AboutDialog |
AlignmentCalc |
A class that obtains two structures via DAS and aligns them
This is done in a separate thread.
AlignmentCalcDB |
AlignmentGui |
A JFrame that allows to trigger a pairwise structure alignment,
either from files in a directory,
or after manual upload.
AlignmentTextPanel |
ChooseDirAction |
Ask the user to provide a directory containting PDB files.
ConfigPDBInstallPanel |
DBResultTable |
DBSearchGUI |
DisplayAFP |
A utility class for visualistion of structure alignments
DotPlotPanel |
Displays the dot plot trace for an alignment.
GUIAlignmentProgressListener |
a GUI that allows to watch progress as multiple alignments are being processed.
GUIFarmJobRunnable |
HelpDialog |
JPrintPanel |
MemoryMonitor |
Tracks Memory allocated & used, displayed in graph form.
MenuCreator |
Create the menus for structure alignment GUI windows (JFrames).
MenuCreator.DotPlotListener |
Creates a frame to display a DotPlotPanel.
MultipleAlignmentCalc |
A class that obtains structures via DAS and aligns them.
MultipleAlignmentGUI |
A JFrame that allows to trigger a multiple structure alignment,
either from files in a directory or after manual upload.
MultipleAlignmentJmolDisplay |
Utility Class that provides helper methods for the visualization of
MultipleAlignment s.
MyAlignmentLoadListener |
Loads an alignment in an XML format and displays its content in a
new Jmol panel.
MyDistMaxListener |
Shows the interatomic Distance Matrices of all the Structures aligned in different Frames.
MyExportListener |
MyOpenPdbFileListener |
MySaveFileListener |
Save an alignment to a specified File by the user.
MyTableRowSorter |
ParameterGUI |
SelectPDBPanel |
A Panel that allows user to specify PDB & chain ID, as well as sub-ranges
ShowPDBIDListener |
StructureAlignmentDisplay |
StructureLoaderThread |
SystemInfo |