Interface FeatureInterface<S extends AbstractSequence<C>,C extends Compound>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFeature, FeatureDbReferenceInfo, QualityFeature, QuantityFeature, TextFeature

public interface FeatureInterface<S extends AbstractSequence<C>,C extends Compound>
Interface class to handle describing arbitrary features. A feature can be found at multiple locations in a sequence such as the surface of a protein where different sequence positions make up that feature. Ligand binding pocket is another example. The location in its current form knows the start and stop position in a sequence and thus should contain knowledge about the actual sequence.

A feature can contain features to handle cases where a domain is a feature and the secondary structures covered by that domain and other requirements for grouping.

Scooter Willis, Paolo Pavan
  • Method Details

    • getShortDescription

      Get the short description that can be used to describe the feature
    • setShortDescription

      void setShortDescription(String shortDescription)
      Set the short description that can be used to describe the feature
      shortDescription -
    • getDescription

      Get the description that can be used to describe the feature
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String description)
      Set the description that can be used to describe the feature
    • getLocations

      The location(s) of this feature where the location should contain a reference to parent and sequence etc.

      The location may be complicated, or simply a range. The annotation is assumed to apply to all the region contained within the location.

      a Location anchoring this feature
    • setLocation

      The new location for this feature.

      The location may be complicated or simply a range. The annotation is assumed to apply to the entire region contained within the location. Any values returned from methods that rely on the old location must not be affected.

      loc - the new Location for this feature
    • getType

      The type of the feature.
      the type of this sequence
    • setType

      void setType(String type)
      Change the type of this feature.
      type - new type String
    • getSource

      The source of the feature. This may be a program or process.
      the source, or generator
    • setSource

      void setSource(String source)
      Change the source of the FeatureInterface.
      source - the new source String
    • setParentFeature

      Set the parent feature
      feature -
    • getParentFeature

      Get the parent feature
    • getChildrenFeatures

      Get the features contained by this feature
    • setChildrenFeatures

      Set the children features
      features -
    • getUserObject

      the userObject
    • setUserObject

      void setUserObject(Object userObject)
      userObject - the userObject to set
    • getQualifiers

      Get the qualifiers for this feature
    • setQualifiers

      void setQualifiers(Map<String,List<Qualifier>> qualifiers)
      Set the qualifiers
      qualifiers -
    • addQualifier

      void addQualifier(String key, Qualifier qualifier)
      Add a qualifier
      qualifier -