessTimeoutException Exception which is thrown if a child process managed byProcessTools
exceeds a specified time limit. -
Error Summary Error Description AssertionFailure An unchecked exception representing an Assertion failure.