
How to serialize a protein structure to a database

There is an add-on to BioJava that provides Hibernate mappings for the protein structure classes at BioJava Structure Hibernate. It mainly consists of the Hibernate mappings files,with a few Java helper classes.

I am not sure if this code should be joint with the core BioJava SVN, but then BioJava should not directly depend on Hibernate… –Andreas 17:42, 8 October 2007 (EDT)

If you have BioJava Structure Hibernate installed, you can do something like:

See also the example page


import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Chain; import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Compound; import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Group; import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Structure; import org.biojava.nbio.structure.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import org.biojava.nbio.structure.hibernate.StructureFile; import; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;

/** A class that finds all PDB files from the filesystem and stores them in the database.

* A current release of PDB (2007 - September) takes about one night for an upload
* (without the atoms).


public class DemoWritePDBFiles {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // init log4j

       if (args.length < 1 ) {
           System.err.println("please provide PDB directory as argument");

// init the installation

       File pdbLocation = new File(args[0]);

       System.out.println("searching in " + pdbLocation);

       // init the demo class
       DemoWritePDBFiles demo = new DemoWritePDBFiles();
       // now we find all PDB files under the provided directory
       List` pdbfiles = demo.getAllPDB(pdbLocation);` `       System.out.println("serializing "+ pdbfiles.size() + " PDB files...");` `       try {` `           demo.storeFiles(pdbfiles);` `       } catch (Exception e) {` `           e.printStackTrace();` `       }` `       ` `   }`

   /** get all PDBfiles from a directory
    * @param dir the directory where the PDB files are located
    * @return all PDB files
   public  List` getAllPDB(File dir)  {`

       List` allpdbs = new ArrayList``();`

       if ( ! dir.isDirectory()){
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("path is not a directory " + dir);

       //  This filter only returns directories
       FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter() {
           public boolean accept(File file) {
               return file.isDirectory();
       File[] subfiles = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);

       for (File f: subfiles){
           List` pdbs = getAllPDB(f);` `           allpdbs.addAll(pdbs);`


       String[] all = dir.list();

       for (int i = 0 ; i < all.length;i++ ){
           // filenames are like 'pdb1234.ent.gz'
           String file = all[i];
           if ( (file.endsWith(".pdb.gz")) || 
                   ( file.endsWith(".ent.gz")) ||
                   (file.endsWith(".pdb")) ||
               allpdbs.add(new File(dir+File.separator + file));

       return allpdbs;

   /** upload the set of PDB files into the database
    * @param pdbfiles - list of PDBFiles
    * @throws HibernateException
   public void storeFiles(List` pdbfiles) throws HibernateException{` `       //Object ownership = HibernateSession.createSession();` `       //Session session = HibernateSession.getSession();` `       int l = pdbfiles.size();`

       //long loopStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
       PDBFileReader pdbreader = new PDBFileReader();

       int i=0;
       for (File f: pdbfiles){
           StructureFile struFile = new StructureFile();

           System.out.println("# "+i + " / " + l + " " + f);
           try {
               // associate the biojava Structure container class with
               // the location of the PDB file in the filesystem               
               Structure s = pdbreader.getStructure(f);

               // now we write it

           } catch (Exception e){


   /** does the actual Hibernate serialisation
    * @param struFile 
   private void createAndStoreStructure(StructureFile struFile ) {

       Structure s = struFile.getStructure();

       // open a new Hibernate session
       Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();

       //System.err.println("saving struc");
       for (Compound compound : s.getCompounds()){
       // save the toplevel container
       // save the file path
       for (Chain chain:s.getChains(0)){   
           for (Group g: chain.getAtomGroups()){   
               /* at the moment writing Atoms is very slow,
                * it needs some more optimization ... :-(
                * patches are welcome!
                * Therefore by default writing the Atoms is disabled.
                * if you want to do that, uncomment these lines, as well as the 
                * lines in HetatomImpl.hbm.xml
                //for ( Atom a: g.getAtoms())
                //     session.saveOrUpdate(a);
           //System.err.println("saving groups seqres");
           for (Group g: chain.getSeqResGroups()){
               /* see above
                //for ( Atom a: g.getAtoms())                  
               //  session.saveOrUpdate(a);


} ```