Interface ComparableOntology

    • Method Detail

      • setTermSet

        void setTermSet​(Set terms)
                 throws ChangeVetoException
        Clears out all the terms and populates the ontology with the contents of the set passed. The terms should be ComparableTerms.
        terms - a set of Term objects this ontology should have.
        ChangeVetoException - if any of them are unacceptable.
        See Also:
      • getTermSet

        Set getTermSet()
        Returns the set of terms in this ontology.
        a set of ComparableTerm objects.
        See Also:
      • getTripleSet

        Set getTripleSet()
        Returns the set of triples in this ontology.
        the set of ComparableTriple objects.
      • getOrCreateTerm

        ComparableTerm getOrCreateTerm​(String name)
        Looks for a term with the given name and returns it. If it couldn't be found, then it creates it, adds it to the ontology, then returns it.
        name - the name of the term to look for.
        the ComparableTerm representing that name.
      • getOrCreateTriple

        ComparableTriple getOrCreateTriple​(Term subject,
                                           Term object,
                                           Term predicate)
        Looks for a triple with the given subject object and predicate and returns it. If it couldn't be found, then it creates it, adds it to the ontology, then returns it.
        subject - the subject of the triple eg apple
        object - the object of the triple eg fruit
        predicate - the relationship of the triple eg is_a
        the ComparableTriple representing the object subject and predicate.
      • getOrImportTerm

        ComparableTerm getOrImportTerm​(Term term)
        Looks for a term with the same name as the given term and returns it. If it couldn't be found, then it creates it, adds it to the ontology, then returns it.
        term - the term to look for.
        the ComparableTerm representing that term in this ontology.