Interface Annotation

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAnnotation, SmallAnnotation

public interface Annotation

Arbitrary annotation associated with one or more objects.

Biological information often does not fit design patterns very well, and can be a jumble of facts and relationships. Annotation objects provide a standard way for you to store this mess as a property of an object.

Annotations may contain keys that have Annotations as values. In this way, annotations can be shared among multiple Annotatable objects, and you can represent semi-structured data.

It is perfectly possible to wrap up almost any tree-like or flat data structure as Annotation.

Other than when using the constructor, you should be able to interact with nearly all Annotation implementations via this API.
Matthew Pocock, Thomas Down
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Annotation
    A really useful empty and immutable annotation object.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return a map that contains the same key/values as this Annotation.
    Returns whether there the property is defined.
    Retrieve the value of a property by key.
    Get a set of key objects.
    Delete a property.
    setProperty(Object key, Object value)
    Set the value of a property.
  • Field Details


      A really useful empty and immutable annotation object.

      Be careful when storing Annotation arguments to constructors. It is possible that you have been passed EMPTY_ANNOTATION but that code later on will access this object believing it to be mutable. For example, the SeqIO factory code clones some Annotations passed in on Feature.Template instances Use this instead of null when you really don't want an object or an implementation to have annotation even though it should implement Annotatable.
  • Method Details

    • getProperty

      Retrieve the value of a property by key.

      Unlike the Map collections, it will complain if the key does not exist. It will only return null if the key is defined and has value null.

      Normal raw access to the property. For cleverer access, use methods in AnnotationType.
      key - the key of the property to retrieve
      the object associated with that key
      NoSuchElementException - if there is no property with the key
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(Object key, Object value)

      Set the value of a property.

      This method throws an exception if either properties can not be added to this object, or that this particular property is immutable or illegal within the implementation.

      Normal raw access to the property. For cleverer access, use methods in AnnotationType.
      key - the key object
      value - the new value for this key
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property key is not legal
    • removeProperty

      Delete a property. Normal raw access to the property. For cleverer access, use methods in AnnotationType.
      key - the key object
      NoSuchElementException - if the property doesn't exist
    • containsProperty

      boolean containsProperty(Object key)
      Returns whether there the property is defined. Normal raw access to the property. For cleverer access, use methods in AnnotationType.
      key - the key Object to search for
      true if this Annotation knows about the key, false otherwise
    • keys

      Get a set of key objects.
      a Set of key objects
    • asMap

      Return a map that contains the same key/values as this Annotation.

      If the annotation changes, the map may not reflect this. The Map may be unmodifiable.

      a Map