Class | Description |
AlignerHelper |
Static utility to construct alignment routines from a common library of methods.
AlignerHelper.Anchor |
Compounds in query and target sequences that must align
AlignerHelper.Anchor.QueryIndexComparator | |
AlignerHelper.Cut |
Defines a 'cut' row for divide-and-conquer alignment in which a new anchor is found.
AlignerHelper.Subproblem |
Alignment subproblem.
AnchoredPairwiseSequenceAligner<S extends Sequence<C>,C extends Compound> | |
GuanUberbacher<S extends Sequence<C>,C extends Compound> |
Enum | Description |
AlignerHelper.Last |
Define a traceback pointer for the three edit operations: substitution (match/replacement of a query compound
with a target compound), deletion (removal of a query compound leaving a gap in the target sequence), and
insertion (addition of a target compound opening a gap in the query sequence).
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