Interface GuideTreeNode<S extends Sequence<C>,C extends Compound>

Type Parameters:
S - each Sequence in the tree is of type S
C - each element of a Sequence is a Compound of type C
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public interface GuideTreeNode<S extends Sequence<C>,C extends Compound> extends TreeNode
Defines a data structure for the node in a guide tree used during progressive multiple sequence alignment.
Mark Chapman
  • Method Details

    • getChild1

      Returns the first child node of this node. For leaf nodes (sequences), this will be null.
      the first child node of this node
    • getChild2

      Returns the second child node of this node. For leaf nodes (sequences), this will be null.
      the second child node of this node
    • getDistanceToParent

      Returns the difference in height of this node and it's parent node. A likely meaning of this distance is half the percent difference between this node and it's sibling node.
      the difference in height of this node to it's parent node
    • getName

      Returns the name of this node. For leaf nodes (sequences), this will likely be the accession ID.
      the name of this node
    • getProfile

      Returns the profile stored at this node. If the node is a leaf, the profile is that of a single sequence. If not, this returns null until setProfile(Profile) has been called.
      the profile stored at this node
    • getProfileFuture

      Returns the profile future stored at this node, but does not force the calculation, yet. This allows alignment tasks for the entire tree to be queued in a post-order traversal before concurrent execution.
      the profile future stored at this node
    • setProfile

      void setProfile(Profile<S,C> profile)
      Stores the given profile.
      profile - new profile stored at this node
    • setProfileFuture

      void setProfileFuture(Future<ProfilePair<S,C>> profileFuture)
      Stores the given profile future. This allows concurrent execution of alignment tasks.
      profileFuture - new profile to be calculated and then stored at this node